Tuesday, September 25, 2012

New Area--Escondido!!

Dear Family,
Wow.  I was really excited to email this week but oh my gosh I got a lot of big updates.  Holy Cow!  I am excited about Hawaii.  That will be super fun.  I don't know what I would want to do.  I think probably come home to Hawaii and then spend a little time in Utah or Maryland before going up to Utah.  The Lord is already getting me prepared because he just gave me a Polynesian companion.  (She is Tongan- not Hawaiian.) 
 So my new Area is felecita ward in Escondido.  It is TINY compared to Del Mar, but there is a lot of work to do.  We picked up 2 new investigators this week and I am really excited about some of our other investigators.  We have a lot of really strong members in this ward but we also have a lot of member with pretty intense needs.  I am so grateful for the church, I have been so impressed with how these ward members really try to take care of our members.  We were talking to this somewhat investigator and he was asking if there were service opportunities in the church.  He goes to another church and he hears about them all the time but then he comes to our church and doesn't hear anything about service.  First of all he never stays for 3rd hour and also I thought about our home and visit teaching programs.  The whole church is designed around service.  Anyway, he is pretty cool.  I just want to get him progressing. 
My new companion is Sister Tua'one.  She is the sister that I went on my last 2 exchanges with and got in a fight with on our first one.  Neither of us were that excited to get put together but we have had a lot of very open and honest talks and I think our relationship is going to be so much better.  We are both very different but she has a really good heart.  Also she is a really good teacher and that makes me so happy.  I love teaching with really good teachers. 
We have got a lot of good investigators and I'm absolutely expecting baptisms in the very near future.  The ward council is just amazing, and really in this area the youth is were all of the work is really at.  We have a really strong youth program which I am so excited about.  we have this one girl how is just so sweet and excited about the church.  we taught her the word of wisdom this week and she really connected with the idea that our bodies are temples  and so we need to treat them as such.  I was so grateful to hear her talk because she started to explain that her friends were starting to get into some pretty bad stuff which is sad because she is only 13.  Anyway she wants to find a new group of friends so she isn't involved.  How amazing!  She is so strong and such a role model for me.  We also have another really great investigator who is so amazing.  She is a newly wed and her husband is a member.  He just started coming back to church and she is taking the lessons.  She wants her family to be like his was growing up.  She talked about how she felt like the things we were teaching were true but she didn't understand why.  She was scared that these feelings were coming from her, because she wants it so badly.  We are going to be talking to her about faith tonight and trusting the feelings that invite her to do good.  I am very excited about the work that we have to do.
The members are also great!  we have a pretty full dinner calender all the way up to mid October.  I do have to laugh though.  I have had more fast food in this week then I did in a months of being in Del Mar.  Escondido and Del Mar are about 15 minutes away from each other, but at the same time they are worlds apart.  I think it's possible that I may stay here the rest of my mission.  If that is the case then I with be a south sister.  I have never served in the north of my mission ever!  I think I would like to but it is okay if I don't there is so much to do in Escondido. 
Oh!  on a small side note.  I have been so impressed at the mobile homes in the Escondido.  I would say that at least 1/4th of the people we work with are in mobile homes and they are so nice.  I have gone into a bunch and thought- I would love to live here!  I was in a few in vista, and they are nothing compared to the ones I have seen here.  Anyway, I think I am becoming a lover of mobile homes.
I'm looking through my planner and I still can't remember much from this week.  It was a bit of a blur but I am happy to be in Escondido.  I miss Del Mar a little bit but this is a good place to be.  Oh!  One last crazy story.  Sister Tua'one is very scared of dogs.  We had a fat weenier dog waddle after us once and she ran.  Well we were going to check on this less active how was very into nature and pulled up in her drive way.  Much to sister Tua'ones horror we saw a big dog in the yard eating.  I looked at it and told her not to worry.  It was not a dog.  It was a coyote.  Yes this less active was feeding the coyotes.  I have to admit that even I did not really want to get out of the car.  We honked a little and the less active came out.  She was very sweet, and told us the coyote was the nicest girl named Jamie.  We didn't stay very long at all. 
Anyway I love you all.  I hope to hear more from you.  Rachel, How are you doing?
Sister Allred

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Last week in Del Mar

Dear Family,
This is my last week in Del Mar.  I have been here for about 6 months now and I love this area.  I didn't realize how much I loved del mar until I started saying goodbye to it.  All day yesterday my heart felt like it was breaking.  The Lord has really blessed us these last few weeks. 
Okay starting from from the top of the list of miracles.  We had a baptism on Saturday.  His name is Marcelo and he is the son of a woman in the ward that we visit weekly.  It has been amazing because this has been a 10 year journey.  His mom, Ana, joined the church 10 years ago after Marcelo took her to the temple in Hawaii.  She joined the church quickly and became a very faithful member.  Ana has amazing faith.  Marcelo wasn't interested.  For the past 10 years Ana has been trying to get Marcelo interested and he has resisted.  Then this year the Lord has really been working with him to soften his heart.  About a month ago we started teaching him and it is amazing how prepared he is.  It is has been amazing every time we taught him.  He is so excited to be a member of the church. 
He didn't want to tell his mom that he was taking the lessons and so we taught him in secret,  which I enjoyed immensely.  It just made me laugh every time.  Of my favorite moments.  Marcelo had to change his phone number and he sent us a text with the new number in the morning.  We had a lesson with ana that day and she said, "Marcelo changed his number.  Let me give it to you just in case."  We said thank you and reentered it into our phone.Another favorite moment was when when we had a lesson with Marcelo at his house and his mom walked in on us teaching.  I had the urge to quickly close my scriptures and throw them under the table.  The whole situation was hilarious. 
Anyway this week was incredibly stressful and because Marcelo was scheduled for baptism but we still had SO much to teach him- he didn't have a baptismal interview yet- he was sick and working- and Ana still didn't know but almost the whole ward knew.  (Marcelo wanted to keep the baptism a surprise.)  Long story short  the Lord took care of things and Marcelo was so prepared for baptism.  We got everything for baptism and Marcelo brought his mom to the church about 20 minutes before the baptism.  It was one of the most touching moments when he told her that he was getting baptized.  I think it was the best baptism that I have ever went to. The spirit was so strong their.  I just feel like I am still on this baptism high!!  It was amazing. 
We went to go and visit them after the baptism and I just had to keep looking back at Marcelo.  I don't think I have ever felt this before but something just seemed different.  I kept trying to figure out what was different and I couldn't put my finger on it but there was something absolutely different.  I am so excited for Marcelo.
But that's not all folks.  Still more miracles.  We are still working with Alex and Maria even though they missed their baptismal date earlier this month.  Sister Campbell and I had a goal of another date before I left.  On Sunday we went and decided to teach about exultation.  What does it mean to be with our heavenly father.  All through the lesson Alex was totally engaged.  We talked about a lot but at the end we simplified it down to the idea of being exalted it being with our heavenly Father, having complete confidence in the lord and being with our family forever.  We gave them a moment to think about what that meant and then Alex, said he wanted to get baptized.  He didn't want to wait anymore.  We set it for about a month away and then yesterday they moved it up two weeks!  Maria is going to get baptized to.  Apparently she has been feeling like she needs to get baptized but she was just waiting for a stronger feeling.  I'm so excited.  I really think that this one is going to go through because it came from them. Not from us.  Overall it's an awesome way to leave an area.
Actually its a terrible way to leave an area, because after Alex and Maria get baptized we have run out of investigators.  Sorry sister Campbell! 
I'm going to be transferred today and I'm excited for my new area.  I really want to be an even better missionary.  I am pretty sad to leave the people here and I am really sad to leave sister Campbell but I know that she is going to do great!  Personally I think getting away from her trainer is exactly what she need.  Ha!  Time to cut the apron strings.
Well I'll let you know how everything goes and where I am next week.  I love you so much! 
Sister Allred

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Dear Family,
This week has been filled with emotional  ups and downs.  It was like a huge black storm of emotions.  We had a lot of trouble with our investigators and a bit of trouble with our less actives.  We had a TON of cancellations, we had a baptismal date missed, we are coming on the last week together and my last week in the area, and both sister Campbell had those issues that only sister missionaries have to deal with.  But over all I have learned a ton this week and I am happy. 
Okay up date on what I think is the most important issue at hand.  The sister missionary frump. I am fighting it.  I still want so badly to throw away my hair brush and wear my comfortable yet worn out skirts but it is not going to happen.  I put make up on this week.  Actually the thing that did it was the Relief society opening social our ward had on Saturday.  It was after a long day of walking- so sister Campbell and I arrived sweaty and sun burnt.  We sat in a mansion watching all the women of the ward socialize and I felt incredibly unattractive.  It was about then that I started realizing that the sister missionary frump in this area is really not acceptable.  People here are concerned about appearances and they probably don't want to introduce their friends to sisters who look like they just survived world war III.  I think the thing that put me over the edge was when I say Kayla.  She is a young mother in the ward.  Currently she has a young 2 year old daughter and is very pregnant with triplets.  Triplets!  Did she look frumpy?  no she did not.  She looked adorable and she looked even better in her 4 inch orange high heels!  Okay sister Allred you are not pregnant with triplets.  You can step it up a bit.  So, I am doing my hair again, putting on make up, and I just got a new skirt.  I am super excited!
On to actual missionary work.  Thursday was probably my favorite day this week.  We had a lesson with one of our investigators who is progressing very nicely!  He is basically has made the decision that he wants this to be a part of his life and he is soaking up all of the things that we are teaching him.  It just brightens my day to teach this investigators, because this is the gospel in action. 
Then we had one of our former investigators that we haven't heard from in a bit text us and asked if she could feed us dinner.  She is a really smart girl and she is so dedicated.  She wants to know more about Heavenly Father and I know that the gospel would transform her life because she has gone through a lot of hard things.  Anyway, we knew she worked a lot but hearing her schedule made me exhausted.  I know how much she needs what we have but I just am concerned that life is going to get in the way of investigating. But I think that is every one's problem.  Do we let life get in the way of our relationship with Heavenly Father?
Sunday we took one of our investigators to primary instead of relief society.  Sometimes the spirit is so much pure in that room that we wanted her to hear the gospel taught to children.  It was great.  This investigator has a very hard time reading and so to
 help we gave her the book of mormon picture book.  He husband made fun of her but as a result she knows the book of mormon stories so much better then he does.  Yes I really want to rub that in his face.  Anyway by far her favorite story was Lehi's dream.  In Primary the 1st councilor in the bishopric brought in this HUGE picture on Lehi's dream and talked to the kids about it.  Then we heard him talk about how he didn't want it anymore.  We could practically see our investigator salivating. We got the picture for her and brought it to her last night.  She was thrilled.  He husband is going to put up with it.  They live in this small room and the picture is going to take up a huge part of the wall.  If that doesn't remind them to read their scriptures I don't know what will!
I hope everyone is doing well.  Mom good luck with your primary activity.  That sounds extraordinary!  I know you can pull it off.  I do want to die my hair but since I'm just not sure if I will be able to handle the upkeep I think I'm going to wait till the end of my mission. Dad I loved that article in the ensign.  when ever I think about that story I think about Alma 37.  Heavenly Father doesn't ask that much from us, but because it is so simple people forget to look.  they forget to read and to pray and then they get lost. It was a good ensign this month. 
Well I love you and miss you all. 
Sister Allred

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Rants of a missionary

Dear Family,
I loved reading your emails.  I miss being there it sounds like so much fun. 
This week has been a whirlwind and I feel like I need to look through my planner and journal to remember exactly what happened.  On the plus side each week I convince myself that I am going to copy pages from my journal and send it home in snail mail since I am epically failing on writing the family.  Well I haven't done that yet but as a result I have been much more consistent and detailed with writing in my journal.
We went on exchanges this week.  We went with the same sisters that we had exchanges with last transfer. I got to spend a night in Escondido.  Escondido is different then Del Mar.  Its a lot less affluent.  Our first appointment in Escondido was with a 90 something less active.  She came to the door without any pants on. That has never happened to me in Del Mar.  We also went to a less active that lived behind a house in a trailer.  It reminded me of my well loved days in Vista.  The best part was along the drive way were a line of toilet bowls being used as pots for plants.  It was hilarious and I made the sister stop and take a picture of me with them.  That is not the normal decor in Del Mar either.  Anyway I loved Escondido, because it just reminded me how there are good people basically everywhere!
Okay so can I get a rant out please?  This week I have been hearing a lot of down with the rich talk.  It has been really frustrating because most of the people who are saying that may be struggling financially but they create this image of wealthy people that is like they are these terrible evil monsters who only believe that other people are hear to serve them.  Frankly they are really judging these people.  I know those that have money may have a warped perspective, but you know what so do people with out money.  I just keep thinking of the phrase, "Don't judge me because I sin differently then you."  The fact is I believe that most people every where are basically good.  I have found that most people are willing to help others if they see a need.  I know that the gospel is designed to help everyone rich or poor.  Okay, rant over. 
We have had a lot of lessons this week and we have a lot to do in this area.  I'm a little worried because I think that we may have a few to many people to teach we have been struggling with our finding the past few weeks frankly because we just haven't had time.  Our investigators are progressing nicely except eventually we are either going to baptize them or drop them and then we will need new people to teach.  I'm just nervous that our teaching efforts are a little unbalanced. 
Okay so an update on Sundays.  For a while now Sundays have been stressful.  I spend my sacrament meeting scanning the rows wondering how is here, what are they hearing, what can we do to help them progress toward Jesus Christ.  It just stresses me out.  Well this week I was just fed up with it.  I sat down saw our investigators and instead of fretting about them I thought- "Well they are here and there is nothing else I can do for this hour.  I am not going to think about them."  And I didn't!  Instead I listened to the testimonies and felt the spirit so strongly.  I started seeing all of the very different people get up to the pulpit but they were all united in their faith in Jesus Christ.  It was such a testimony to me that what we are doing is good. This is the Lord's work- not mine.  And because Jesus Christ suffered for all of our sins he knows what needs to happen in order to help us all.  We just need to let Him help.
I am so grateful for the restored gospel.  I know that we have a loving Heavenly Father who sent his Son to us.  I know that I am weak on unworthy but I am so grateful.  I know that this will bless my life and the lives of those who accept. 
I love yo all. 
Sister Allred

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Who died and gave me a name tag?

Dear Family,
This week I have had the overwhelming desire to get under my covers and hide.  If I stay still enough then I maybe everyone will solve their own problems and I could get a nice nap in the mean time. Just bacause I have a name tag does not mean I know anything.  Okay- I little background.  We have had a great week.  Lots of fun and lots of lessons.  Its just more lessons means more people.  People stress me out.  But its been a great week.
So starting from the beginning- Wednesday we had a lesson with an investigator named Mr Yu.  He is a 77 year old Chinese man. I may have said this before but for a man who doesn't speak English he talks a lot.  Or last lesson with him Sister Campbell prayed that we would see opportunities to speak and I thought that was very appropriate.  Anyway we brought a poster with the steps of the gospel and scripture references.  He really liked it excepts he thought repentance should be before faith.  On Saturday when we called to ask him to church he asked if we had any colored pictures.  I had no idea what he was talking about so we said we would talk to him a bit more about it on Sunday, which of course we forgot to do.  Well we had a lesson with him again yesterday and he had made his own poster with steps of the gospel (I did notice that he had conveniently listed repentance before faith on his poster.)  Anyway he had found pictures representing each step and pasted them on.  He said that because he had pictures his was " rather more beautiful" then ours.   Thanks Mr Yu.  Thanks.  Anyway he was so excited because that day before his lesson he had been at the senior center and taught 5 seniors about faith in Jesus Christ using his poster.  It was pretty adorable.  I'm not sure about his commitment level but at least he used book of Mormon scriptures on his poster.  I'm happy with that. 
Thursday we had a lesson with Alex and Maria.  I love them to pieces but they stress me out.  Mostly because I love them to pieces.  On the plus side- they made us a pancake breakfast!
We also had another lesson with Eduardo and that went really well.  I told him how excited I was that he had come to church on Sunday but sad because I didn't have a chance to say hi to him.  He said that I am always talking to people-  okay that's true.  Anyway I asked if next Sunday we would stay long enough for us to say hello to him.  He said he would but then on Sunday I'm pretty sure he left before the closing song because there is no way someone can move that fast!  At least he came to church.  Our ward mission leader is catching on because he was walking out side with his baby at the end of sacrament meeting and tried to walk around Eduardo's car.  Brother Zachirson just isn't as fast as a  Dodge Durango. 
We had another great lesson with another of our investigators, we just recently picked up.  He is really ready and just feels like he wants to learn a bit more before making any commitments and change his life.  The thing is- he is planning on getting baptized!  I'm so excited about that.  He is really wanting some clear direction in his life, and I know that the gospel can give it to him.  (On a side note- I would like to mention that this man is gorgeous enough to be a model and I think it is very funny of Heavenly Father that we started teaching him exactly when I started to embrace the sister missionary frump.  Very funny Heavenly Father.  Very Funny.) 
Sunday was very stressful.  None of our really progressing investigators came to church!  Why?  I don't know why- or at least I didn't know why when I was sitting in sacrament meeting.  The only investigator who came was Mr. Yu, and I'm pretty sure he was afraid we were going to take him hostage because church just never seemed to end.  Anyway I was sitting in Sacrament felling stressed and concerned and remembering how on my mission, church used to be a place of revelation for me.  I missed that time.  Then I remembered that those were the times that we didn't have any investigators.  I did have the thought "Maybe I don't want any investigators anymore."  Then I realized what I thought and almost slapped myself.  I am so grateful for the people that we have to teach and worry about.  I am grateful that the lord is blessing us with people and that those people are opening up to us about their concerns.  I wouldn't have it any other way.  The fact that I am meeting all of these people is just making me grow so much and I never knew I could love strangers so completely. 
On Saturday I got to opportunity to go to the temple because someone from my last area was going through the temple. I never taught this guy before but he wanted to have people around him and so he invited some of the missionaries he knew.  I don;t know how he got permission to let me go but he did and I was so grateful.  It was wonderful seeing him progress in the gospel, and in his faith.  While I was in the temple I just had this calm feeling that everything would be alright with those I was thinking of.  I just can't forget that the Lord has been taking care of these people a lot longer then I have and he knows what they need. 
Anyway I'm glad to hear about all of the adventures of going to Utah.  Take lots of pictures so that I can see them later.  Tell everyone that I love them. 
Love Sister Allred

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My one year mark

Dear Family,
It's official.  I have been a missionary for more then 1 year now.  I entered the MTC one year ago last Friday.  I'm not really admitting that to many people yet but it has been a big shock to me.  One comfort is that I still have more then 6 months left.  My release date isn't until March 6th so I still have a few more weeks before I hit that downward spiral.  Anyway in commemoration of my one year mark I have embraced the the sister missionary frump.  Meaning I haven't worn any make-up for about a week now. I held out for a long time- but I just don't want to put on make up anymore.  Especially because we are in the hottest time for our mission right now and the make up just sweats right off.  Pretty soon I will have the desire to stop brushing my hair in the morning.  The sister Missionary frump is happening.
This week was kind of long.  We had a bit of a hard time getting our lessons, (But we got them!) and I pretty sure that because of the heat people are staying inside- hiding.  It has been hard to find any one to talk to.  On the plus side we have been outside a lot and my sister missionary tan lines are really looking good. 
I think my favorite lesson this week was with a less active that we have been working with named Eduardo.  We are trying to help him prepare to receive the priesthood, but first regular church attendance might be good.  Anyway, I just love Eduardo.  He is this really quiet middle aged guy who is just so sweet.  He just feels stuck must of the time.  Anyway, he likes us as well- or at least we told him that he does- but sometimes he is hard to catch.  We had dinner with his mom this week and he was there and the lesson about faith in Jesus Christ was really good.  We scheduled something for the next day, to talk specifically about preparing for the priesthood.  I don't know why but the spirit was there pretty strongly.  I know that Eduardo was feeling something to.  Well anyway, Church on Sunday I look back on the overflow and Eduardo and his mom come walking in!  I was so excited that he came.  The only down side was that he only stayed for sacrament.  Eduardo is a slow mover generally- but I have never seen him more so quickly when he bolted for the door as soon as sacrament meeting was over.  His mom told us after the meeting that next time he comes we need to stand guard at the door when we start singing the closing song.  Oh well.  Its a work in progress.
We also had a couple lessons with another less active family.  When I first came into the area I wasn't quite sure how I felt about them- but now I am really growing to love them.  I think that by the time I leave they will absolutely be in my top 5 favorite Del Mar families list.  This family is very VERY health conscious.  I mean- after having dinner with them I'm pretty convinced that the world, especially the food industry, is bent on making me personally die a horrible cancerous and toxic death.  Here I was thinking the world is a happy place.  WRONG! 
Another super exciting thing is that Alex and Maria, the ones with a baptismal date, came to church on Sunday.  Alex usually works on Sunday but he took today off special. I think he enjoyed it.  Anyway after he said he didn't want to get baptized we pretty much dropped the subject.  Sister Campbell and I always mean to recommit them but something else comes up and we never teach about baptism.  Well at our missionary correlation meeting one of the ward missionaries came up and said "So I here Alex has a baptismal date."  I looked at him suspiciously and said, "Who told you?"  The poor ward missionary looked a little confused and said, "Alex told the elder's quorum that he was getting baptized next month when he introduced himself." 
This is how all of our invitations go.  We asks him to read the book of Mormon- he says no- then the next day he has read 3 chapters.  We ask him to pray- he says no and the next day he is volunteering to say the dinner prayer.  I'm considering not talking to him about baptism at all and just holding the baptismal service with out telling him.  I'm pretty sure he will just show up on his own.  How can we do the baptismal interview without him realizing it?
Well, it has been a really good week.  It's been long but I have really seen the Lord's hand all day.  He gives us so many small blessings and quite a few big blessings. I'm grateful for all of you.  I love you!
Sister Allred

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Work Work Work

Dear Family,
This week has been so fast that I'm more then a little shocked that I am sitting at the computer writing again.  Sorry for writing late today.  We just got back from the  temple.  We have been looking forward to going to the temple for about 2 weeks now and it wasn't a disappointment.  I'm really grateful for the temple and the sweet spirit that is there.  Sister Campbell and I were talking about it this week when we left a lesson with a less active.  She was way to concerned with how everything was created and whether or not we came from cavemen.  I have no answers to those questions but I just kept wanting to say "Just go to the temple.  You'll understand."  When I said that out loud I realized that in actuality I understand very little about the temple.  It hasn't dramatically increased my understanding of the universe all that much.  The difference is that when we were talking to her about her theories there were so many fuzzy lines and unanswerable questions-  almost this feeling of  mist.  In the temple I still have a lot of questions but I also have a quiet assurance that, "Yes this is right." 
Anyway a ton has happened this week. On Tuesday we picked up a new investigator, and I'm really excited about her because I really think that she will do so well in the gospel.  She needs what the Savior has to offer.  Well, I guess we all do.  Then, we had a lesson with our couple with a baptismal date.  The husband said he wasn't sure if he wanted to get baptized or not.  I could tell that this really hurt his family, and the house has been tense since then.  Anyway, Sister Campbell walked out of the lesson not to worried.  We really do know that he will be getting baptized.  I'm just sad because it seems like everyone else is worried more then they need to be.  As a result we feel like we have been running around the ward doing damage control, giving diplomatic answers about their progress and trying to politely ask people not to randomly call and give spiritual advice.  This is a very loving ward.  Anyway, we have  had a few lessons with the couple since then and they are still really interested in learning more.  They are progressing, and we are excited about them. 
Okay so embarrassing moment if the week!  We had a  lesson with a girl in the ward that we meet with every week.  I love this girl and she is like one of my best friends but I think we have reached a whole new level of familiarity that is now inappropriate.  So Thursday we had a lesson with her and then we left.  We walked down the street to talk to a family and about 10  minutes later we got to the car and I realized that we had left the keys in her house.  We stood at her open window for a little bit calling her name. Then we started knocking.  Then we called and texted her.  We had to go and so finally I thought, "Well she did say whenever we need something and she isn't there- just come on in."  The door was unlocked.  So, like the creepers that we are we walked into her house to  quickly grab our keys at the precise moment she came running out to yell at her dogs for barking in not much more then her birthday suit.  We didn't see anything but still I think we probably should have walked to our next appt.  I'm just really glad we weren't elders!
Sunday was very weird day.  Our Sundays are turning into these really intense marathons where we sprint around greeting and directing and who knows what else.  It's actually a pretty good thing because that means that there is work to be done in the area. Anyway we started out stopping by a few of our investigators to make sure that they were coming to church, only to find out that none of them were coming for various reasons ranging from- "My dad just died" to "I don't want to go today and I'm going to be stubborn about this."  So we got to church already exhausted and feeling kind of low because none of our investigators we at church.  Then as I sat down I was absolutely amazed to see a part member family sitting on one corner, a former investigator sitting in the back, a nonmember son of a dear sister in the ward and then a man who had just walked into church last week wanting to know more!  Holy Cow!  we were just so busy all day.  
We had zone conference yesterday that it was great because it was all about faith.  Usually we talk about techniques or skills but yesterday was, "What is faith and how do we help it grow."  I loved it.  Then we had a family home evening with some investigators.  Geesh.  It has been a while since I've done a family home evening and it was exhausting!  Our investigator said he wanted to do it right, even having a song in the beginning and so we sang a very bad rendition of battle hymn of the republic.  Then our lesson and game was utter chaos.  I really do think that he experienced a real family home evening. 
Well I love you all.  Thank you for the emails and the prayers.
Sister Allred

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Miracle Week

Dear Family,
This has been a great week.  I have really been seeeing the Lord's hand in our work. 
Thursday we had a new meeting.  Zone Meeting.  So up until now President has held these special training meetings called Leadership training.  All the leaders in the mission we trained on specific topics and then our assignment was to go out and teach the other missionaries through our exchanges.  Well the problem is by the time it got down to the very last missionary it had gone through so many filters or interpretations.  Kind of like the apostasy.  Well leadership meetings are done away with.  Now every month after zone leader council the zone leaders hold a meeting and teach us the skills or doctrine that  president wants the mission to know.
Anyway,  Thursday was our first zone meeting and it was amazing.  on Wednesday the zone leaders asked if I could share my testimony on what it was like to have an investigator baptized.  I said yes but I did not want to AT ALL.  Mostly because i don't get super overjoyed when an investigator gets baptized.  I get doubly worried.  I worry that they will be taken care of when I leave, or that something will go wrong.  Anyway I sat down at Zone meeting dreading the day, especially when the zone leaders wrote the schedule on the board and all the elders were going to give their testimonies to the beginning.  I was going to be the closing remarks of the whole meeting.  The meeting was nice and the training was good, but I kept dreading bearing my testimony.  Mostly because I knew that what I had to say was not what they wanted me to say. 
Right at the end the zone leaders were talking about setting our vision higher and that we can't settle for anything less then our best.  Our best can only come when we rely whole hearted on the Lord.  I honestly don't have any idea what they said that really touched my but I really felt the spirit strongly.  When I got up to bear my testimony I had no idea what I was going to say.  When I started talking I pretty much immediately started sobbing and expressing how much I knew Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ loves us all.  I knew that our goal was not to get our investigators baptized, but to get them to the temple-- to get them to the celestial kingdom.  But that goal is to heavy for us.  We can't do it, and we are not expected to.  The Savior's is the one who is going to take care of our investigators and we can't pretend to hold onto that control.  I felt so grateful for the savior and frankly I felt a weight lifted.  We left the meeting and I knew that we were going to invite our investigators to be baptized that day.  Before our lessons I knelt down and asked heavenly Father for help to know how to invite them to be baptized. I thought a little about the temple, but I also just had this feeling that miracles were going to happen that day.  
When we left I grabbed the temple magazine just in case.  Our first lesson was with Maria.  Up until now she has felt like she can't really convert because she would be betraying her past.  This lesson she started asking why she was only baptized by sprinkling of water, when the savior was baptized by immersion. She said if we used to amount of water to clean her car, that they used to clean her soul then it really wouldn't work well at all.  We completely agreed.  We invited her to be baptized and she said she didn't want to until her husband Alex was baptized.  Alex was sitting right there- but he said no.  I really didn't feel like we needed to push it and so instead we started to talk about the temple.  What we do in there and why it is so important. Maria liked the idea of being together forever.  
We left the lesson feeling super good, and had a bunch of other appts that we were running to. Then at the end of the day we came back to Alex and Maria, because it was Alex and sister Campbell's birthday and we told Alex if we came back and had a lesson with him we could also have a small birthday party.  Anyway we sat down and were teaching the beginning restoration and then our ward mission leader randomly showed up.  He knew we were having a lesson then but he wasn't planning on coming.  I know that he was sent by Heavenly Father. 
Brother Zachirson is one of the best ward mission leaders I've had.  He is new in to calling but he is great.  He is almost rudely pushy but he does it in the nicest way possible.  I feel like I have a lot to learn from him.  Any way he started talking about baptism and I invited Alex to be baptized.  he said he still had a ton of concerns.  It was just so cool teaching with Brother Zachirson because the spirit was guiding our words and we were all teaching in unity.  Finally Alex interrupted and said, "Okay, I've made up my mind.  Yes."  It was so cool.  Maria, who I think was a little more concerned about having time to eat cake then baptism also said she would be baptized.  It was just amazing to see how the Lord has helped us out so much.  I thought it would be much longer before they got baptized.  Wow that was a long story, but I haven't written it in my journal yet so I think this was more of a journal entry then anything. 
This week we also picked up 2 new investigators.  One of them was so open to learning it kind of freaked us out.  We almost weren't prepared.  He also came to church on Sunday.  I just kept thinking, "What are you doing here...Oh yeah we want you to be here."  We had a lesson with another man named Mr. Yu.  He is an old Chinese man who frankly is a little more interested in keeping up his English.  Which meant half his lesson we discussed the "proper" way to say things.  It is use or usage.  Then the other half of the lesson was him telling about his family remaining true to their christian faith in communist china.  It was fascinating.  Absolutely amazing.  We are going to wait to pick him up as a new  investigator until our next lesson when we actually teach something.  we know what to expect now. 
Anyway it has been a great week.  I am so grateful for all of the blessings that Heavenly Father has given us. I love yo all so much. 
Sister Allred

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Holy Cow! Has it been a week already?

Dear Family,
I think this may be a quick email.  Sorry about that.  This week was really good.  We had a lot of teaching appointments and small miracles that carried us through our days.  One frustrating thing is that we had so many different appts scheduled with nonmembers to start teaching them.  They all bailed. That was honestly not supre surprising.  But the lessons that we have been having with those we are teaching have been great. With one lesson we were talking about the plan of salvation.  The guy that we are teaching is super hesitant with even his relationship with God and has so many questions.  While we were teaching he had to write down all of his questions so he didn't forget, and we would stop frequently to answer all of them or deffer them to a different lesson.  Anyway we talked a lot about the Holy ghost and what it feels like.  We talked about feeling good and at peace, or feeling enlightened.  At the end of the lesson we asked him how he felt and he said, "Well I understand, and it makes sense.  I feel really enlightened."  There was a moment of silence while we let him listen the the words he said.  He thought for a minute and he said, "Hey!  That's kind of cool!"  we invited him to read the book of Mormon and he said he wasn't ready yet.  but then the next day his family members told us they found him in his room reading the book of Mormon- hyperventilating slightly but still reading.  I think he is so ready, but he just isn't willing to admit that he is ready. 
Saturday we decided to go tracking.  It was probably the first time I have gone tracting in forever.  It was actually pretty enjoyable.  We didn't find anyone but we had a lot of really great conversations.  We met one man who was a musician.  As we went up to the house the garage door was open his truck door was wide open, I think the keys were in the ignition and all the lights were on.  we rang the door bell and he came down.  He was the most spacey man I have ever met.  He told us immediately that he was busy and didn't have time to talk.  Then he started asking us questions, and talking about everything to ancient African drums to the cheesy picture on our pass along card.  I honestly didn't know how to handle him, but sister Campbell spent a lot of time with spacey musicians.  They connected.  That is why we need companions. 
I feel like we skipped church on Sunday.  We spent almost the entire time to damage control with some less actives and investigators that were struggling.  They just needed to talk and so we listened. That would have been fine except they were not wanting to talk about anything spiritual at all and not super interested in a gospel discussion.  Didn't find out till later that our investigator who came to church was participating in Sunday school and we missed it!  I was so sad about that.  She was so happy and excited.  The only hurdle is she thinks that she has the gift of the holy ghost right now.  We're working on that. 
Well I've got to go.  It's a quick email but I seem to have a lot to do in this emailing hour. 
I love you all so much. 
Sister Allred

Sunday, July 29, 2012

And the missioanaries walked and walked and walked...

Dear Family,
I am so grateful to be sitting here reading your emails- mostly because I haven't really sat all week.  Or at least that is what it seems like.  It's actually a blessing, and an answer to our prayers.  Since moving to our new apartment which is a little out there I have been super stressed about miles.  Not to mention that this month we have had to drive to vista a bunch!  All the other missionaries car pooled but since we are the furthest out- we drove our own car.  We have an allotment of miles each month but we are going to go over that so badly.  Anyway I have been praying to help us wit our miles and he has.  We have been getting ideas of what we can do to stay in certain areas and take the shortest ways.  But Heavenly Father also blessed us with a lot of time to walk and walk, and walk.  I'm not complaining it was a blessing.   Sisters in the mission are completely spoiled but that is what we did this week.  We walked.  
Good things happened this week and I really saw Heavenly Father blessing us.  On Thursday we had dinner scheduled with the sweetest couple in the ward.  They are great but they are a little afraid to do missionary work.  That morning we spent a large part of our comp study practicing how we can help the couple find comfortable and specific ways to invite their friends and family.  We were determined to help them set a plan of action.  When we got to dinner we were stunned to see their neighbor sitting at the table.  They had invited him to dinner and through out the entire dinner the husband kept telling the friend, "You should be Mormon!"  I was shocked.  The friend was really nice and we will be meeting with him this week.  I hope he is receptive.
Friday we went to sister's conference and then rushed back the Del Mar because our investigator Maria was getting married!  (That makes the law of chastity lesson a whole lot less awkward)  It was really simple and small but it was beautiful. She looked absolutely gorgeous.  We had it at the church and bishop performed the marriage.  I could tell that the groom was really touched because the ward pulled together and ran the wedding.  The elders quorum set up and took down. A sister donated all of the flowers from her garden, ward members were the videographer and the photographer, and the relief society were servers during the wedding.  I think the family members were a little surprised too.  Every time I came up to clear their plates they looked at me like "holy cow what are you doing?"  Maybe they were still eating and they were actually wondering why I was taking their food from them. 
Anyway the wedding was really simple but gorgeous.  And Alex the groom joined us in our lesson with Maria yesterday.   He is really interested in figuring out how to believe in God.  I'm really excited because I honestly think that if Alex makes progress then that will resolve a lot of Maria's concerns. 
Saturday and Sunday were incredibly busy days.  We have a new ward mission leader.  He is probably one of the best member missionaries I have ever met, and I'm not entirely sure if I can keep up with him.  Anyway the mission has this goal of teaching 21 total lessons a week; that includes everything from investigator to dinner messages.  I don't know about other missions but it's actually a high goal to reach every week.  We usually can just do it but this week we were so incredibly behind.  (That is why we had a ton of walking time- we had no teaching appointments)  Well at the end of Friday we had I 12 lessons to got with only a few scheduled for the weekend.  When we told our ward mission leader I was a little afraid that he was going to have a heart attack from the panic that struck him.  We promised him that we would be able to get a few more lessons and then he made calls to ward members and long story short Sister Campbell and I taught 12 lessons in 2 days.  It might not look like a lot but it was.  Anyway I'm grateful for our ward mission leader.  It inspires me to not settle for anything less then our goals. 
Dad, I loved President Uchtdorf's message this month and I really needed it.  I was walking to the car on Sunday and had a small panic attack when I realized that I was closer to my year mark then my 9 month mark.  Sister Campbell couldn't really empathize, but she kept telling me that I was in the middle.  That calmed me down quite a bit.  Oh and mom, thank you for the Birthday Package.  I loved the skirts and the pictures.  They were just what I needed.  Thanks!
Well I got to go.  I love you all so much. 
Love sister Allred

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

First Week Of Training

Dear Family,
I'm sorry if this week is a little foggy.  I'm really tired in my head.  Not so much from training although that is a part of it- but we moved today.  We are so sad to be leaving the Lessies, but we are excited to move into our new above the garage apartment at the Johnsons.  Above the garage yes- but it is in Rancho Santa Fe and the family lives in a mansion, so this is probably the nicest place I've ever lived.  No joke it is small but it is gorgeous.  and its really great because it has a ton of character and personality.  The Johnsons are also a really great family although I feel like I probably won't see them much because it's summer and they will probably be traveling a ton.  Anyway, as we were looking through the apartment I kept remembering Eldon and Liz's descriptions of their mission apartments.  Didn't someone have mold dripping from the ceiling.  I don't have that.  No.  No, I dont. I actually feel a little bad that this is the first place my greenie is really going to live.  She is very likely going to have unreal expectations of the mission. Luckily she is very down to earth.
Oh!  I should talk about my greenie.  Her name is Sister Campbell.  She is from Provo Utah and goes to school at BYU-Idaho.  She is really sweet and very capable.  I'm excited to get to train her because I think that she is going to be a really good missionary.  We have had a long first week, but it had been good.  I felt so bad for sister Campbell the first night because she was just so tired, but our mission pres told us to have them keep going so that is what we did.  The next day was also an adventure.  we met some of the people that we are teaching and She did really well.  (Okay so I had to laugh to myself at this one because I had told sister Campbell that we are in a pretty affluent area.  Part of our area had really big houses.  Well we left dinner on Wednesday and she started talking about how much she enjoyed herself.  she said that even though it was nicer then normal place it still felt really homey.  I didn't have the heart to tell her that we had dinner in the government housing complex that is in our area, and it only got bigger from there.) 
Being a trainer is a whole different experience.  Just explaining the basics and things that I forget are basic is different for me.  Also I am realizing all of the bad habits that I have fallen into on my mission.  Honestly before Sister Campbell I thought I was at least a decent missionary.  Shame on me.  I prayed that I would have humility and a week later I was called to be a trainer. God answers prayers.  Well lucky thing is- Sister Campbell doesn't know the difference.
We had some really great lessons this week.  We are working with our investigator named maria and she is just so sweet.  I know that eventually she will get baptized.  The only question is when.  She really just needs a spiritual confirmation, but she actually has a surprisingly mature understanding of gospel topics and ideas.  I'm so excited about it.  Sister Campbell invited her to be baptized and I was just so proud of her.  We had talked about it before hand and we had prepped but it is still kind of a scary thing to do at the beginning.  Anyway, Maria said she wasn't ready to get baptized but it was still really good and the spirit was strong there. 
So- I have a question.  How much German to I have in my blood?   We have a family from Germany in our ward.  I've had dinner with them twice now and I just really like them.  I think out of every family in Del Mar, or actually my mission, that I don't actively teach , I click with this family the most.  They are really funny and blunt.  I like them.  Anyway I was just wondering. 
We got a new ward mission leader this week.  I was devastated in sacrament meeting when I heard brother darton was released, but then they announced brother zachirson was the new ward mission leader.  Then I knew everything would be fine.  I think Brother Zachirson is more excited about missionary work then I am!  He might just wear me out.
Well I'm sad to hear that we don't have a new baby in the family yet.  I was hoping.   I'll be praying for  you Liz.  I just wish that I could be there.  You know I do have a greenie.  Maybe sister Campbell doesn't know that you aren't supposed to leave your area, or your mission.  Maybe I will come for the baby! 
Anyway I love you all so much.  I loved the emails. 
Love Sister Allred tranning

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Big Surprise

Dear Family,
This has been an EVENTFUL week.  It has been full of EMOTIONAL lessons and SHOCKING surprises. WILD and FASCINATING turn or events.  (Was that good mom? I want you to know that in my lessons I have a much wider variety of words.  Just not in my letters!  Oh and happy Birthday! )
Okay so the big news first.  Today is transfer day and I'm a lot less stressed today then I expected to be,  We got pretty much everything done except my laundry.  We are going to be leaving in about an hour for transfer meeting.  Both Sister Heath and I are training.  I know!  That is the surprise for the week. I am going to be training.  I know that Heavenly Father has a sense of humor because all through out my mission I secretly looked forward to the day that I would train.  Then in the last two transfers I have been pretty set that I do not want to train.  I think because I was back in my greenie stake thinking a lot about when I was trained.  I just didn't want to do it.  Then what do you know- the phone is ringing and it's president cook.  Sure I'll train.  No problem....  That was pretty funny Heavenly Father.  Pretty Funny. 
I'm actually really glad that sister Heath was called to train to, because she has been able to walk me through my freak out process.  I am now at peace.  Well, I'll probably be at peace until right before transfer meeting.  Sister Heath and I have been taking turns freaking out since we found out on Wednesday night.  Either she will be sad that she is leaving del mar and whitewash training, or I will be questioning the spiritual enlightenment of our mission president.  I don't know what is going to happen.  I'm sure I'm going to have a lot to say next week. 
This week has been a big good bye week.  Sister Heath has spent 7 1/2 months in Del Mar.  She has met and loved A LOT of people hear.  She was the first sister in Del Mar in 10 years so every one loves her to pieces.  I can't tell you how many little gifts she has gotten in the last few days.  Anyway  I feel like I have some big shoes to fill.  Last night the Lessie's threw a little good bye gathering for sister Heath.  (Brother Lessie called it a "Thank God She's Gone Party" but we know he will be sad.)  Anyway we had a few ward members, recent converts less actives, and investigators there.  It really wasn't big but sitting there looking at all of the people that we had been working with- I was absolutely amazed.  I think last night was a missionaries dream to hear all the people that we have been working sit around a fire testifying of Jesus Christ and telling how much that missionary has helped them.  It was amazing. 
Okay so funny story-  Sister Heath HATES animals. She doesn't see the point in them.  But we had about 20 minutes before we  had to go to the Lessies last night and I asked her what she wanted to do.  We went to go say goodbye to Rosco the Labrador dog at a members house.  She Loves this dog and yes that was the sole reason for our visit. 
We have had a great week this week with a bunch of lessons and feeling the spirit.  We've had a few lessons with an investigator and I think she is really starting to progress.  She is really sweet and we can feel the spirit strongly when we have lessons.  On Sunday we stopped by a members home to drop something off and she was sick so we stopped to visit for a bit.  She talked about how bad she felt that she hadn't found anyone for us to teach in her home and then she called her house guest into the room.  She said, "These girls are so sweet to give up 18 months to teach people about our church. Will you please listen to them for 10 minutes.  Just let them teach you... Okay go ahead girls."  It was the most abrupt invite to take the lessons that I have ever had. 
Anyway this man has had some pretty spectaculare experiences with God.  He knows his stuff and what's even more exciting is that I think he would understand the significance of priesthood authority.  Anyway we talked to about 45 minutes and gave a quick restoration lesson.  I loved it because right when I was done sharing the first vision, The most spiritual part of the lesson,  this wonderful sister loudly came into the room bringing in a plate of cookies.  She set the plate down on the table and maybe saw my face because she said, "Did I just interrupt something spiritual?"  No-  it's fine.  Anyway the cookies got them off on a 5 minute conversation about where she hides the cookies so her kids won't eat them.  Awesome... Luckily he still wants to learn more.
Well, I've got to go.  I love you all so much.  I am praying for everyone.  Happy Birthday mom!!!
Love sister Allred


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

It's been a good week

Dear Family,
I loved getting everyones emails.  They all made me laugh and I really enjoyed hearing about what is going on with everyone.  Happy Father's day dad and Happy Birthday Liz!!  I hope that it is super special for you.  This week has been pretty crazy but really cool. 
I was really happy that Brother Vassefi called you dad on Father's day.  The vassefi family is amazing and they translate as we teach the recent converts in the ward who only speak Farsi. It is a unique experience teaching and translating but we really love this family and all the help that they provide.  It's also nice because pretty much anything I say Brother Vassefi says "You said that beautifully."  Aww go on...  Anyway we went over for dinner on Sunday and brother Vassefi thought of the idea to call our dads all on our own.  It was really fun, because even though I couldn't even hear what you were saying- having that connection be so close it made both sister heath and I want to cry.  I thought a lot about you on Sunday. 
This week we have had a lot of cool little miracles.  First there is this girl that we have been working with and she has a testimony of the gospel but there are some things that she needs to work on.  Anyway It has been frustrating at times because there are times where we feel that what we are saying is falling on deaf ears, but we have loved her and worked with her.  Then we had a lesson on Thursday and out of no where she starts talking about how she is doing things to change and repent.  It was amazing.  As sister Heath and I left the appt we wondered what we did to help her.  We came to the conclusion that we didn't do a thing except love her and always support her.  Honestly sometimes I think missionaries are really just glorified visiting teachers and God takes care of the rest. 
So this week we have been trying to show a lot of faith.  It got to the point that we realized we needed to drop about 3 investigators.  It is always hard for me to do it.  Mostly because I always get worried, "Who am I going to teach now."  It's sad to say but I don't like dropping people because of selfish reasons.  I know that the Lord will take care of them and that he will put the church in people's lives when the time is rights.  Well anyway this week we dropped 3 investigators and miracles always happen when we do that.  We picked up an investigator that we have been trying to teach for about 3 months now.  Not only that but she comes to church every Sunday and it getting married by the bishop.  Now she just needs to have the desire to get baptized.  Anyway we just barely started teaching her this week and it is great.  That would have been miracle enough this week, but then...
We got a call from a member in the san diego mission that her friend wanted to come to church and take the lessons.  This is a former investigator from about a year ago that we had tried to pick up again on several occasions.  Anyway she came to church on sunday and as I was talking to her in the hall between sacrament and sunday school she said she had a dream about to elders and she woke up and knew that it was time to convert.  So we went over and had a lesson with her after dinner with the Vassefis and set a baptismal date with her for July 28.  YEA!! the only problem is that she is moving into the Carmel valley ward in 2 weeks.  I haven't gotten around to telling our district leader that we are going to pass off an investigator to him that just happens to have a baptismal date.  Maybe I should do that soon.
Oh and then the last little miracle-  We had a lesson with our investigator Kelli yesterday.  She is frustrating because she has an awesome support system but each time we had a lesson with her we felt like she was holding back.  Well I was worried that we were going to have to drop her if she didn't open up to us and start searching but then we had a lesson at the church and she just started telling us all of her concerns and worries about getting an answer.  We figured out a lot of things that are holding her back from getting an answer.  We left her in the chapel praying and are excited to see what happens.  I think it could be a long journey for Kelli, but I have no doubt that eventually she will get baptized because she feels the conviction that this is the Lords church.  I'm excited for her. 
This is my last week with sister Heath and I'm really sad about it.  We were talking to the assistants the other day and they were annoyingly good about not letting any transfer secrets out, (The Spanish Assistant told all the Spanish missionaries what was going to happen before he left.  Why can't our English assistants do the same things?!)   but from what they said it doesn't look good.  If I'm honest it never looked good.  Anyway we are super sad especially because we feel like good things are happening in Del Mar.  We have worked hard to get the ball really rolling and we want to keep working hard together.  If there is one thing I have learned is that the Lord knows what he is doing and we are put where we are supposed to be. 
Well I've run out of time. I love you all so much.  Liz I hope that your delivery goes well.  I'm really sad that I can't be there.  I love you!!
Love sister Allred

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

This week is like a blur of issues. But it's good.

Dear Family,
It has been a great and crazy week.  There have been a couple of times that I have wanted to check my call letter and Check to see if I was called to be a missionary or a life coach.  My name tag says Missionaries but I have just realized that this week people have problems.  Lots and lots of problems, and for some reason they all think its a good idea to unloose to two 21 year old girls and say, "Well how can you fix me?"  I feel a little unqualified.  I'm just here to teach about Jesus.  That's all.  Sister Heath says that 18 months on a mission should qualify you for a bachelors in Psychology.  No thank you.  I will stick with the ABC's.  But seriously, this week we have had a couple lessons with couples who have severe marital problems and abusive pasts.  It seems like the spouses want us to "fix" their partner so they can stay married.  we taught another girl who has extreme insecurities and anxieties.  We had a lesson with a man who is normally the sweetest man ever but that day he was talking about how he wanted to drop kick this other guy down the street.  We Taught a woman who is super addicted to prescription drugs and frankly we don't know if we can believe a word she says.  Not to mention the people who hate the ward, hate thier work, have no work, have no family and much much more. And we haven't even gone through half of our lessons this week!  We taught a lot.  What ever happened to people having nice happy lives?  Where are they and why don't they want to take the lessons. 
I really do love all these people, and we got the highest number of lessons in the district this week, but my concern is that half of these people are so distracted by everything that Satan is throwing at them that they are forgetting that Jesus is the one who can help them threw.  I have been so grateful for the sentence in the white handbook that says, "Do not counsel members or nonmembers on personal problems."  I have realized this week that I am so not qualified for a lot of things, but I am qualified to teach the gospel of repentance.  When those around us listen and internalize the message that we share I know that everything else will fall into place.  That is what we have been doing this week and I am so grateful that the Lord is very much involved in this work. 
Okay now that's off my chest...  I can't remember anything else that happened this week.  We had interviews with the mission president and his wife.  I absolutely love them.  Pres Cook talked to us about working with the ward council and having them set their baptismal goals for each month of the year so that they can achieve their ward mission plan.  Once the ward has set their goals then we as the missionaries work our little tails off to achieve it.  He also told me to enjoy my time with sister Heath because its only going to be about 2 weeks more.  Not really a shocker- she has been here about 7 1/2 months, but it was still sad to hear.  I don' t know who my companion is going to be- I don't even know where we will be living.  The Lessies are doing some work on their house so it's not really conducive to a missionary lifestyle anymore.  We have to find some other members to let us live with them. 
I absolutely love living with the Lessies.  They are so good to us.  They are always there to get us things if we need them or be our member for the member present lesson.  We told President that sometimes Sister Lessie puts chocolates on our pillows.  He burst out laughing- and I'm afraid he might not take us as seriously anymore.  Anyway, This week I couldn't find my tag anywhere.  It was just completely gone and I was really sad because that tag has been with me everyday of my mission so far.  I don't have a spare.  When I called to order another one I found out that it would be about 2 weeks before I get it.  Sister Lessie saw how sad I was and she printed out a tag that looks Identical and she taped it to sister Heaths old tag.  I've been wearing t for about 4  days now and only 1 person has noticed it is not the normal tag.  Of course having a paper tag has its problems.  I am now deathly afraid of sprinklers. For example last night sister Heath and I were pretty far away from our car and we were running back to it so we could get in on time.  (Nothing says peculiar like two girls in knee length skirts running down a dark street at 8:45 pm and then stopping suddenly to strike up a conversation with that guy in his garage.  I know we're not normal.)  Anyway we had to run through a sprinkler and while the cool water felt nice I freaked out because My tag got a little wet.  Oh well.  Such is the life of a missionary.
When all is said and done this has been a pretty normal missionary week.  We picked up some new investigators that I actually think will get baptized (I just don't know when) we had one of our investigators come to ward conference and listen to the stories of a few recent converts.  The spirit was so strong and I was so grateful for it.  We dropped a few investigators.  Including the 86 year old widower.  But it's okay because he agreed to let us teach him in the spirit world.  It's been a great week.  This transfer is going by so fast but I think it's mostly because we are really enjoying our work. It's not easy being a missionary.  In fact at times it is down right hard, but I know that the Lord is right there and he is the one who is telling us what to say when we just have no idea. 
Anyway I've got to go.  I love you all so much.  I'm happy and healthy and hope everyone else is too!
Love Sister Allred
p.s. Sister Heath and I are currently sitting next to a guy snacking on straight garlic.  California is really weird. 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Miracle Sunday

Dear family,

Thanks for all of your emails.  I loved hearing from you.  So it was quite the week for memories.  First of all- I want to let everybody know that I'm fine.  It was incredibly weird seeing Deborah.  I was trying almost all of Sunday to put it into words trying to describe what it felt like to see my sister and I'm still not sure if I adequately described it. It was this merging of 2 worlds that are not supposed to merge and to put it simply it threw me for a loop.  I do think it is a pretty funny story and I honestly didn't expect to react the way I did.  I don't know what I was thinking when I saw Deborah-  I just suddenly realized that I was crying.  I was so happy to see her but at the same time I don't think I have ever been more home sick on my mission then I was that day.  It was trippy.  I will say that I am a little glad that i started crying because as soon as Deborah rushed off Elder Call came up to me and tried to give me a hard time.  I didn't feel bad about it because it wasn't either of our faults, but I didn't really want to deal with teasing.  So I just let my tears loose and he quickly back peddled.  Its nice being a girl. 

But that is not the only crazy thing that happened at church.  We had a less active girl that we have been working with come to church.  She hasn't come to church in 2 years and she got up and bore her testimony.  Then we had an investigator that I was working with in the La Costa ward get up and bear his testimony.  Then we had 2 former investigators come to Sunday school (They actually only came because they wanted our help paying a bill.  They don't speak English.  BUT still!)  Then we had another nonmember come that we plan on starting to teach this week.  And our recent convert got the priesthood!  It was an awesome day.  AWESOME!  I'm starting to notice that when we fast crazy miracle things happen.  Interesting.

Then that evening we had dinner with some of the best member missionaries in our ward.  They had arranged to have a nonmember friend come over for dinner so we could start teaching her.  She showed up 2 hours late and then as soon as we asked "What is your relationship with God?"  She just let loose and oh my goodness we were in a therapy session.  We only taught a little bit of the gospel but at least she wants to hear more.  By the end of the day I was literally spent.  But it was to say the least journal worthy.  Liz was right though-  I was a little thrown off for about a day but now I'm back on track.  I do feel bad that the one day I decide not to do my hair or make up was the day that I randomly ran into my sister.  UGH!

Friday and Saturday was amazing as well.  I went on exchanges to Vista, and I got to be with sister Chirstensen.  It was so much fun.  I loved being with sister Christensen. We got to see a lot of people that I used to teach and just catch up.  I got to see Jeremy the guy that got baptized in the YSA ward and he is doing awesome.  I'm so proud of him.  When we heard about exchanges I was so confused because President set this up and I had no idea why he would put me back in my old area with my old companion.  Once again it was proof that he is inspired.  We had a talk after nightly planning on the changes that were happening in our areas and in ourselves as missionaries. Sister Christensen said exactly the right thing for me to hear in order to remember my purpose and what I need to do to grow more.  It was a really great experience. 

Also this week we had one of the hardest lessons ever!  I don't think I have ever tried harder to listen to the spirit.  It was with or investigator named Frank.  He is 86 and just doesn't understand the idea of faith.  We taught him the beginning of the plan of salvation with the idea of how do we have faith that these things were true.  I struggled answering his questions because I didn't know the answer but as I listened to the spirit good things happened in our lesson.  Also we had a member with us who is AMAZING.  He is one the high council and just knows his stuff.  I was grateful for him.  Anyway the lesson was huge because he said that he would pray, and he said that he thinks he has actually been praying his whole life- he just didn't know it.  Anyway I just love him and I am so grateful for the spirit-

Well I think that is about all the time that I have.  Thanks for the clothes they were much needed and I love them.  I love yo all so much-  I remembered that very clearly this week.  I am so grateful to have the gospel in my life and such an amazing family. 

Love Sister Allred

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Happy Late Memorial Day

Dear Family,

I was so good to hear from you.  It sounds like it was a crazy but awesome week.  I love seeing the pictures and hearing about everything that you did.  Mom, can you send a picture of Rachel's dress?  I want to see that to.

This week went by really really fast and I'm not exactly sure where I want to start.  We have been having a lot of little miracles which I think has to do with the fact that sister Heath and I have been trying to have more effective weekly planning.  Weekly planning is like the bane of my existence but I think the theme this transfer is planning and fasting brings miracles. 

I think I am going through a mid mission crisis.  I'm realizing that I'm roughly half way and the idea has been freaking me out.  I'm trying ot figure out if I really have been doing everything that I possibly can do.  I'm trying really hard but I'm faced with the question of is it enough?  I'll admit Wednesday during companion study sister heath had to deal with a companion suddenly bursting into tears wondering if I was doing everything I could.  Actually it was just a rough day.  After I dried up my tears and we went out to work we contacted this man and at first it was really good. He was clear that he was not interested but he was impressed at how normal we were.  Then when we started talking to his friend about a prophet being on the earth today he kind of went off-  (I guess in retrospect we kind of burned the normal bridge with the prophet conversation.)  Any way he in a very nice way started tearing down everything that we believe in. He started throwing question/accusations at us and in a round about way told us that we were mindless sheep that only followed.  In those situations it is best just not to talk.  We tried bearing our testimony but he wasn't gong to listen and he didn't want answers to the questions he thew at us.  We wished him a good day and then walked away.  This man didn't yell at us, but he tore us down.  It was one of the harshest contacts that I have ever had and there were more tears.  It's times like that, which cause a missionary to question exactly why we are out here.  Because getting attacked like that is not exactly fun, so why am I doing this.  I thought about it a lot and I do feel sorry for that man.  Nothing, I mean absolutely nothing that he said changed the way that I think.  He did not damage my testimony in any way- in fact I know that I am doing good work here and I'm doing it not because I was raised in it but because I have had my own personal experiences that tells me, what I teach here is true.  One of the things the man said was that they only send missionaries to places where it is easy to baptize people.  HA!  I'd like to see him try to work in Del Mar.  Not so easy, but it is worth it. 

We had lessons this week with different investigators they all have very different needs and concerns.  But i thin we are getting there.  I know that as we keep working we will be able to help these people resolve their concerns and develop a personal relationship with our heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. This week I've been trying to really strengthen my relationship with them and each day we have been having experiences that tell us we are being guided.  Yesterday we were out in the morning checking on less actives. Because it was memorial day no one at all was home. They were all at the beach.  Anyway sister Heath and I said a prayer that the Lord would direct us to know where to go to use our time wisely.  We closed the prayer and we both felt like we should visit this one less active family.  They are never home, and not in our plans.  We try to stick pretty close to our plans but when we both individually felt like we needed to go we went.  Again it was really clear that the family was not at home and when were were about the leave the door opened and the daughter who lives out of town was staying alone in the house for the weekend.  We were able to visit with her and share a message with her.  It was amazing to see the Lord directing us but more then that it was amazing to see how much the Lord was aware of this girl.  She told us her history and we know that our visit was just a drop in the bucket but Heavenly Father wanted us to tell her that he loved her.  It was a nice experience. 

Oh Gosh I feel like I'm not writing anything that I had planned on writing but this is what is coming out and I don't have time to rewrite it.  Another little miracle is that we are starting to see some progression in people that we have been working with for a while.  We have a couple less active families that actually want to meet with us.  (That kind of freaks me out)  and we even have a potential investigator that we have been slowly working on.  She told us she didn't want to take the lessons and then she started coming to church on her own.  She said she is not ready to learn more about the church but then on Sunday she started asking us about how she can help her fiance believe more in God and how she can help out with the church.  She is a part member family and so her the father in law to be answered her question for us.  He said she needed to take the lessons and get baptized.  Thank you brother, Thank you. 

Anyway I think I am going to have time this week to write letters so I'm going to try and send a letter home. I love you so much.  I am so grateful that I am a part of our family.  I love you!

Sister Allred

First Week of Transfer--Awesome!

Dear Family,

I love being in the whole ward.  It is awesome!  I mean it is SO amazing.  we have the beach in our area and we have shopping and we have good people to work with.  I can't believe that it has only been a week, but it has been great. 

Okay before I get into any details I just want to send out an apology to the world.  The last month friends and family have been awesome at writing me and I'm so grateful.  I'm sorry to say that I haven't written any letters in about a month because there has literally been no time.  This week is the first week where I have time and I'm sorry to say I'm not going to write any emails.  I am tired.  I'm going to take a nap today. 

So Sister Heath and I are now in the whole ward and so we cover all of solona beach del mar, Rancho Santa Fe, and actually a tiny little bit of San Diego.  It is so exciting to be in the whole ward.  We started the transfer off with a fast and I really think that it has helped this week.  Wednesday and Thursday we picked up 2 new investigators.  One of them reminds me so much of Dani in Vista and I just know that she is going to get baptized.  She might not know it yet but I do.  The other is a friend of a less active teenager that we have been working with.  She is about 17 but so smart and is really talented.  She doesn't have that much of a religious background but feels good and the love of God as she prays.  It is so great. 

Oh so on Wednesday we had an appointment to teach a man named Frank.  I'm not sure if I wrote about him before but he is adorable and I just love him.  He is agnostic but is willing to let us teach him about Jesus Christ.  We set up and appointment to have a first lesson with him and he wasn't there.  Now this is normal in mission life, but not with Frank.  And he didn't return any of our phone calls.  This fear started to grow inside both sister Heath and I because Frank is old, and he has a lot of health problems.  All week we were praying that Frank would have an experience that would soften his heart to the church.  We were pretty scared that they Lord had heard our prayers and sent him a heart attack.  Be careful what you wish for. 

Anyway on Sunday we went over one last time to check on him and we were really worried, then we were super confused to see frank sitting on the couch just watching TV.  Well we talked to him and he felt so bad because he forgot what day it was the day of our appointment and he couldn't find our phone number.  I'm really grateful that he didn't have a heart attack, and we have an appointment this week.  We will call and remind him the day before. 

This Saturday we got to go to the temple to see a couple that sister Heath taught be sealed as a family.  I didn't even know this family but I was so touched.  That is why we are out here working, so we can help people make and keep those covenants that bind their familyy together forever.  It was so beautiful to see the whole family dressed in white and to hear the promises that the Lord makes to us. It was a wonderful experience. 

We are excited for this next week.  We have a lot of appointments and lessons with people.  It just feels good to focus in our area and have people that we can help.  This transfer we are really going to focus on getting 21 lessons a week, which for this area can actually be pretty difficult.  We got it last week and I'm looking forward to this next week.  I know that our purpose as missionaries is to teach and as we focus on teaching more our heavenly father will help us.  I'm pretty excited for this next week and transfer. 

I love you all so much. I'm praying for you,

Love Sister Allred
 ps  Liz I got your package and am so happy.  I loved the necklace and needed the shirts. Thanks!  I'll write you next week. 

Oh and the "It would only happen to us story" for the week that sister Heath and I have been collecting. Tuesday night we were contacting in our new area loving the fact that we had a new stomping ground.  We stopped and talked to this man.  We got into a really interesting conversation with him.  He seemed to think that the fact that Christ was born 2 thousand years ago was proof that we were wrong.  I think that was what he was saying. Anyway as sister heath were wrapping the contact up really wanting to leave he told us that we were cute and he wasn't interested in our message but he was interested in taking us out on a date.  Oh that was after he first verified that sister Heath and I were not "together."  He asked if we dated older men (He was 60) and sister heath gave a very firm "No."   I was very proud of her.  Yeah- that's our new area.  Welcome to Solona beach. 

Didn't I just talk to you

Dear Family,

Sorry for the delay.  It has just been a crazy day and I think this is the first time I've sat down except for a super interrupted personal study and travel time.  Sister Hopkins is getting transferred and so we have spent all of today getting ready.  We have barely enough time to squeeze in email.  I just want to take a few moments and say I am a true allred woman.  I packed all of sister Hopkins things by myself in less then 2 hours.  It is impressive.  I wish you could really understand.  Sister Hopkins and heath tried to help but I was just going so fast that it was better that they got out of the way.  Yeah me.  Its a good thing I'm on a mission because I have found that packing is a huge stress reliever. 

So I just loved talking to you all on Sunday.  It was so much fun.  President told us that this time around he actually did want us o only call our mothers house hold and to keep it in the time allotment the handbook say.  I was kind of bummed about that but I was so happy to talk to everyone.  Embarrassing moment-  I cried in Relief society on Sunday.  They were talking about the woman in the ward ad everything that they do for others.  I felt like I needed to that the sisters for everything that they have done for the sister missionaries, because I do feel like we have received a lot of nurturing from them especially sister Lessie.  Anyway I think because I was thinking a lot about home that day and mom, I just started crying in the middle of what I was saying.  Oh well- maybe that will score us some sympathy votes and we will get some referrals.

Monday was a pretty crazy day.  When I practically collapsed on the kitchen table during breakfast because I was so tired    Brother Lessie reminded me that It had been a pretty emotional last few days with phone calls home and transfer calls.  Not to mention we have pretty much not had a real p-day for the past 3 weeks, so my body was just exhausted.  I could feel it hard core.  But the joy of missionary work- even when you are completely drained you get to keep on working!  Anyway we all three were just dragging ourselves all day and then we had a lesson with a recent convert.  The 10 year old boy asked us why the church made us work all day everyday.  We talked about how we only had a small amount of time on our missions and we need to use it wisely.  But then as I was talking I remembered who tired I was that morning and how I had made it all day and it had actually been a great day.  I know without a doubt that the Lord was carrying me through yesterday.  I was absolutely wiped and things kept coming and we made it through.  I am so grateful for the lord for all of the support that he gives us.  It makes me think of that bible scripture where Christ says that the reason the man was sick was so show the power of the Lord.  I think the reason we keep on going is to show us the strength of the Lord.

Oh also on last night we had a lesson with the recent converts from Iran.  They are getting better with their English but we still need a translator for like everything.  I love teaching them because the spirit is so strong with them.  Also the the translator likes how I teach and after almost every sentence he says, "Wow.  You explained that beautifully."  Well that's always nice. 

OKay I have to go, and I can't think of anything else to write about.  I love you so much.  I am so grateful to have such an amazing family.  Liz what are you going to name the baby?

Sister Allred