Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Missionary work in California 2/27/12

Dear Family,
I'm sitting down to the computer and thumbing through my planner and I honestly can't remember a lot of what happened this week.  Last Tuesday was transfers. Its always fun to see what happens at transfers and I like it even more because I don't have to stress out about anything.  They had our mail held for transfers and so when we came in to district meeting on Wednesday there was a whole pile of letters and packages.  It was all for the sisters.  We felt really loved.  I loved the necklace.  It is beautiful and whenever Sister Christensen sees it she sings this dragonfly song.  Anyway thank you so much!  Then on Friday, planning was taking forever!  and so we went out to proselyte or basically take a break from planning.  When we came back to the apartment later that afternoon the mail man came by and gave me the package!  I loved it!  Yeah!  thanks so much.  I really was so happy when I opened it up.  It was just awesome.  Thanks everyone for all of your valentines and the presents. 
I cut my hair on Tuesday.  It is shoulder length with a little bit of layers.  I really liked it.  I was just planning on getting a trim but then all last week I was just so mad at my hair that I decided to chop it all off.  It might have been a rash decision but I still like it a lot.  So much for growing my hair out on my mission.  But it was already pretty long to start with. 
Wednesday we had a really cool lesson with a part member family in our ward.  The couple have been taking the lessons for a couple years, and the wife finally got baptized last may.  The husband is still working on it.  Wednesday we talked about the atonement and how it gives us the power to change.  I really felt the spirit super strong and we think he did to.  He has been taking the lessons for forever but he still hasn't done some of the basic stuff.  It makes it hard to figure out what to teach them because they have been taught everything multiple times.  we constantly have to remind ourselves to stick with the basics.  Oh also President has sat in on a couple of their lessons with other missionaries and so he keeps asking us how he is doing.  President really likes this brother.  No pressure. 
We discovered the power of splits.  Our goal was to get 21 lessons last week, and we had it all mapped out but of course everything fell to pieces.  We got our 21 lessons but it was only through going on splits twice.  It was fun but on the other hand I missed having my companion with me.  It is harder to do missionary work when you don't have your companion.  We were pretty proud of ourselves-  I kept thinking about Mom's "I'll give you numbers" story.  I don't think we were doing it only for the elders but it was fun to go to district meeting and know that we rocked at our numbers last week. 
On Saturday the Assistants had a baptism and the district goal was to have everyone in the district come to each others baptisms with an investigator.  We brought Dani, she is planning on getting baptized on the 20th of march.  Yeah!!  Anyway we got to the baptism right on time and Dani wasn't there yet.  Those darn assistants started the baptism right on time.  What ever happened to Mormon standard time!  Dani and Mike were super late and so we went out to wait for them.  They got there right after the baptism which was so sad!  But it was still good because the testimonies were awesome and we showed her the baptismal font.  She said things like, "When I get baptized..."  that just made my day. 
Well I think that is all that really stood out this week.  I wrote an snail mail letter last week but didn't have any envelopes.  I'll send it in this weeks letter. 
Love Sister Allred
**Note from the editor**
Feel free to help a sister out and send Tressa envelopes. I think it's a good way to remind her that it is important to send her adoring fans mail. Just a thought, but I think it would be funny.

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