Monday, August 29, 2011

Things I don't like about the MTC! (This is supposed to be funny)

Holy cow I hate this timer thing!  I only have 15 minutes to write this
letter so you probably will be getting one in the mail later this week.

This has really been a high high and a low low week for me.  I am still so
happy to be here but oy!

I don't like not being able to learn about earthquakes and apparently
hurricanes.  Tuesday Sister Lor and I had a TCR lesson with a less active.
We spent all morning preparing and I felt good about the lesson even though
we had literally 0 information about her.  We were teaching about families
and sharing info about our own family, when I said I was from Md.  She asked
how my family was doing after the earthquake.  Needless to say I stared at
her blankly until it registered, and then I said, "What earth quake!"  I
think I could have reacted better.  but it was fine.  Anyway, at that moment
I really thought it was a silly idea for us to not watch the evening news.
So did the investigator.

I am not a fan of being wrong.  Last week I had been dragging sister Lor to
the 6 am exercise class and working hard.  I thought I would hate it but it
is actually really fun!  I feel good after the class.  Well except for the
Tuesday where sister Lor and I couldn't climb the stairs.  But prayer works.  I
prayed that night that I wouldn't be sore and in the morning I wasn't.
Sister Lor was still sore, but that was because I forgot to include her in
my prayer.  Oops.  Anyway, I'm not a fan of this new development because now
when I think of all the times I said exercise is actually bad for the body
just makes me seem...wrong.  Not a fan.

I am not a fan of letters.  (To be clear this is really a joke.  I love
letters)  I'm not a fan because I get them at lunch and dinner (kudos on
sending me a ton of letters by the way.  really excellent job!)  but I'm not
allowed to open them until right before I go to bed.  So then I think, well
should I write in my journal and record these events for my children or
should I read my letter?  My poor children loose out every time.

I am not a fan of the Lord making me grow and stuff.  One of my big concerns
was that I wouldn't get along with the people around me.  I love sister Lor
who is going to Minneapolis not Milwaukee, but some of the elders would drive
me crazy ordinarily.  I can really see how the Lord is blessing me with
increased charity, because I'm not really that bothered by them.  Hey
heavenly Father sometimes I just want to be mad at people.

I love you all and love hearing from you.  I'll write a letter later today.
Oh I forgot to cancel netflix.  Can someone do that?

Love Sister Allred

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Dropping Tressa off at the MTC

My mother wanted me to post some pictures of when we dropped Tressa off at the MTC. It was a very nice warm day and we did not have to be there until 12:45. I kept telling Tressa that if she was late that meant they would send her home and she couldn't go on her mission. Ha I get a kick out of myself. Tressa ignored me.

She got up and got ready 

Then Tressa, Grandpa, Liz, Milo, and I drove down to Provo. Before we went to the MTC we made a stop at Krispy Kreme and Jack and Laura's house.

Waiting in line for doughnuts. She looks like a missionary!

Doughnuts was such a good idea!

Tressa and Grandpa!
I didn't get any pictures at Jack and Laura's because I was way to busy talking. Sorry. Tressa really enjoyed seeing Uncle Jake, aunt Laura, and all of our cousin's although I could tell her mind was somewhere else. We went to lunch and then on to the MTC.

Aunt Tanya warned us that we would not be able to take pictures with Tress when we dropped her off and that we should go to the parking lot across the street before we drive onto the MTC grounds to take pictures. Enjoy!

You better believe I posted this picture! It is a classic Deborah and Tressa picture! Love this girl!

We missed having the rest of our family there!

Driving across the street onto the MTC grounds. I think she looks pretty nervous.

The Elder who was there to help her with her bags. (we didn't get out of the car)

Saying hello to the random sister missionary there.

Her last glance before entering the world of testosterone and aftershave. (or also known as the spiritual feasting center)

There goes our missionary, off to save the world!

We love you Sister Allred! You are going to do amazing things!!!!

Monday, August 22, 2011

My first week in the MTC

Hi Family,

So this is my first week in the MTC and I am loving it. Well, I'm loving a lot of it. Lots of things I was worried about, when I came on my mission are happening, but at the same time I can also see how the Lord is helping m grow so those things don't bother me anymore. One sister said, "I have always had a testimony that God answers my prayers, but I've never had Him answer them so quickly as in the MTC." I would so agree with that. I have been praying a lot, and it seems like when I wake up in the morning the Lord has given me part of the answer at my door step. It reminds me of the Israelites and the manna from heaven. Now it's my job to implement those promptings and thoughts, and I am trying so hard to do that.

I love my companion. Her name is Sister Lor and she is from Fresno CA. She is Mong and going to Milwaukee Minnesota. It is actually perfect because while she is English speaking, there are a ton of Mong people in that area. There are about 12 people in my district. the other sisters, Sister Havili and Sister Walker, are going to Jamaica along with another elder. Two elders are going with sister Lor and the other 5 elders are coming with me to Carlsbad. It's going to be a pretty interesting ride. This week we have had to do personal study in our classroom, which has been BURNING hot. I honestly don't know who's idea this was because it is so hard for the elders to concentrate. Sister Lor and I have asked for permission a couple times to study anywhere but there. I'm pretty excited because starting today we can study where we want we just have to let the District Leader know. Elder Terry is our district Leader and I feel pretty bad for him, because it is pretty hard to keep the Carlsbad elders focused. Oh well.

We taught two lessons this week and oh my goodness it was hard. One of our teachers Elder Hale, pretending to be Dave, looked really bored as we taught him the restoration and then when we were done he said he had heard all of that before! Hey Dave, when you tell me you know nothing about Joseph Smith then I assume you know nothing about Joseph Smith. Sister Latu, pretending to be Marla just loved the the plan of salvation and it was going great until she started asking for references in the bible. I completely blanked. That was fun. Her lesson was pretty interesting because we had planned to teach her about the Book of Mormon, but then about 20 minutes before we went to teacher her Sister Lor felt really strongly that we needed to teach the plan of salvation. We were in the middle of class and had about 3 minutes to plan but I really think it was the right thing to do.

The computer has a 30 minute timer so I need to wrap up. I really miss everyone at home, and was surprised at how much I am homesick, but I've learned that if I just don't think about it then it is a lot better. Liz was right in her letter when she said I will experience high highs and low lows. But I know that Heavenly Father knows the thoughts and desires of my hearts. On Friday I was sitting in class feeling a little overwhelmed and I thought, I just want a hug from my Mom." I knew that wasn't possible, but I really wanted it. Then that night Sister Webb our coordinating sister person, called me aside and asked how I was doing. She said she just wanted to give me a hug. It wasn't from mom but it was still really comforting.

I know that Lord loves me, and I know I am in the right place. I really do feel good here and the spirit is so strong. I know the church is true. I love everyone at home.

Love Tressa

Saturday, August 6, 2011

So When Is This Wisdom Supposed to Kick In?

Yesterday Dad walked into my room, took a look at my swollen cheeks and asked, "Tressa, are these people your going to baptize worth this pain?" He was joking of course, and I automatically said, "No question, Dad. No question." But now, after watching my family bond together over delicious pizza, as I moodily scrapped the last of my jello cup, there is a questions. There is a big question.

Yes that's right, on Thursday I got my wisdom teeth taken out. For a while I just assumed that I would go on my mission with them in, and just brush extra hard back there, but then with in a blink of an eye I was waking up with a needle in my wrist and stitches in my gums.

Over all I would say it was really an easy surgery. People have told me horror stories of being totally out of commission after getting their teeth out. I slept with frozen vegetables on my cheeks for must of Thursday, and by Friday morning I was feeling great. I might have overdone it a little because Friday night my cheeks swelled up again. In words of consolation Deborah just told me, "Well at least you will know what you'll look like when you get fat." Thanks Deborah.

I don't hurt that much but I miss chewing. I really miss chewing. I have been seriously craving nuts, and chips, and really anything that requires me to move my jaw. The blender has become my new friend but really I just want to chew something.

Oh well. At least it's not as bad as Eldon. Eldon got his wisdom teeth out the day before his birthday. Hey guys, did you know Eldon got his wisdom teeth out the day before his birthday? Yep, at least I didn't get my teeth taken out right before my birthday, you know, like Eldon did. (He doesn't read my blog, but if he did he would think that was funny.)

Right before getting my teeth out.

Me and the responsible adult waiting to take me home. We were showing the camera our wisdom teeth.