Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Best Week Ever!

Dear Family,
Oh my goodness, this was an awesome week.  I mean Awesome!  Sister Chirstensen and I met and talked to so many people- we picked up 3 new investigators.  (We almost picked up 4.  Geesh! Don't these people want the gospel?)  No it has been really great and I'm pretty happy with it.  The only problem is we don't have time to stop rest and bask in the glory of such an awesome week.  It's a new week- we have to start all over again and go even stronger.  Anyway Life is pretty good but crazy right now.
We had a great lesson with an investigator and were able to set a very tentative baptismal date.  It is so tentative that we are not even announcing it to the ward yet.  But it is for her to work towards and I think that if she keeps reading and praying she will be ready for the baptismal date.  The sad thing is the baptismal date is in the middle of April and a week after transfers.  There is a high possibility that I will be transferred before she is baptized. 
A less active that we have been working with told us that he has been praying this past week.  YAY!! I'm so excited about that.  I feel sometimes that I am this mother hen for everyone that I teach.  I love these people immediately and then just fret about how to help them to be active and happy.  Maybe that is a sign that I need to trust in the Lord a little bit more.
We had exchanges this week.  I stayed in Vista with Sister Hermensen and Sister Chirstensen went to Oceanside with Sister Gittins.  It isn't so stressful to stay in my area anymore.  I didn't really think anything of it.  I think these exchanges were really needed.  Poor Sister Hermensen and Gittins, who were white washed into their area, were pretty stressed.  I think both sister Chirstensen and I were there to help relieve some of that stress for a little while.  I miss Sister Gittins.  She is so awesome.
So I know we were blessed this week because we had so many appointments.  This was really good because Sister Christensen has been having problems with her knees.  Luckily we had appointments and did not spend a lot of time walking.  Sister Christensen got a blessing for her knees on Thursday and we are going to the doctors this Friday.  I hope everything is alright.  Sometimes in our companionship we talk ourselves up into a frenzy and we just need someone to come in and pop our dramatic bubble and tell us everything is just fine.  Anyway- we will find out soon. 
So Sister Christensen and I are invited to zone leader council.  This is my second time going and sister Christensen's first.  She is pretty excited about it- I am not.  There is going to be a member of the seventy there and it's going to be awesome.  I'm trying to explain why I am not excited to Sister Christensen but it's the Idea that we will be in a small room with about 30 other people- and president will be asking us how to fix the problems of the mission.  It literally is a council and we have to go and say more then "Well gosh president I don't know.  Maybe you should pray about it."  You can't do that!  And then Sisters don't normally go to Zone leader council.  This means that we are now expected to go out and train the other sisters on what we learned as we go on exchanges.  That means president expects something out of me!  I don't want that.  I just want to go unnoticed in my own little area doing the work.  No expectations thank you very much.  Well, there we go- I think I need to have some one come and pop my dramatic bubble.  Okay, Sister allred, just calm down now. 
I don't know- It's been a super awesome week.  I am hoping I'll have time to write a letter but we have district activity.  That takes up a huge chunk of time.  I love you all so much, I know that the prayers that you say are so helpful and powerful. Have a good week. 
Love Sister Allred
Oh!  So we met a less active couple yesterday.  They were so nice and they basically opened up right on the doorstep about why they are not coming to church.  My heart just broke for them.  Anyway they are quail farmers and in about 2 weeks they are going to be hatching thousands of eggs.  They said that we can come over for dinner and then afterwards they will take us over to their farm and we can see the cute little quail babies!  I am so excited for this.

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