Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Missionary work in California 2/27/12

Dear Family,
I'm sitting down to the computer and thumbing through my planner and I honestly can't remember a lot of what happened this week.  Last Tuesday was transfers. Its always fun to see what happens at transfers and I like it even more because I don't have to stress out about anything.  They had our mail held for transfers and so when we came in to district meeting on Wednesday there was a whole pile of letters and packages.  It was all for the sisters.  We felt really loved.  I loved the necklace.  It is beautiful and whenever Sister Christensen sees it she sings this dragonfly song.  Anyway thank you so much!  Then on Friday, planning was taking forever!  and so we went out to proselyte or basically take a break from planning.  When we came back to the apartment later that afternoon the mail man came by and gave me the package!  I loved it!  Yeah!  thanks so much.  I really was so happy when I opened it up.  It was just awesome.  Thanks everyone for all of your valentines and the presents. 
I cut my hair on Tuesday.  It is shoulder length with a little bit of layers.  I really liked it.  I was just planning on getting a trim but then all last week I was just so mad at my hair that I decided to chop it all off.  It might have been a rash decision but I still like it a lot.  So much for growing my hair out on my mission.  But it was already pretty long to start with. 
Wednesday we had a really cool lesson with a part member family in our ward.  The couple have been taking the lessons for a couple years, and the wife finally got baptized last may.  The husband is still working on it.  Wednesday we talked about the atonement and how it gives us the power to change.  I really felt the spirit super strong and we think he did to.  He has been taking the lessons for forever but he still hasn't done some of the basic stuff.  It makes it hard to figure out what to teach them because they have been taught everything multiple times.  we constantly have to remind ourselves to stick with the basics.  Oh also President has sat in on a couple of their lessons with other missionaries and so he keeps asking us how he is doing.  President really likes this brother.  No pressure. 
We discovered the power of splits.  Our goal was to get 21 lessons last week, and we had it all mapped out but of course everything fell to pieces.  We got our 21 lessons but it was only through going on splits twice.  It was fun but on the other hand I missed having my companion with me.  It is harder to do missionary work when you don't have your companion.  We were pretty proud of ourselves-  I kept thinking about Mom's "I'll give you numbers" story.  I don't think we were doing it only for the elders but it was fun to go to district meeting and know that we rocked at our numbers last week. 
On Saturday the Assistants had a baptism and the district goal was to have everyone in the district come to each others baptisms with an investigator.  We brought Dani, she is planning on getting baptized on the 20th of march.  Yeah!!  Anyway we got to the baptism right on time and Dani wasn't there yet.  Those darn assistants started the baptism right on time.  What ever happened to Mormon standard time!  Dani and Mike were super late and so we went out to wait for them.  They got there right after the baptism which was so sad!  But it was still good because the testimonies were awesome and we showed her the baptismal font.  She said things like, "When I get baptized..."  that just made my day. 
Well I think that is all that really stood out this week.  I wrote an snail mail letter last week but didn't have any envelopes.  I'll send it in this weeks letter. 
Love Sister Allred
**Note from the editor**
Feel free to help a sister out and send Tressa envelopes. I think it's a good way to remind her that it is important to send her adoring fans mail. Just a thought, but I think it would be funny.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Miss Mannors would not approve

Dear Family,
It was good to hear from you.  I hope everyone is feeling better soon.  I will definitely be praying for you health.  This week has been absolutely insane, and crazy but so much fun.  Okay, so I would defiantly recommend being a missionary for Valentine's day.  It was such a stress free day.  I don't think I have ever really cared about whether ot not I've had a boyfriend on Valentines day but Last Tuesday was just awesome.  We had a district activity which was so much fun-  I really like the Elders in my district. and then Sister Christensen and the Spanish sisters and took our last hour of Pday and went to Las Paposas.  SO GOOD!  We really enjoyed being together on Valentines day and just having fun.  Then we had a lesson with the husband of our investigator.  He is a member and she was out of town so we still went over and taught him.  It was great to hear of his testimony and to learn about why he believes in the gospel.  Also we got to learn some cool things about our investigator too, (like her thinking about baptism!"
Wednesday was great!  We picked up a new investigator.  It was a street contact that we didn't think would go anywhere, her name in Angelina,  We knew that she didn't live in our fam area and so we tried to give the referral to the elders.  I'm holding fast that we honestly did try.  Anyway because we have given them some pretty wimpy ones in the past they scoffed just a little at this referral so I decided to call Angelina and just see if she was interested before I really passed her off.  When I finally talked to her I thought, "Well I guess I can just schedule an appointment.  She probably wont show up."  So we scheduled it and I couldn't remember exactly what she looked like so she could have been YSA.  No she is married with a 5 year old son.  Anyway we went and had a really great lesson.  She in interested in learning more and we want to teach her.  When we were scheduling a return appt we told her that we would need to pass her off and she said "If you aren't the ones who come back then I won't sign up for another appointment."  Without any hesitation we told her we would come back.  And that is how we became investigator stealers.  We called president and for the time being we can teach her but in a few lessons we will have to pass her off.
Thursday was another good day and we had great lessons.  We taught some less actives in the YSA ward that I feel like are really making some progress it is so exciting to see that growing process in their lives. 
Friday was another great day.  We had an appointment with a woman that we could not remember for the life of us.  Okay a little back story.  Sunday I was going through my planner and found a name, Chan, and a phone number.  I hadn't written anything else about this person and neither I nor Sister Christensen could remember who this person was.  I was worried and bugged and just could not remember.  That's not like me.  When someone gives me their information I remember them!  Anyway All week is was just bugging me.  So on Wednesday I decided to call the number, what's the worst that can happen- I have had plenty of awkward phone calls before.  And honestly I thought if its like half the people who give us their information then they wont answer or they won't be interested. 
I called chan and before I was even done introducing myself She was saying "Oh Hi!  I'm off on Friday so you could come over then..."  So I scheduled an appoitnemnt got her address and hung up still having absolutely no idea who she was.  Sister Christensen was to say the least a little worried.  Then on Friday we went to the appt she had already made me promised that if I recognized chan then I subtly let her know.  We figured it was a YSA because it was out of our family area and I was in the YSA ward on Sunday and Sister Chistensen was in the family ward.  When the door opened It was a 50 something year old Samoan woman  and I could not remember her for the life of me, but she remembered us.  Sister Christensen and I sat down terrified- not knowing at all what to say.  I started to ask some simple probing questions like "Tell me about yourself," and sister Chirstensen in panic excused herself to the bathroom.  Thanks- Sister Christensen way to back me up. 
Anyway in a flash and an answer to a prayer I remembered exactly who she was.  She was a woman we contacted while filling up at the gas station.  we normally never contact at the gas station.  Sister Chirstensen is never the biggest fan of contacting but every now and then she gets a strong prompting to contact a specific person.  They always agree to a return appointment.  She had a prompting to talk to Chan only was to scared and made me do it.  I still don't know whey we both completely forgot about it.  Suddenly the stress came washing off.  I whispered Gas station the Sister Chirstensen and we had a really good lesson after that.  Well she is family ward and she is not in our area.  We tried really hard to explain that we had to pass her off but she just didn't get it.  We finally out of exhaustion agreed to meeting in the park in our area.  She is moving in a month anyway.  Well there is no doubt about it- I am an investigator stealer.  I am so rude.  We have plans to pass both of them off but I'll be honest a small part of me does not want to.  Don't worry I will.  Oh and here's the kicker.  The Spanish sisters tracked into an English  family that wanted to learn more but when we called them they told us they didn't want us they wanted to the Spanish sisters. I just wish the people who wanted us to teach then would be in our area, and the ones who don't wouldn't.  Is that to much to ask?
Saturday was pretty cool too.  we went to a quail farm and saw all the cute little quail babies.  It was so precious.  It was also pretty exciting because this was a less active couple in the family ward and they never let anyone in.  Yeah!  We didn't get to teach a lesson but there was progress!  Hopefully we can get them to feed us next.  Okay I've got to go.  I love yo uall so much.  I'm getting my hair cut today. I still have no idea what I'm going to do.  Yeah! 
I love you
Sister Allred
P.s.  Dad I gave Elder spendlove my genealogy.  He will let me know.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Wait- What happened to this week?

Dear Family,
It was so good to hear from you.  I loved your emails.  It has been a good week but a hard week and it was really good to hear from my family.  Oh gosh I don't even know where to start. 
We are really excited about the investigators that we have.  Almost all of them are progressing really nicely and I know that there are baptisms in the making.  I know that they are feeling the spirit and that is SO exciting.  I also know that most of the people we are teaching- when they commit they will commit and they will stay for good.  I think maybe that is why it is taking a little bit.  We have transfers next week, but I feel pretty confident that I am staying.  That is nice because I feel like I am in the middle of things right now and if I left now I feel like it would be super incomplete. 
We had exchanges this week.  It was the first time that I went out of my area and that I evaluated someone.  I worked with Sister Somers. She is still being trained but already a really great missionary.  Watching her be alone in her area for the first time brought back a lot of memories.  I'm starting to feel like I am aging just a little bit in the mission, and I'm not this greenie who doesn't know anything.  we had some really good lessons in Temecula and there are a lot of really great people.  I hope that I can serve there one day.  I also love exchanges because no matter how cool another area is, I love coming home to my area with my companion.  It just feels right. 
We just started teaching a less active woman and her 8 year old daughter.  We are helping the little girl prepare for baptism as well as help her mom feel more comfortable in the church again.  I absolutely love both of them.  They are so funny.  The little girl is hysterical.  She is such a little adult.  I love teaching her the gospel especially because "she is in the mood for Jesus."  but it also makes me grateful for primary and all of the testimony building times I had when I was young.  I really have so many blessings. 
We had a lesson with our investigator in the YSA ward this week.  She is so amazing- the only problem is she doesn't have time to meet with us that much.  Don't tell her but we have a baptism goal date for the end of March.  The only thing is she won't make that if she can't meet with us!  We have been praying that her schedule will open up and we can meet this week.  I'm so excited about her.  I know that the gospel will help her so much! 
Speaking of YSA investigators we have been struggling the past little bit.  We only have 1 investigator in the YSA ward and we really feel like we need to get more.  Anyway last week in weekly planning we felt really strongly that there were 2 new investigators waiting for us this week.  I'll be honest- at the beginning of the week we didn't focus on it a ton but by the end of the week that was all we were thinking about.  Sadly we found 0 new investigators.  I feel a little chastised, like the Lord was saying "I told you there were people to find- why didn't you do everything you could have to find them."  Well we are going to try harder this week and really focus on being totally effective with our time. 
On Friday we had this crazy break through with this less active that we have been working with.  His wife just got baptized and she is doing great, but we have been worried because we have seen 0 progress in him.  Well on Friday we were prepared to give a great lesson on the temples an he stopped and basically started to spill his soul.  He talked about who he has absolutely 0 testimony in the church and that he feel conflicted because sometimes he wants on but other times he does not want to give up his sins.  I really care about this family.  I have been working with them since I got to this area and I think they are like life long friends.  it breaks my heart to hear him struggling and so conflicted.  But it was good because by the end of it he basically asked if we could start reteaching them- focus on him and treat him as if he was an investigator.  That was so great that he was so willing to do that.  I am really praying for them.
Well we are excited for today.  We have district activity  which could either go really really good- or really really bad.  We'll see.  we just have a lot of strong personalities in the district.  Them we got permission to go to a restaurant with the Spanish sisters that we live with and have a valentine's day dinner.  I felt kind of bad asking for permission.  Sister Christensen and I cornered the zone leaders in front of the district  and it went like this: 
Sister Christensen "Can we get permission to got to Las Papusas with the Spanish sisters tomorrow?"
Me: "We live with them.  Las Papusas is across the street from our area."
Zone leaders:  "where is it"
Me: "Its in vista 1 area- literally right across the street from us. 
Sister Christensen: "please!!
Me "we really want to go!"
Sister Christensen "This is our Valentines celebration."
They gave us permission.  Sure we forced them in front of the whole district but now we get to celebrate valentines day with the Spanish sisters!
I love you all,
Sister Allred

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Meetings, Meetings, Meetings

It does not feel like it has already been a week.  It has gone by so fast I am having trouble remembering what happened. 

Well Wednesday was a pretty rough day,  The day before Sister Christensen and I were talking about how happy I am.  (She sometimes gets annoyed about how happy I am.  I'm not really sure how I am supposed to fix that.)  Anyway Sister Christensen said she felt like she has never really seen me grumpy before.  When she said that had a bit of a foreboding feeling and just knew that I would not have a good day the next day.  Which was weird because we had a day full of set appointments with investigators and recent converts.  The best days!  During study one of our investigators called and cancelled, after lunch one investigator called and dropped us,  then were were driving around trying to find some less actives and our recent convert called and cancelled.  All and all I had a really grumpy day.  I was pretty heartbroken about our investigator who dropped us.  I absolutely loved him and I just knew that the gospel would help him in his life.  (Joe was the one who dropped us.  He just couldn't give up the catholic church.)  Well it was a pretty rotten day until the last person called and cancelled and we were lost in fallbrook (a super spread out place)  absolutely no one was home.  Then it got just too ridiculous and we just had to laugh.  I already tried the crying thing earlier.  It's better to laugh.  Also the fact is we still had a pretty good day because all of our evening appointments held up and we had some really good lessons.

Thursday we had zone conference.  It was all about using the book of mormon to resolve concerns and helping the investigator resolve their own concerns by using the book of mormon.  It was just so cool and I had so much fun being around other missionaries,  It is so nice to see their skill and to feel their testimonies.  Also!!!!  My dear beloved sister Bean sent me an extra Thomas Guide!!  Oh my goodness. It was literally the best thing ever.  We have been working off of an old ratty photocopy of a map that is mostly only our family ward.  I love having a Thomas Guide.  I know heavenly father loves me because he sent me a Thomas Guide. 

Friday Sister Christensen went to the doctor.  We were both super nervous to know what the problem was with her knees.  The doctor told us it was just her anatomy and that i was something he could not fix with surgery.  she would just have to live with it.  That was a really heavy blow.  and after her mission I think she should go and get second opinions, but at least now she can stay on her mission.  And she is such a trouper.  After that she really has not mentioned the pain even though I'm sure she still has it. 

Saturday we went to Zone leader council.  Elder Kearon was there and talked to us about building our faith and basically just being great faithful missionaries.  He told us over and over- The mission is doing really well.  we are doing really well, but it is never going to be good enough.  There are always more ways we can improve.  We also had a brother come who does public relations for the church come and talk to us.  He told us a little about what is going on with Mit Romney and how we are going to get a lot of opposition from people. He read us the headlines for that day alone and it was all about how Him being a Mormon was awful and would basically ruin the country.  They were mentioning things about his garments and him being a bishop.  It was crazy because that was the first time we had really heard that stuff.  Anyway we did trainings on how to react when we get pretty antagonistic people come up to us.  He said at those time we are not supposed to be missionaries.  We do not invite them to learn more (unless directed to by the spirit).  We are public relations specialists.  We correct their misconceptions in short impactful sentences and that is it.  we build relationships but nothing more. I will say it was really hard for a room full of zone leaders to accept the fact that they were not to invite them to learn more or come to church.  We didn't really know how to handle it.  I'm a little nervous for the coming months I will be on my mission this whole election year and I'm sure I am going to get a lot of negative feedback...Pray for me.

Anyway Sunday and Monday were good.  we had some nice lessons and that was really exciting.  We had a lesson with a man in our apartment complex and that was a bit of a let down.  I'll be honest it wasn't the best on our part but we thought we were ending on a good note.  When we asked if we could come back to teach more, he said he had to ask his mom first.  (this was a 30 year old navy officer and his mom was back in Texas)  She is hard core baptist and that was a bit of a let down.  Especially because we spent the whole lessons talking about how important families were-  It wasn't like we could then turn around and say "don't worry about what your mom thinks.  She doesn't matter"  You just can't say that, but I wanted to.  Oh well, I believe in miracles- maybe he will call us. 

Well I hope everyone has a great week.  I love you and pray for you all the time.

Sister Allred

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Best Week Ever!

Dear Family,
Oh my goodness, this was an awesome week.  I mean Awesome!  Sister Chirstensen and I met and talked to so many people- we picked up 3 new investigators.  (We almost picked up 4.  Geesh! Don't these people want the gospel?)  No it has been really great and I'm pretty happy with it.  The only problem is we don't have time to stop rest and bask in the glory of such an awesome week.  It's a new week- we have to start all over again and go even stronger.  Anyway Life is pretty good but crazy right now.
We had a great lesson with an investigator and were able to set a very tentative baptismal date.  It is so tentative that we are not even announcing it to the ward yet.  But it is for her to work towards and I think that if she keeps reading and praying she will be ready for the baptismal date.  The sad thing is the baptismal date is in the middle of April and a week after transfers.  There is a high possibility that I will be transferred before she is baptized. 
A less active that we have been working with told us that he has been praying this past week.  YAY!! I'm so excited about that.  I feel sometimes that I am this mother hen for everyone that I teach.  I love these people immediately and then just fret about how to help them to be active and happy.  Maybe that is a sign that I need to trust in the Lord a little bit more.
We had exchanges this week.  I stayed in Vista with Sister Hermensen and Sister Chirstensen went to Oceanside with Sister Gittins.  It isn't so stressful to stay in my area anymore.  I didn't really think anything of it.  I think these exchanges were really needed.  Poor Sister Hermensen and Gittins, who were white washed into their area, were pretty stressed.  I think both sister Chirstensen and I were there to help relieve some of that stress for a little while.  I miss Sister Gittins.  She is so awesome.
So I know we were blessed this week because we had so many appointments.  This was really good because Sister Christensen has been having problems with her knees.  Luckily we had appointments and did not spend a lot of time walking.  Sister Christensen got a blessing for her knees on Thursday and we are going to the doctors this Friday.  I hope everything is alright.  Sometimes in our companionship we talk ourselves up into a frenzy and we just need someone to come in and pop our dramatic bubble and tell us everything is just fine.  Anyway- we will find out soon. 
So Sister Christensen and I are invited to zone leader council.  This is my second time going and sister Christensen's first.  She is pretty excited about it- I am not.  There is going to be a member of the seventy there and it's going to be awesome.  I'm trying to explain why I am not excited to Sister Christensen but it's the Idea that we will be in a small room with about 30 other people- and president will be asking us how to fix the problems of the mission.  It literally is a council and we have to go and say more then "Well gosh president I don't know.  Maybe you should pray about it."  You can't do that!  And then Sisters don't normally go to Zone leader council.  This means that we are now expected to go out and train the other sisters on what we learned as we go on exchanges.  That means president expects something out of me!  I don't want that.  I just want to go unnoticed in my own little area doing the work.  No expectations thank you very much.  Well, there we go- I think I need to have some one come and pop my dramatic bubble.  Okay, Sister allred, just calm down now. 
I don't know- It's been a super awesome week.  I am hoping I'll have time to write a letter but we have district activity.  That takes up a huge chunk of time.  I love you all so much, I know that the prayers that you say are so helpful and powerful. Have a good week. 
Love Sister Allred
Oh!  So we met a less active couple yesterday.  They were so nice and they basically opened up right on the doorstep about why they are not coming to church.  My heart just broke for them.  Anyway they are quail farmers and in about 2 weeks they are going to be hatching thousands of eggs.  They said that we can come over for dinner and then afterwards they will take us over to their farm and we can see the cute little quail babies!  I am so excited for this.