Wednesday, July 4, 2012

First Week Of Training

Dear Family,
I'm sorry if this week is a little foggy.  I'm really tired in my head.  Not so much from training although that is a part of it- but we moved today.  We are so sad to be leaving the Lessies, but we are excited to move into our new above the garage apartment at the Johnsons.  Above the garage yes- but it is in Rancho Santa Fe and the family lives in a mansion, so this is probably the nicest place I've ever lived.  No joke it is small but it is gorgeous.  and its really great because it has a ton of character and personality.  The Johnsons are also a really great family although I feel like I probably won't see them much because it's summer and they will probably be traveling a ton.  Anyway, as we were looking through the apartment I kept remembering Eldon and Liz's descriptions of their mission apartments.  Didn't someone have mold dripping from the ceiling.  I don't have that.  No.  No, I dont. I actually feel a little bad that this is the first place my greenie is really going to live.  She is very likely going to have unreal expectations of the mission. Luckily she is very down to earth.
Oh!  I should talk about my greenie.  Her name is Sister Campbell.  She is from Provo Utah and goes to school at BYU-Idaho.  She is really sweet and very capable.  I'm excited to get to train her because I think that she is going to be a really good missionary.  We have had a long first week, but it had been good.  I felt so bad for sister Campbell the first night because she was just so tired, but our mission pres told us to have them keep going so that is what we did.  The next day was also an adventure.  we met some of the people that we are teaching and She did really well.  (Okay so I had to laugh to myself at this one because I had told sister Campbell that we are in a pretty affluent area.  Part of our area had really big houses.  Well we left dinner on Wednesday and she started talking about how much she enjoyed herself.  she said that even though it was nicer then normal place it still felt really homey.  I didn't have the heart to tell her that we had dinner in the government housing complex that is in our area, and it only got bigger from there.) 
Being a trainer is a whole different experience.  Just explaining the basics and things that I forget are basic is different for me.  Also I am realizing all of the bad habits that I have fallen into on my mission.  Honestly before Sister Campbell I thought I was at least a decent missionary.  Shame on me.  I prayed that I would have humility and a week later I was called to be a trainer. God answers prayers.  Well lucky thing is- Sister Campbell doesn't know the difference.
We had some really great lessons this week.  We are working with our investigator named maria and she is just so sweet.  I know that eventually she will get baptized.  The only question is when.  She really just needs a spiritual confirmation, but she actually has a surprisingly mature understanding of gospel topics and ideas.  I'm so excited about it.  Sister Campbell invited her to be baptized and I was just so proud of her.  We had talked about it before hand and we had prepped but it is still kind of a scary thing to do at the beginning.  Anyway, Maria said she wasn't ready to get baptized but it was still really good and the spirit was strong there. 
So- I have a question.  How much German to I have in my blood?   We have a family from Germany in our ward.  I've had dinner with them twice now and I just really like them.  I think out of every family in Del Mar, or actually my mission, that I don't actively teach , I click with this family the most.  They are really funny and blunt.  I like them.  Anyway I was just wondering. 
We got a new ward mission leader this week.  I was devastated in sacrament meeting when I heard brother darton was released, but then they announced brother zachirson was the new ward mission leader.  Then I knew everything would be fine.  I think Brother Zachirson is more excited about missionary work then I am!  He might just wear me out.
Well I'm sad to hear that we don't have a new baby in the family yet.  I was hoping.   I'll be praying for  you Liz.  I just wish that I could be there.  You know I do have a greenie.  Maybe sister Campbell doesn't know that you aren't supposed to leave your area, or your mission.  Maybe I will come for the baby! 
Anyway I love you all so much.  I loved the emails. 
Love Sister Allred tranning

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