Thursday, December 29, 2011

I feel like I just had P-day. Oh Well. Who's complaining?

Dear Family,
It was great to talk to you.  I really loved seeing everyone and it was nice to remember that everyone is actually real.  I was talking to my zone leader later that night and it was funny because we both felt like it is a little surprising that life in the outside world keeps going on.  And also that I still know everyone.  I don't know if that makes sense- but it's kind of like my communication with everyone is so limited that family and friends suddenly become what is on this piece of paper and it was nice talking to you because it was a good reminder that hey you actually are real people.  Any way enough of that.  I do agree with pretty much everyone that I wished we could have talked more.  Oh well. Mother' day is only 5 months away.  We will try again then.
Christmas was actually a really great day.  After talking to you went to the YSA ward and then we went to a nonmember's house for Christmas dinner.  She is the mother of two missionaries out from the YSA ward and even though she doesn't live in our area she requested permission to have us over for dinner.  It was really fun and entertaining.  Sister Gittins and I spent about 45 minutes talking to their neighbor.  She was a really nice lady but very opinionated.  She talked about how as independent women we can do a lot to help the situation of other women to gain the rights that they deserve.  It actually was very inspiring and I started thinking about how grateful I was for the church and our emphasise on families centered on the teachings of Jesus Christ.  I know that learning through our families is how really change in this world can be made.  I shared a little of my thought with her.  She listened but I think she was thinking more about more fully breaking the glass ceiling in the business world.  My favorite part of the conversation was when she asked us what would happen if we met a nice young man on our mission, could we date them?  I said, "No and we aren't even supposed to flirt."  She looked at me and said, "Well if you ask me that just doesn't seem natural.  I don't think that is what Jesus would do!"  Ha!  I loved it!!
After that we went to a family in the family ward and they were just wonderful.  It really reminded me of Christmas dinners at home and it was so nice.  The only problem was during our spiritual message the dog started to lap up water so loudly the entire family started to laugh.  Then during the closing prayer the dog started snoring.  I feel like the worst missionary in the world but I started laughing during the prayer- which then made the rest of the family laugh.  WORST MISSIONARY EVER!
Oh and that is the second time I have started laughing during a prayer or spiritual message this week.  The other time I was at dinner with a family in our ward.  I mentioned the white house and we started talking about the secret service men.  I told them that my favorite was when I see an agent just sitting in a bush.  The mom looked at me and said, "Did you ever consider that they are in the bushes because the president neglected to provide an out house for them?"  I laughed and then when we started our message I just started thinking of some of the secret service people we know sitting in a bush and I kind of burst out laughing.  Sister Gittins has a lot of patience with me.  But in her words, "Oh heavens!"
Yesterday was a good day and I'm looking forward to this week.  I hope that we are able to get out of the holiday slump that is going on in our area.  Whoever said holidays were prime proselyting times were not thinking of Carlsbad California.  Everyone is way too busy and that just makes things difficult.  Of course, now everyone will be too busy because they are recovering from the holidays or starting school again.  I guess the work has to go on no matter what the calender says. 
I hope everyone has a great week.  It was great to talk to everyone on Sunday.  I love you and miss you a ton.
Sister Allred

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

YEAH! Christmas is coming!

Dear Family,
Well I have super mixed feelings about this week.  It was long.  I mean SUPER loooong!  I think it was a good week but I'll be honest I don't really remember past Friday and I forgot my planner to help me remember.
Actually I'm not sure what happened this week.  Sunday night when we were counting up our numbers to call them in we were super shocked to see that we actually had pretty low numbers this week.  I have no idea how, but I'm excited for this week.  I think one thing i learned from this week is to keep and running total and refer back to our weekly goals regularly.  Anyway that is just missionary technical stuff, but it has been a big lesson for me this week. 
Friday and Saturday we went on exchanges.  I went with Sister Gilmore- she was in this area previously and was so happy to be back.  She kept talking about potentials and former that we should go and check on.  I was really pretty proud of myself because I could actually handle my own in the area.  I have decided though that I don't like my companion leaving the area.  I feel like there is always so much to catch up when she gets back.  We had a good exchange and I was happy to be back with Sister Gittins at the end. 
Oh gosh when I start thinking about the exciting things that happened this week they are all super nerdy missionary things that I don't know if anyone would be interested in.  Like we finally got a new ward mission leader in the YSA ward which is awesome.  We really haven't had one since I got here and I'm excited to get that ball rolling.  Or we had an awesome training yesterday at district meeting.  It was all about how our mission president has the keys to to work here in this mission and we need to make sure we are applying all of the training that the president is giving us.  It was really great.  Or I'm working more on my "teaching well" and its going awesome.  At teaching well is like the huge data base of all the resources I can pull from when planning my lesson for a specific person on a certain topic.  We are supposed to have a well to draw from for every principle in the missionary lessons.  It is super slow going but it's awesome.  Right now I am going through the scriptures and I am just learning so much.  I love spending that time in the morning reading and studying because I just know that this is the true church and the spirit confirms that every morning.  Anyway...that is my life right now.  Isn't it great! 
Hopefully when I talk to you on Sunday I will have more interesting stories.  I am going to be using skype at my ward mission leaders house in the 8th ward.  We have church at 9am and so I should be calling around 10:30am.  So what is that!  1:30 pm your time.  I am so excited to see everyone!  Oh also I finally got the music for the song I will be singing at the Christmas Conference on Saturday.  It's pretty but all I can say is I am so glad it is a choir and not a solo.   
Okay I think that's it for this week.  I love you and I'll talk to you on Sunday!!!!
Love Sister Allred

What a big week!

Dear Family,
Oh my gosh!  is sounds like it was an awesome week at home! That is awesome!  I mean really amazing.  Deborah, I'm tearing up right now because I'm so happy for you.  I really love you so much and I'm so happy for you. I wish I could have been there, but I am so happy for you.  Yeah!!
Rachel!!  Happy Birthday!!! I am so proud of you Rachel.  I thought about you a ton yesterday  I wished you happy birthday all the was over hear in Vista California.  Did you hear me?  I just think you are the coolest person ever.  I love you!  P.s. Mom, Rachel's birthday cake looked gorgeous!  Holy cow it was pretty.
Wow it just seemed like everyone in the family had a big week.  I had a pretty big week two.  We have been working hard although this week seemed to drag out FOREVER!!!  Yeah I can barely remember last Tuesday.  I met a lot of people in our ward and I think I'm beginning to remember who they are.  Which is super good.  I'm still getting lost in the area, but I think that is because I'm not looking at a map 10 times every day.  Also I just think the ward boundaries are funky.  I might have mentioned that before.  This Friday I'm going on exchanges with a sister from Carlsbad.  I'm staying here and was kind of nervous about it because I don't know the area super well, but tender mercy of the Lord- Sister Gilmore served in this area just a couple transfers ago. 
Our huge event this week was Nici's baptism.  It was awesome!  We spent most of the week trying to coordinate the program and pulling everything together.  That was a bit of a headache but amazingly enough it really did all pull together and the baptism was really nice.  Thank you Relief Society!  I really think it was another blessing of the Lord.  I know he wanted Nici to have a nice baptism that she would remember.  This was the first baptism I've seen as a missionary that I can say I helped with, (Even though I barely did anything).  I have to say watching someone get baptized is an amazing experience.  I could feel the spirit so strongly and I knew that this was something that the Lord was proud of Nici for doing.  I know the church is true if only because the actually ordinance of baptism is sort of weird and anti climatic.  I mean there is all this build up to the baptism and then a bunch of people gather around to watch to get pushed into water and then out which takes a total of 2 seconds.  It's weird.  But I know that it is true because the spirit was there so strongly.  I'm so happy for Nici! 
Sunday we had the usual church from 8:30 to 5pm.  This is what I get for covering 2 wards.  I'm pretty good at sitting through meetings, but really by the end of the last relief society I was rocking in my chair ready to bolt.  Of course then we had dinner with a family and then the missionaries in the YSA ward were asked to give a fireside on the atonement.  So Sister Gittins and I went back to church for a couple more hours.  Church.  Gesh I am never going to be done with meetings. 
Oh I forgot to mention that Saturday sister Gittins and I were asked to help in the family ward primary activity.  We spent 1 1/2 hours helping little primary kids write letters to the missionaries from their ward.  It was so cute and it just made me want to have my own classroom again.  I just loved it.  Although it was pretty funny because once when they were switching the groups of kids all of the adults left the room and Sister Gittins and I realized we were sanding in a room alone with a bunch of kids which is breaking a major rule.  We stood outside of the door awkwardly until the primary president realized what was happening and ran in so we could go back in the room.  It wasn't a big deal but it was pretty funny.  Anyway after all the groups cycled through the leaders asked us to come into the cultural hall and have a seat up front.  Then the primary kids gave us all wrapped presents.  It was so cute.  It was mostly food which was awesome!  One little boy was so proud that he had wrapped 3 individual oranges all by himself.  I loved it.  I have some pictures and I'll try  to send them to you. 
Yesterday we had interviews with the president.  I really like president and sister cook a lot.  I really loved the the end of my conversation with sister cook because she told me that they were happy I was in their mission.  She said that I was a missionary that she knew she didn't have to worry about.  I'm sure they say those things to all the missionaries but I was still glad to hear it.  Then Sister Gittins and I went out to do some work.  We spent 4 hours tracting and contacting in the pouring rain.  We still aren't completely dry but it was really fun.  At the end of last night even though it was super long I was just really happy.  I wish I could have been home for this week but I'm super happy to be out here.  I love what I'm doing. 
Anyway I love you all.  Oh send me the name of the skype account you want to use.  If we get a ward member to let us use their account then president said we can skype for Christmas. 
I'm excited to talk to you,
Sister Allred

Sunday, December 11, 2011

New Companion-New Area-More people to love

Dear Family,
It feels like this week has been 2 weeks.  It has been really good but SO long!  I think mostly because I was so busy getting to know the new area and the people we are going to be teaching.  I really like Sister Gittins a lot.  She reminds me a ton of Ashley Crosby, just in the way she talks and expresses herself.  It's awesome, although I think she might be having a bit of a harder time with the new transition then I am. She was with her last companion for 3 transfers and she loved her a lot.  I'm actually surprised at how I'm feeling.  I thought I would feel really uncomfortable with coming into a new area and trying to get to know knew people but I don't I feel really good here.  Yeah I don't know what else to say about it except that I do feel really good here.  
I think I'm going to be staying here for a while because this will be Sister Gittins 4 transfer and it seems pretty unrealistic that she will stay here for another one.  But who knows?  Oh a little more about sister Gittins. She is from South Jordan Utah and she has been out 9 months.  This is her 2nd area and I'm her 4th companion.  It was really cool because on Wednesday we were talking and she brought up a time y first week in the mission when we were at a preach my gospel training and she and I were doing a practice.  I barely remembered it but that is probably because it was my first week.  Anyway, Sister Gittins remembers thinking about me, "She is going to be my companion one day."  The spirit of revelation is strong within this one.  Ha!  Anyway I really like her a lot.
I really like the family ward that I'm in.  All of the families that I've met are really nice and welcoming to the missionaries.  I love it.  We also have a baptism on Saturday which is awesome!  We are baptising a girl about my age named Nici.  She is married to a less active who is returning and they have a cute little girl.  I love going over to their house to teach them.  Also Nici and Greg met in Victorville, so we bonded over memories of victorville and silverado-  although it is true that i never actually went to silverado. 
The one thing that I really don't like about the family ward is that the ward boundaries are just funky.  That's it- they are just funky and I am having a hard time knowing where I am.  In La Costa is was easy because I would look for the ocean and know exactly where I was.  You just can't do that in Vista.  Also because we are over the Singles ward our singles ward boundaries cover the whole stake.  There have been a ton of times where I wasn't even in my family area and had no idea.  This will be my struggle this week. 
I've had to laugh a little this week because Vista and La Costa are very different.  When Sister Gittins and I were out contacting one day I mentioned how the palm trees in Vista were all over grown and the old palm frons were dead.  Sister Gittins said you would see a lot of that in Vista and my first thought was, "La Costa would never dream of having their palm trees like that."  I don't think I ever realized until that moment just how similar La Costa and Columbia were.  Maybe that is why I felt so at home there.  Maybe that is why Sister Bean would call me a spoiled rich girl.  (In a loving and gentle way of course!)
So, I got a call last night from a sister in the mission that I had never met but I had heard a lot about.  She asked if I wanted to be in a choir for the Christmas conference we are having on Christmas eve.  I was so shocked that this sister was calling me that I said, "Oh of course!"  Then she went on to tell me that there were only about 12 in the choir, she would sent me the sheet music in the mail, I needed to know my part because we would only have about an hour to practice before we sang in front of the whole mission.  What was I thinking!  Now instead of looking forward to the Christmas conference like I had been doing for about a month, I am dreading it.  Oh gosh what did I just do.
Anyway It was great to hear from everyone today.  I love you so much and I'll write you again today. 
Love Sister Allred
I forgot to ask,  Sister Gittins and I are trying to think of new creative ideas for the thank you notes we do for dinner.  My first thought was to google it but obviously I can't.  If you guys want to brainstorm some things I would really appreciate it.  Also In the YSA ward council I sat next to a guy named Patrick?  I think?  Anyway he asked if I knew the Henderson and I said I did.  He apparently is the Ashley Henderson's brother in law.  Small world!
Sister Allred

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving and goodbyes

Dear Family,
So this has been a crazy long week, but it has been a good week.  I don't even know where to start.  Last Tuesday after I wrote you we got a call from president cook asking sister bean to train again.  Poor sister bean, she has been super stressed out this entire week.  It doesn't seem real that I'm not going to be her companion.  Transfer meeting is today and I'm going to be going to a new area.  I don't know where yet and I't is making me really sad because I do love la Costa, but I'm sure I'll love where ever I go.  I'm sure I'll love my new companion too. 
President knows that Sister Bean and I don't want to be separated.  He came to our ward on Sunday and after Sacrament meeting we were talking and he looked at me and said, "So do you know where you're going?"  I love president cook because he is the sweetest guy, but it is also very clear that he thinks he is hilarious!  I said "No president I do don't."  and then he pulled me in and said, you will learn just as much from your new companion as you did from sister bean.  It was sort of comforting to know that he knew I was concerned about leaving her. 
It was embarrassing to have president and his wife there that particular Sunday.  We were at the door greeting people when sister bean realized she forgot her "revelation book."   It's really just a notebook that she doodles in and writes down the spiritual thoughts she has during church depending on how good the lesson is.  Regardless it's hard to get through church without it and so we rushed back to the apartment.  We walked back into the chapel after sacrament just in time to hear the bishopric member say, "We would also like to acknowledge the presence of President and sister Cook."  The ONE time we are late, it the ONE time they come to our ward.  Also were had already been at church form 2 hours!  Anyway, it was pretty funny. 
I've been going around giving my goodbyes to everyone.  It has been a really nice experience, because I know that must of the people in this area will probably forget me, but at I do know that I've at least helped a few people.  That has been really nice.  We went to sister Hakensen's Sunday and Monday.  Monday was one of the sweetest experiences.  I don't know if I told you about her but she is a 79 year old Egyptian lady.  She is so sweet and has had a hard life.  Monday we sat and helped hook up her printer and show her how to sign into her email.  Then when we saw she had 2600 email we showed her how to delete them all.  She began to cry and said, "Sometimes I sit at the computer all day and can't understand anything.  I got to bed disappointed.  I knew God would send me someone to help me."  Mom it reminded me of when you said some of your favorite memories were when you just said a prayer with an old lady.  I honestly think I will remember this experience for a really long time.  I'm going to miss her. 
We had Thanksgiving with a nonmember.  It was actually wonderful. Especially because through some sort of confusing finagling that I don't really understand our district leader and his companion got to come to dinner too.  It was really nice because it almost felt like having thanksgiving with family.  It was also pretty funny when the dad wanted to show everyone a funny YouTube video.  He pulled it up on the TV and started blasting it.  Only a few people at the house understood why all the missionaries were standing awkwardly in the kitchen really interested in looking at their shoes.  Oh good times!
Well I love you and hope everyone is doing well.
Love Sister Allred

It worked!!!

Our brilliant friend Jeff read my post last night and told me how to fix the pictures in word problem! YAY! Thanks Jeff! And it was so easy too!Here are pictures Sister Allred send to us October 25th.

Sister Allred's first zone!

All the fun things the boys sent! She loved getting this package!

Journal from Liz

YAY For pictures! I hope she sends more soon! I wonder if we can hire one of the paparazzi down there to follow her around...

Monday, November 28, 2011

A post by Deborah

I have to say, I am now in love with the California, Carlsbad Mission. Well I'm in love with the members in La Costa at least. Once a month since Tressa....ehem, I mean Sister Allred has been in the field I have received a picture text from members there. They never fail to make me jump out of my seat and do a happy dance! I am loving the people! It means so much to us and is such a good idea! So, for your viewing pleasure and because I can not figure out how to get the pictures she emailed in a word document posted, here is life on Planet Tressa according to various iPhones:

I just love this face!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

It's been a week already?

Dear family,
It was awesome getting all of your emails.  I absolutely love all of them.  Before I forget, Congratulations Rachel!!  I hear your ACT score was awesome! That is so cool.  Sorry I didn't write much last week.  We were cleaning the apartment and getting ready for exchanges.  It was a really crazy day.  (We talked to the senior sister who does the apartment checks and she said our apartment was 100 time better then when the elders where there.  Yeah us, but really its probably because we took the random junk off the walls and got rid of 3 of the 5 desks.)
We did exchanges from Tuesday to Friday, which I don't think has ever been done before in our mission and we were really confused about.  I have a lot of mixed feelings about the exchanges.  First I think because our focus was on contacting it was really good to have a longer exchange although both sister bean and I think it would have been fine to just have 3 days instead of 4.  Sister bean went to temecula and I stayed in La Costa, which I was a little bit worried about because I felt like mommy was leaving for a few days and I was in charge. 
I think I did an okay job but I'm really grateful for the exchange because it taught me a bunch of lessons I didn't think I was going to learn.  During the exchange I really felt like our area just began to crumble and I was barely holding it together.  I learned that I know how to be a really good missionary, I just need to trust my instincts and the spirit, and not throw out everything I've learned and know out the window because my companion says otherwise.
I know that there were things I could have definitely done better and I'm frustrated because I think at times I was getting prompting to say and do things but I didn't because I was to concerned about what sister heath would say.  Because of this exchange I learned not to be worried about that.  My first loyalties are to the Lord.  Ah!  why does that have to be such a hard lesson for me to learn.  I am proud to say that I did follow some promptings during that meeting and I was able to save our relationship with that investigator.  
It was a really interesting experience because everyday during personal study experiences from the past day would come to me and I would clearly see what I needed to do better and how I could improve when the next situation arose.  I really feel like it was private tutoring form the spirit.  I don't think I would have learned these things if sister Bean had stayed with me the entire transfer, so I really am grateful for this exchange.  Poor sister bean, she came back from a great exchange and had to do some damage control in our area.  It was a rough exchange but a good one...  I just read in her letter to the president that she wants me to train, so I can really solidify who I am as a missionary.  That idea scares the be-gee-bees our of me but I actually think it would help.  I think I'll just trust the Lord on how he wants me to grow. 
I'm spending thanksgiving at a members house and hopefully we are going to have a second thanksgiving at an investigator the encinitas elders want to pass off to us.   I hope that happens.  I'm trying to think about how you can make your thanksgiving more special...  Oh gosh I don't know.  I'm sorry.  Honestly I've barley given thanksgiving a second thought.  It seems impossible that it is thins week. 
Well I hope that your week goes well.  I love you all a ton. 
love Sister Allred

Monday, November 21, 2011

This was a crazy week!

Dear Family,
Usually I start kind of wanting to check my email around Sunday, but I can brush the thought aside and focus on what I'm doing that day, but this week I started wanting to check my email on Sunday and I really really wanted to.  Like super badly, so I'm really excited to hear from everyone. 
This was a really cool week.  We have been working with a less active girl who is coming back to church and over the past month we have just been amazed at the change in her countenance.  She was always a happy girl but as we are meeting with her we are just seeing the burden of sin just lifting from her shoulders.  It is awesome.  I it is such a testimony to me that the atonement is very real and very powerful.  Now that I think about it I feel like it really has been this testimony building week all around. 
We were able to go to a baptism in sister Beans old area and that was amazing, and right before that we met with a family that was baptized just a little while before we got to the area.  They are doing so good and they are really making wonderful changes in their lives.  I love seeing the gospel effect people. 
It has been a bit of a challenging week.  we invited an old woman to be baptized last week and she said no not at her age.  Then as we were meeting with her this week she said she had prayed about it and we can still come over but she really feels like God is happy with the beliefs that she has.  I really didn't know what to say but we are still planning on going over and visiting her still.  Also we have had to officially drop the family we had committed to baptism.  We have had 0 contact for a while now and one of the members who was friends with the family told us that baptism is causing contention in the home, so we are going to back off for a while.  Hopefully we will be able to at least meet with the dad again. 
we also have been meeting with a woman who has mental disabilities, and she wants to get baptized.  We have been going back and forth on whether or not she needs to get baptized and for the most part the direction from the bishop and the mission president has been that we should try and decide, which just seems like a really weighty decision. Anyway her mother who is a member had to go to the hospital right before church on Sunday because of an emergency.  We went to visit this really sweet lady yesterday and as we talked about her daughter, I could just seem how worried she was about Miriam.  This woman really believes in the blessings of the temple and wants that so badly for her daughter.  Didn't have any definite answers on whether Miriam could get baptized, but we talked about eternal families and I think that gave a lot of comfort.  I am so grateful for this gospel I know that it is so powerful, and it's true. 
Our big news is that we are going on exchanges this week.  We had some exchanges set up earlier this transfer but those were cancelled which was a really good thing.  But I'm not sure how I feel about these exchanges.  We got a call on Wednesday night from the zone leaders telling us we were going on a 4 day exchange.  Our exchanges are from today at 4:30 to Friday at 4:30.  Sister Bean and I really do not know what to think about it.  The zone leaders say that its a new thing President cook is trying out, and we are supposed to focus on our contacting but it really seems like we are missing something.  Our contact numbers are low, but our lessons and new investigator numbers are really high.  I'm just kind of confused and don't know what to think about it.  On the one hand I'm excited to get to know Sister Heath, because she seems really sweet, and I'm excited to work on my contacting.  I feel like I will really learn a lot.  I know I need to be looking at this exchange as a blessing, and most times I do, but then I start thinking how it feels like this exchange is a punishment and I'm going to be away from sister bean for 4 days which really stinks because it is almost guaranteed that one of us will be transferred on the 29th.  I just don't know.  I'll let you know how it goes. 
Well I love you all and I miss you. 
Sister Allred
P.S. mom I'm trying to send the picture but I've been having some problems.  I'll work on it today. 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

This has been the longest week ever!

Dear family,
As you can tell from the subject this has been the longest week ever!!!  It hasn't really been a bad week but it is crazy that the temple was only a week ago. 
So the good news is we picked up 2 new investigators.  That is really exciting.  They are both from part member families from the ward, and one of them expressed a strong desire to get baptized but she as word of wisdom issues and then the other didn't say much but her husband pulled us aside and told us that she is going through the trial of her life right now, but if she gets through this she will get baptised.  Our one concern is that her family always hovers around her that then she just relies on them to say things.  Oh we also invited one of our investigators to get baptized and she said, "No I don't think i need to at my age."  then because she is about 90 years old she started talking about her friends memorial service.  We need to work with her some more. 
It's been super rainy this week and its starting to get cold; which makes morning exercise and contact walking in the evening not all that fun.  Actually I feel a bit like a wimp because it is still really good weather.  It's just cold compared to what it usually is.  Oh well.
Yesterday we had zone conference and I can absolutely say, I love zone conference!!  It is like the coolest thing ever.  Okay, actually I think pretty much anything with President and sister Cook is the coolest thing ever!!  they are so smart and loving it is just wonderful.  Also the training that the assistants and the zone leaders gave were really good to.  BY far my favorite part was what sister bean calls "speculation hour with President Cook"  Apparently at the beginning of each conference he gets out the scriptures and we read a chapter he wants to read and then he expounds on the doctrine that is in there.  We focused on Moses 6 this time, and all through it I felt so grateful and happy that I am a missionary.  I knew that this is gods work.  It gets to be speculation hour when president gets really into it and then starts pulling out interesting facts and tidbits which could be true, but are also just really cool. 
This time president started talking about what a word was in the adamic language. I started thinking, well I thought the adamic language was lost and corrupted which apparently others were to because one elder raised his hand and asked, "President how do you know this?"  President cook looked at the elder and said, 'Revelation!"  Then sister cook got up and said he reads a lot.  President cook looked at his wife and then looked around the room and said, "I didn't say it was my revelation."  I love president cook he is so much fun. 
I think we are going to have a really good week this week.  We have a ton of appointments set up and Sister Bean was invited to a baptism of one of her past investigators.  We are really excited about that.  We still haven't met with the family that has a bap date coming up and they have stopped returning our phone calls.  I hope that things work out and we can at least meet with them again. 
Anyway, I loved reading all of your emails.  I miss you so much.  I've been thinking a lot about my testimony this week and I can absolutely say that I have a testimony of the restored gospel.  I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior and that he sacrificed everything so that we could have a chance to be happy.  I also know that we get that happiness through the gospel.  I'm grateful that the Lord called me to this work.  I'm grateful that He trusted me enough and is blessing me everyday.  The gospel really is home. 
I hope you all have a good week.  We have apartment checks and district activity so I'll try to get letters out this week, but we'll see what happens.  I love you
Sister Allred.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Dear Family,
It has been a crazy P-day, which is why I'm righting so late.  Once every 2 transfers we get to go to the temple.  We got up this morning and went to the the 9 am session at the San Diego.  OH MY GOSH!! it is such a pretty temple.  One of our most wonderful members took us and she works at the temple so she took us through one of the sealing rooms and it was just so pretty.  I loved it.  I love going to the temple.  I walked out just feeling so good and thankful.  I know that the work that I'm doing is directed by our Heavenly Father.  He knows our lives and he directs us so we can return to him. 
Yesterday was Halloween, and it was a bit of a slow day for us.  We had dinner with a couple of families from our ward before they all went out trick or treating but we basically had to snarf our food because it wasn't quite done when we got there and our mission president told us that we had to be in our apartment by 6pm.  We spent the night in the apartment and that was nice-  Elder Edwards got released from being an assistant last transfer and came to our zone so we all know him.  It was his birthday, so the zone leaders spent most of the night trying to coordinate a conference call so the whole zone could sing him happy birthday.  After a lot of trial and error we got the whole zone on the phone and then we called Elder Edwards.  He and his companion didn' pick up the phone.  It was the worst timing ever, but we sang to the voice message anyway, mostly I think because the zone leaders didn't want to go through that again. 
It's been a good week.  We have been able to meet with a ton of less actives we were trying to get a hold of and we are seeing a lot of really good progress with them.  That is really exciting.  Also they are part member families and we may start teaching their nonmember significant others pretty soon.  We are still working with the Alikhani Family, but not being able to meet regularly has been difficult.  I hope that things will pick up as it gets closer to their baptism. 
We went to zone leader council on Friday.  That was an awesome experience although I did feel like I got invited to this exclusive club that I will never be a member of.  That's okay we got some amazing training from the assistants and president cook that I really think was inspired.  I love the way the lord works because he works in such simple but significant ways.  The biggest part of the training was when the assistants gave us a calender and wanted to plan out everything that we need to do for our investigators with a baptismal date to get the ready to be baptized.  It was so simple, but the small things that they told us to do I think will really help.  Now we have to go out and teach the rest of the missionaries and that makes me a little nervous.
I have exchanges tomorrow.  I'm super nervous because I don't really like the idea of leaving sister Bean, even for a day, but on the other hand I am so excited to meet and learn from other amazing sisters.  It will definitely be a crazy experience. 
I think that is is for this week.  I love you all and hopefully I'll have time to write some more letters today. 
Love Sister Allred

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Another Great Week

Dear Family,

I LOVED all of your emails this week.  Love love love them.  It has been a pretty interesting week.  A lot of our appointments fell threw and sister Bean was super sick, so it was really different, but it was still an awesome week.  My favorite part by far was getting my package from Eve and the boys. 

We had transfers on Tuesday and all of the companionships in our district had to go except for us.  We knew that I would be staying with Sister Bean because the new training program is a 12 week program.  It is almost guaranteed that next transfer one of us will get transferred. I choose not to think about that.  Anyway, Tuesday night we called out district leader to see who was in our new district, which was awesome because Sister bean knew a couple of the Elders and that was really fun.  True I didn't know them myself, but that didn't really matter.  It was still super cool.  Okay back on topic, Elder Haderly our district leader told us we both had mail and I had a package.  I basically could think of nothing else for the the rest of the night, because I had to wait until the next morning's district meeting to get it.  I was so excited to get a package from Eve, and all of the letters.  It was so much fun.  Honestly it just made my day. 

It was also super cool because a couple weeks before I had requested a copy of my patriarchal blessing. I haven't been able to find it for a couple months now and the thought kept coming back to me to get it.  Then during conference I just kept thinking about my blessing.  So I finally asked President how to get it and requested a copy.  I was so amazed at how much it talked about missionary work and I had never even noticed it.  It talked about how I would bring the saving ordinances to many and through my example many would accept the gospel of Christ and others would be strengthened.  I felt a little silly reading it and wondering how in the world I ever thought I wasn't supposed to go on a mission. 

Today has already been a really fun day.  Last night we got a call from the assistance and they told us we were invited to come to a zone leader council, (usually sisters don't go to those, you know, cause we are not zone leaders) we are kind of excited about it.  Today we had to go to Target for our shopping needs and we just thought, "Well why not look at the clothes."  There were rows and rows of 75% off clearance items and it was a lot of fun looking at the clothes.  I got a sweater and a $5 shirt which was awesome.  It makes me laugh because, it was just something different which is fun every now and then. 

It's been a good week and  we are excited for the next week.  I love hearing from everyone and I'll talk to you later. 

Sister Allred

Ps I've attached some pictures.  There is my first district and the zone leaders in front, then the journal Liz made me and then all of the cool stuff in the package eve sent me

**Note from Deborah: For some reason Tressa put the pictures in a word document and I am still trying to figure out how to get them formated to beable to post on the blog. They are coming!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

It's been a crazy week

Dear Family,
It has been an awesome week!  We have continued to work and I'm seeing a lot of progress happening in out area.  We have been getting a couple of referrals from members which is exciting and we also had a woman come up to us on Sunday and say that she wanted to get baptized, Her mom is already a member and both want us to start teaching their family.  She has some mental handicaps and so we need to talk to the bishop to proceed further but it is really exciting and shocking. 
We have also been working hard with the less actives and a lot express tons of desire to come back to church and start making changes in their life.  Sunday we had a less active walk into the church building, just because she wanted to come and pray.  No one had seen her for a couple years and she was so friendly.  It was a good day on Sunday. 
Saturday we went over to the Peck family.  They are getting sealed tomorrow and we just wanted to check up on them. Another interesting thing I learned about in this ward is we have a real author.  Rachel you should check out "Paranormalcy"  by kiersten White.  She was out of town yesterday because she was in Denver doing a book signing. 
We also had some specific council from the president this week which was awesome.  We have a less active who wants to come back but has studied the word of wisdom and doesn't think green tea is bad.  She said it was confirmed by her bishop and so we were a little confused.  We sent a text message explaining the situation to president cook and then went to our dinner appointment.  When we got out we had a reply text that said, "The bishop is wrong!"  and then a voicemail saying we have official statements explaining that hot drinks means tea and coffee.  Green tea comes from a tea plant.  It says on the package.  "Sure there may be good things about it but there are bad things about it to!  What is bad about green tea?  Well, the Lord says don't drink it.  so it just comes down to whether or not you sustain the living prophet today!"  We could hear on the message that president cook was laughing and himself and we were laughing to because we just thought, "really?  that is what we are supposed to tell our less active who is planning on going to japan to study the tea ceremony!"  Oh missionary work is awesome.  But really that is what it comes down to .  We may not have a good reason for why we do things but it all come down to faith, and putting our trust in the Lord. 
That is really all I can think about this week.  I live you all and am glad to hear you are doing good.  I'll send you another letter today.
Love Sister Allred

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

This was a Great Week

Dear Family,
I had a really good week, but once again I'm not exactly sure how it got to be Tuesday again. I'm also really excited about this week because we already have a ton of set appointments that we have been trying to set up for a while!
So some of the highlights--  I got a letter from Nicole (Aidan's new nanny) this week which was so exciting!   She said everything was going well and gave me some exciting news about the family.  It was great and absolutely a highlight but it did make me really miss home this week.  It was really interesting because even though I really miss Aidan, i felt comfortable in thinking "I'm not his nanny anymore.  He is going to be fine."
I had a Vegan meal this week, which was actually pretty great.  It wasn't until after the meal that I started to wonder about what exactly I had eaten, because we had a stir fry and I know there was no meat, but now I'm wondering what were those chunks of food that I had just assumed were meat when I was eating it.  It was questionable but it was really good.
We stopped by a family in our ward to get a referral the mom had mentioned and we were invited to join their family Home Evening.  For our activity we played don't eat the prophet.  The most exciting part was when the 5 year old took his turn and ate so many chocolate chips he started drooling chocolate.  Then he couldn't chew and then he threw up.  It was kind of gross, but absolutely one of the most eventful FHE activities I've gone to in a long time. 
We made a meal for the mission president and his wife for interviews and they sent us a thank you card.  It was addressed to Sister Frijoles (sister bean) and sister Todorojo (Me).  We saw President Cook again on Sunday and he commented on our names.  I'm not sure if he made it up, but we could just tell he thought it was the funniest thing in the world!.  I think I have a new nickname.
And that takes me to the most exciting thing about this week.  On Saturday we got a call from the YSA bishop who was working with a family that we were infrequently teaching.  He called and said the Dad had watched a video of Thomas S Monson and knew without a doubt he was a prophet.  We went over on Saturday evening and the husband told his wife "When you watch this video, if you don't feel anything I'll get you a psychologist because something is wrong with you!"  Anyway om Sunday there was a YSA event specifically for bringing non members.  Sister Bean and I were really worried because we were really only expecting this family, and they were really late!  We stood outside the building doing what Sister bean calls the missionary wait, and were pretty bummed out because we thought if anyone comes it is only going to be the dad.  Then all of a sudden the entire family family drove up!  At the end of the event we were able to set up 4 baptismal dates!  HOLY COW!  I am super excited.  I know there is still a ton of work left to do to help get the family ready but I'm really excited about this. 
I loved hearing from everyone.  I love you,
Sister Allred

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Conference = Christmas

Dear Family,

I can't believe it is already a P-day.  SO Weird!  This week has gone by so fast and I can't believe I'm starting my 5th week in the Field and I'm almost done with my first transfer.  Sister Bean records her mission by what planner she is on.  She pulled out her bag of planners and said it was the first time she realized she was on the downward slide to the end of her mission.  It doesn't seem like I'll ever have 13 planners, and I am kind of scared that it's going to happen in a flash.

Conference was in a word, AWESOME!  We had to go to the stake center and on Saturday we woke up and we were just so excited.  We got up and tried to figure out what we should do for the rest of the morning until we had to leave, when we got a call from the district leader asking us where we were because conference was starting in 2 minutes.  We freaked out and rushed into the car.  My bad.  When we were trying to figure out when conference was I added an hour instead of subtracted so we were planning on being at the Stake center at 11am instead of 9.  Not my finest moment,  but the stake center was really close so we were only a little late.  During the sessions our zone leaders wanted us to do a tracting blitz on some apartments near the stake center.  Sister Bean and I were a little nervous about it and that was when we realized Sister Bean forgot her name tag, we both forgot our lunch and we had a unconfirmed appointment back in La Costa.  The sisters of La Costa we not on the ball at all, but we absolutely loved conference.

I can't really say which talk was the best because they were al so good and I got a ton of promptings from them, but looking back at my notes I realized that those promptings really didn't have to much to do with the subjects of the talk.  They we're still really personal and awesome.  I got thoughts on how to be a better teacher, a better mom, and a better missionary.  I think I learned a little bit more about why the Lord called me to be a missionary which was something I have been wondering.  I knew I was called for a purpose but now I feel like I know a little bit more of what that purpose is and I am so grateful to be out here.

I did have to laugh during conference because is was basically only the missionaries who came to the stake center.  Through out the week we notice people trying to avoid us, and then as we sat in a big group of elders I noticed there was a huge circle of space around sister Bean and I.  I started to wonder if I smelled or something but Sister Bean just told me it was the sister missionary cooties. Who knew?

I love you and miss you,

Sister Allred

I got my camera charger and a ton of letters this which which really makes the week amazing so thanks!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Has it already been a Week?

Dear Family,
It's been another great week but not too much happened and so I'm trying to remember what stood out.  Umm...We are having so much fun with the members.  Sister Bean is a missionary that believes 100% in working with the members.  Which is pretty awesome.  I am meeting so many members that are fantastic.  Last night we had dinner with a family young family with 6 kids.  Talking with the mom about her mission and watching the dad with the kids was so much fun.  I saw what I want my family to look like when I am older.  Sister Bean just told me not to covet other people's families, but if i needed her help stealing the kids then she would do it.  It was pretty funny but I'm not exactly sure if she knew what I meant. 
We have a goal of teaching 20 lessons and when we were counting up our numbers Saturday night and realized that we were only at 14 lessons.  We really wanted to reach our goal and the Lord really pulled through for us because on Sunday we taught 7 lessons.  Okay I feel like I should clarify that they were all member lessons. But our mission wants us to count them in the total lesson column and we were able to make a lot of really nice bonds members we hadn't met yet.  It was a crazy night.  We had dinner at 5, and when we got to the family's house they were rushing around and told us dinner wouldn't be ready until 5:30.  We had to leave at 5:45. It was a fantastic gourmet meal but kind of hard to appreciate when we are wolfing it down.  Then we went rushing around to the member lessons we had set up, and were about 10 minutes late to almost all of them. That was a little stressful but I was able to feel the spirit with each family we met with. 
Earlier that day we got to go into Young Women's and talk about how the Lord has prepared us for our missions, and future service in the church.  It was pretty weird being back in young women's but I had so much fun talking to them. What was even cooler was that I got to talk to some of the young women afterwards that they really felt the spirit and were excited about missionary work. One Laural asked if she could go out with us one night.  Sister Bean and I really feel that the Lord put sisters in this ward for a reason.  They have never had sisters and I think it is a really good thing that we are here right now.
We finally met with an investigator family that we had been trying to meet with since the night we got to the area.  We were super worried because in the area book it said they really didn't want to even talk with the missionaries and they were much friendlier to the one fellowshipper that they had. Our first meeting with them went much longer then we had expected and they were so happy to talk to us.  It was kind of hard to get the dad to stop talking so we could leave.  We were able to make a friendship as well as talk about the gospel and really understand what they were looking for.  That was a great night. 
We have been working with some ladies Vicky and Devota that the elders found before we came.  They are moving to the Midwest and so we really have just been helping them pack up.  They left yesterday and so we spent a good bit of time helping them move.  It was kind of sad because we really didn't get to teach them much, but I was really happy that I could help and relieve a lot of stress for them.
On Saturday we got to go to the Women Conference. I was sitting there right before it started and thinking about if my family was watching to the conference too. It was a big comfort to me, and then the conference was so fantastic.  I had a couple questions about missionary work that I thought of before the conference and every talk address all of my questions it was such a cool experience. I know that the Lord knows the thought of our hearts.  I know that he wants to tells us things and help us answer our questions, but he needs us to ask.  I am gaining such a strong testimony that if we prepare the Lord will give us so much. 
 I love you all and I know that the Lord loves you all.  I'm praying for you and I know that he is there for us.
Enjoying the Journey,
Love Sister Allred

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

One more week, Many more adventures

***A Note from the Editor: I am sorry I am such a slacker and haven't posted for a week. Here are is Tressa's email from Last week. Her written letter will come shortly.***
Dear family,
I can't tell you how excited that it's Tuesday.  I do really good up until Sunday and then all I want to do is check my  mail and tell you what has been going on lately.  I got the letter that Liz sent me and that was great! 
This has been a crazy week.  I think we have more of a handle on our area now and we have met A LOT of members.  We even have a girl that could become a progressing investigator.  You can totally see how the Lord has prepared her to hear the missionaries.  She was actually a referral and she actually flagged down the missionaries, asking for a Book of Mormon.  That's pretty cool.
We had 2 meetings this week and they took up the whole day so it was a bit of a weird week.  The first meeting was fun and I learned a lot, the second meeting was for the new missionaries and their trainers.  I was actually pretty excited to see my MTC elders.  It was almost like I was seeing long time friends or something.  Sister Bean and I worked on how sometimes I'm a little stiff around people and so during that meeting I tried really hard to just be myself and relax.  I honestly think the Elders did not know how to handle me.  They were totally thrown off, which made it great, but on the other hand I thought was I really so stuck up in the MTC? 
I was caught off guard during the training because President Cook had us go around and describe the companionship study that we had for the morning before.  I couldn't exactly remember what we did so I just started describing one study that we had earlier that week.  Sister Bean had me work on the first vision.  She made me memorize it and then we worked on delivery.  She told me not to go onto the next word until prompted to by the Holy Ghost.  It was pretty awesome in our practice.  But then President Cook asks me to give him the first vision.
I honestly did not expect it at all, and I started in the middle on the vision.  I stopped myself and President Cook told me to tell him what I would say to work into it. So there I was giving the restoration to my mission President in front of a whole bunch of people! I did not expect it and I did not like it one bit. No not at all.  But I did make him cry.
We got the new relief society book on Sunday and I  love it.  I've already read 2 ensigns our search for happiness and our heritage, and so to have new reading material is great.  Although now that Sister Bean and I are getting closer and closer I usually spend my lunch hour talking instead of reading.  Oh! another thing I ate.  I am eating a ton of mushrooms.  I do think the Lord took pity on me when he sent we to California.   The fish was okay and I probably would say that I maybe possibly over react at home to the thought of eating fish.  But I still don't like it.
One of the ward missionaries made this introductory flier of sister Bean and I and we both put that we like potatoes and pasta.  We have had potatoes or pasta and every dinner appointment since, except for the time that they took us to a Mexican restaurant.  We've had some really awesome experiences with the members here.  They are super excited to have sisters and I really think that there are families we can help members and nonmembers.  Its been great. 
I love all of you so much and miss you a bunch.  I have been learning a lot about the spirit and relying on it to prompt me when to talk.  It was so goo to hear from everyone and I'll write everyone today. 
Enjoying the Journey,
Sister Allred

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

This is not the California I remember!

Dear Family,

I get a FULL HOUR on the computer!  Do you know how cool that is?  I don't feel like I have to speed read!  It's awesome. Oh and let me just say, Carlsbad is nothing like Victorville.  Nothing.  Carlsbad is very very pretty.

This week has been pretty crazy. After I called home we had to board pretty quickly.  Really being a travel leader was fine.  We are all big kids after and everyone could handle themselves except for Elder Hemelgarn who was over weight and tried to bring a Swiss army pocket knife in his carry on.  It's true.  Also the ride was only an hour so that was great.

We got to San Diego and were picked up by the APs and President and Sister Cook.  It was all going super fast as we got in the car, and drove up the the mission home and took pictures and had something to eat.  I would like to say that we were fed breakfast burritos.  Yes, with egg.  And I ate it until I was full.  Okay, I'll say it.  "GO ME!"  Then President Cook had to do interviews and so for the first time since he has been president he let the new missionaries take a nap.  I had been up since 2 AM and so I absolutely loved it.  Then we had some training and went to the transfer meeting and got my companion.

I really like sister Bean.  It was pretty funny because when President Cook put us in companionships he told the group something fun about us.  When he got to me he said, "Sister Bean you are going to have to be careful with Sister Allred, because she can get a little wild and crazy."  Everyone in my district looked confused including myself because never once did I get wild and crazy in the MTC.  Once I sort of started to dance in my seat a little and that threw everyone for a loop.  But then President Cook said "In Idaho when she gets bored she sets up a pool in her kitchen and goes swimming."  I had briefly mentioned that in my interview because I totally blanked when he asked me what my hobbies were.  Take that Elders, I do more then just read and study.  Ha!

I'm assigned to work in the La Costa ward Del Mar area.  We are still in Carlsbad, but it's the southern part of the mission.  We were white washed into the area (which means both the missionaries are transferred in to the area) and there haven't been sisters here for a really long time.  It's been hard being white washed into your first area because, ordinarily when white washed you have no idea what you are doing, but because I'm new, I really have no idea what I'm doing.  I just kind of wander around asking if people want to hear the gospel.

Actually I really haven't talked to nonmember.  It's mostly been members and less actives.  Sister Bean really believes in working with the members and hates tracking.  We have done it a couple times and I've have people refuse to shake my hand and slowly start to back away from me and I introduce myself.  One night we went downstairs to our neighbor to ask for wax paper, and she said she debated opening the door or not.  Wow.  Okay.  Thanks for telling me you want to avoid me like the plague.  Can I have some wax paper?

Thursday was fun because we had a couple appointments set up and then we had that huge black out.  I don''t know if you saw, but apparently it like went into Mexico it was so huge.  Sister Bean and I didn't really know what to do and so we just went to our appointment, but they had completely forgotten about us.  Then we just started driving around the rich gated communities because, hey they're open so why not?  It was pretty fun until we realized our phone was on silent and the district leaders had called to tell us to be home a half hour ago.  That was not fun, but also pretty funny.

Holy cow that went fast.  I think I might have missed a few dear elders because I'm not sure if I got Eldon's and Deborah's last letter.  But I'm going to a training tomorrow and might get something then.  I love you and love the work that I'm doing.  I know that this is the true church and that testimony gets reconfirmed everyday I am here.  I miss you all.


Sister Allred

also did not get Daniel's address and I need Eldon's

Monday, September 5, 2011

Paper Letter (August 30)

August 30, 2011
Dear Family,
  I needed to send a quick letter to everyone to let you know how much I love you. Today sister Walker found out her Dad died suddenly. 

   She is a convert to the church and her father was not a member and did not understand why she was on a mission. At home she was the one who took care of him, and that is the hardest part.

   It has cast a pall over our district. Our hearts are breaking for Sister Walker. We know how much she loves the gospel. She thought her dad would be converted while on her mission, but I doubt she pictured it like this.

   Everyone in the district is also thinking of our own families. I want you to know how much I love you. You are such a strength in my life. I'm not expecting anyone to die while I'm gone, but please remember that the Lord has blessed protection on you. That is something I need to remember also.

   I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior. I don't know how to help Sister Walker, but I know that the Savior can comfort her and embrace her in his arms.

   The plan of salvation has so much significance in our lives. It is essential to our eternal happiness. I feel so privileged to be chosen to spread this word. I know it has made a difference in my life. It has made a difference in Sister Walker's like and it will be an eternal impact to those we teach.

   I love this church. I love the Lord, and I love my family.

     Sister Allred

Paper Letter (August 29) **this one has pictures!**

August 29, 2011
Dear Mom and Dad,

     Writting emails at the MTC is hard! They have this timer and I don't think it does anything if you go over but I still don't want to risk it.

    We've had some triumphs this week. Brother Hale is our investigator dave, and dave is hard but I feel like I'm investing in him the most. I worry that I am going to get heartbroken if I meet a Dave investigator in th field and they don't get baptized. My whole district wants to drop Dave but I think dave is the one investigator that really needs us to guide him to Christ. All the other investigators were able to find their way much closer to Christ and we just need to complete the puzzel. Does that make sense?

    The Elders in my district hate role playing but I love it! I pray for Dave and Marla all the time. Oh well, that was a tangent.

    This week we had a really good lesson with Dave. I've been struggling with inspired questions, but during this lesson they were just coming out and I feel like we made progress. Brother Hale said later, "Those questions you asked were inspired and a half!" I was thrilled until I remembered those questions were all Brother Prewitt's idea when we asked him for advice about Dave. At least we know Brother Prewitt was inspired.

     We taught Marla her 3rd lesson. As we came out of our 2nd lesson we were kicking ourselves because we knew if we extended a baptismal invitation she would have said yes. On the 3rd lesson that was our only goal but we only had 10 minutes. I think Sister Latu was ready for us to get the corage because Marla practically forced us to ask her to be baptized. Anyway I think we learned a lot from that. 

    Later that day Sister Lor went to the TRC (Teaching Resource Center) to be a Hmong investigator. I went along and was a "friend" of an english investigator. I took my tag off and used my first name and everything. But the sisters who came to teach the lesson recognized me from an hour before in the bookstore. I felt really bad for them because the were really confused and I think it threw them off their game for a little bit. Oh well.

   Yesterday I got called to act as the coordinating sister fro my branch, which ust means I need to take care of the girls and make sure they are following the rules. The sisters in the other district we don't have anymore and we don't have more coming into the MTC, so it is just going to be my district. Yesterday I into an orientation meeting. I had to get two Elders to drop me off and two Elders to pick me up. We got out of the meeting early and I felt like a little kid at day care wondering if her parents forgot to pick her up. I really missed sister Lor.

    I also got called to be the travel leader. We are leaving September 6th in the morning. 3 Spanish speaking elders are coming with the 6 of us. I'm the only sister and I get to choose which companionship to join. Oh Joy. Which pair of Elders should I have stand outside of the ladies room for me while we travel?

    I'm really sorry to hear about Uncle Danny. I hope he is alright and I'll be praying for him. 

    I think that is creepy you got an earthquake and a hurricane all in one week. I sort of wished I was there. I'm also really proud that you took care of those 3 boys, but really I knew you could do it. 

    I really miss home but like I said before, I try not to let myself think about that. People here are not as funny as everyone at home. And people don't think I am as funny either! One day I was talking to Elder Van Orden about Being the travel leader. I said in a really dry tone, "Yes, I am so excited. I get to choose the companions. I'm all powerful. The power is going to my head." With each sentance I looked for any sort of reaction. But he just looked at me as if I was explaining a gospel principle. He just kept nodding his head. finally I told him that was all supposed to be funny. Sure, maybe not my best, but a little chuckle would have been nice. he looked shocked and asked "was I supposed to react?" What's wrong with these people?!

   I love you all! Dear Elder is probably best while in the MTC. I know the gospel is true and I really feel God's love in my life. 

     Sister Allred

The California Carlsbad Mission

The California, Carlsbad missionaries
Elder Gardner, Elder Smith, Sister Allred, Elder Hemelgarn, Elder Mallon, Elder Bush

Tressa's District
Back Row: Elder Terry, Elder Van Orden, Elder Hemelgarn, Elder Smith, Elder Worley, Elder Bush, Elder Mallon, Elder Gardner
Front Row: Sister Allred, Sister Lor, Sister Walker, Sister Havili

The sisters in my district: Tressa, Sister Havili, Sister Lor, Sister Walker

Sister Havili, Sister Walker, Sister Allred, Sister Lor

Sisters in my zone: Sister Eckells, Sister Tulliloa, Sister Allred, Sister Lor, Sister Thomas, Sister Webb

They Have missionary tags!!!

Tressa and her companion Sister Lor

Paper Letter (August 22)

August 22, 2011
Dear Family,
    I did not have enough time to write the email and I sent it with 1 minute on the clock feeling completely unsatisfied so I am writing again. Sister Lor and I are writing at the temple and although I think the Provo temple looks like a birthday cake for a one year old, it's still really nice to be at the temple.

I'm leaving on September 6th, but I don't have any travel info other then that. I got letters from Dad and Liz which I loved! My PO Box # is 101. I felt sort of bad because they pass letters out at lunch and dinner and I am the only one that got letters from family this week. So Kudos Allred family! I also feel bad because when I opened my inbox I had tons of email but sister Lor didn't have any. Her parents didn't email and she didn't tell her sisters her address so there is that reason, but again Kudos Allred family!

There are tons of things through out the day I and to call home and talk about, but we can only write home on p-day. I'm just writing it down in my journal. Also, I saw Mathew Millar, Chris Krewson (he is a teacher) and a ton of people from BYU-Idaho. I haven't seen the Hawks, but I don't really see the couple missionaries.

I do feel like I am living in the land of aftershave and testosterone (Liz's words), but I think it is a tender mercy that I don't mind so much. I see enough sisters around which helps. The elders in my district are definitely 19. I think this is the first time most of then have been asked to sit in a room and study and I think it's hard for them. Elder Smith that we met at noodles and company is in my district and there are two Elders (Elder Bush and Elder Mallon) are from Northern Virginia. I think Springfield. One of the blessings from the Lord was that the other day I was getting frustrated by their lack of focus I realized they are worthy priesthood holders and the Lord has great plans for them. That helped a lot.

I do feel like the stick in the mud but I think another blessing is that I really don't care. I'm here for a purpose. I am going to work my tail off for that purpose, and I really don't have to worry about what others think about me. That has been a nice thought for me.

This Week we are teaching everyday except for today, and honestly we have so much free time today that sister Lor and I don't know what to do with ourselves. It's only 9:30 and we are pretty much at a loss. 

Let the McKay's know that I was so grateful for their letter. I'll try to write back.... Yeah, I think I'll have the time today.

I love you all! Hope everyone is happy and healthy.

      Oops! Sister Allred

My Last Week in the MTC

Dear Family,

This is my last email from the MTC.  The temple is closed today so I probably will have time to write real letters today.  We woke up early to do laundry, so now the only thing left to do today is to pack everything.  I think it's going to be a pretty calm day.

This has been a really crazy week, and emotions have been running high in the entire district.  Tuesday was a rough day.  I think we were all really rattled by Sister Walker's  news and so we were all on edge.**Tressa wrote an actual letter last week and told us Sister Walker's Father had suddenly Pasted away**  I think because everyone stayed together to rally around each other we got on each others nerves quite a bit.  We also got to hear Elder Holland talk at devotional on Tuesday.  It was amazing.  First he told us how much he loved us and then he strongly rebuked us, but we were still wanting more.  Sister Walker loves Elder Holland and so I really think that he came on Tuesday for a reason.  Later that night as we were doing personal study, I almost yelled at Elder Mallon because he was being super inappropriate.  Elder Terry told me to stop and that helped me pull myself back.  But then when Elder Mallon kept going, his companion started to go at him.  It was a very tense night, and luckily Sister Walker was with the Branch President for all of it.  There have been a lot of issues with the elders.  Apparently one elder brought a cell phone and now he isn't talking to his companion because his companion turned him in.  Elder Gardner and elder Mallon haven't really been talking.

I was feeling really frustrated, because I wasn't feeling as good or as tolerant as I normally feel and didn't know what to think about it.  I was praying about it on Tuesday and Wednesday and I got the really strong impression that I needed to repent and more specifically apologize to Elder Mallon.  When I thought that I knew it was right but I continued in my Prayer, "Seriously heavenly Father?  Seriously?...Whyyyyyyy!"  I think I need to work on being more accepting of the Lords council.

Anyway, on Wednesday during zone teaching (I had plenty of opportunity to apologize before then but I couldn't get myself to) Elder Mallon was getting in my conversation and saying things that really bugged me.  I help like the holy ghost said, "Tressa.  Do it now."  So I got sister Lor and I quietly asked Elder Mallon to come outside with me.  I was hoping people wouldn't notice, but everyone watched us go out,  Elder mallon is a big guy and I knew he thought he was going into a fight.  He kind of tried making himself puffed up and I thought, that looked a little stupid, but then I had to repent of that thought as well.  As soon as I started to apologize he deflated and I think even though he has 4 sisters he was very uncomfortable with the sudden display of emotion.  He started to back up immediately, but I kept trying to help him understand why I was sorry (because at that point I really was)  and why I had a hard time sometimes.

When we went back into the classroom the entire zone was silent waiting for us.   Later Elder Van Order told me he thought one of us was going to come back with a broken arm.  The whole apology thing really threw them.  I still get afraid that Elder Mallon is going to become the zone leader or AP and I'm going to have to deal with him in the feild, but for right now I'm feeling really good.

Sister walker went home to Canada this week.  She is going to be back here tonight in time for her to leave for Jamaica at 2:30 am.  I'm leaving at 4:30, and I think I should be through security around 9am your time.  I'll get to make a quick call home.  President Gubler said to get off the phone before I get home sick, so it probably won't be a long call, but I'm excited.  I can't believe this is my last day that the MTC.  It seems like it has been FOREVER!  At the same time I'm pretty scared and excited to go into the field.  This is going to be an adventure.

I love you all.

Sister Allred

Also can I have daniel's address so I can return some of his emails?

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hey Everyone!
    I am sure most of you know about this already (it's not a secret), but a quick easy way to get messages to Tressa....ehem, I mean Sister Allred the same day is to send her a letter at The will print the letters off right there at the MTC for free and pass them out to the missionaries at lunch and dinner. It is only free while she is in the MTC and then after that it cost the same amount as a stamp. Which if you are like me it is totally worth it! It is so much easier to type out a letter to Tressa Sister Allred and have them worry about putting it in an envelope and mailing it. If I have to mail some thing it could take months to get it done! Anyway, I just thought I'd let you know! Dear Elder is a good idea.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Things I don't like about the MTC! (This is supposed to be funny)

Holy cow I hate this timer thing!  I only have 15 minutes to write this
letter so you probably will be getting one in the mail later this week.

This has really been a high high and a low low week for me.  I am still so
happy to be here but oy!

I don't like not being able to learn about earthquakes and apparently
hurricanes.  Tuesday Sister Lor and I had a TCR lesson with a less active.
We spent all morning preparing and I felt good about the lesson even though
we had literally 0 information about her.  We were teaching about families
and sharing info about our own family, when I said I was from Md.  She asked
how my family was doing after the earthquake.  Needless to say I stared at
her blankly until it registered, and then I said, "What earth quake!"  I
think I could have reacted better.  but it was fine.  Anyway, at that moment
I really thought it was a silly idea for us to not watch the evening news.
So did the investigator.

I am not a fan of being wrong.  Last week I had been dragging sister Lor to
the 6 am exercise class and working hard.  I thought I would hate it but it
is actually really fun!  I feel good after the class.  Well except for the
Tuesday where sister Lor and I couldn't climb the stairs.  But prayer works.  I
prayed that night that I wouldn't be sore and in the morning I wasn't.
Sister Lor was still sore, but that was because I forgot to include her in
my prayer.  Oops.  Anyway, I'm not a fan of this new development because now
when I think of all the times I said exercise is actually bad for the body
just makes me seem...wrong.  Not a fan.

I am not a fan of letters.  (To be clear this is really a joke.  I love
letters)  I'm not a fan because I get them at lunch and dinner (kudos on
sending me a ton of letters by the way.  really excellent job!)  but I'm not
allowed to open them until right before I go to bed.  So then I think, well
should I write in my journal and record these events for my children or
should I read my letter?  My poor children loose out every time.

I am not a fan of the Lord making me grow and stuff.  One of my big concerns
was that I wouldn't get along with the people around me.  I love sister Lor
who is going to Minneapolis not Milwaukee, but some of the elders would drive
me crazy ordinarily.  I can really see how the Lord is blessing me with
increased charity, because I'm not really that bothered by them.  Hey
heavenly Father sometimes I just want to be mad at people.

I love you all and love hearing from you.  I'll write a letter later today.
Oh I forgot to cancel netflix.  Can someone do that?

Love Sister Allred