Friday, January 14, 2011

This is a Formal Complaint

So in my previous post I wrote that we had a couple inches of snow. Correction, we had more like 5 inches of snow.

Friday I had to be at an elementary school in Sugar City at 9:15am, and pick up a couple of people along the way. I thought I was being really good becasue I was ready at 8:25 and cleaning off my car around 8:30. Well a few minutes later my windows were clean but my car was stuck, and I mean really stuck.

It took three guys to get me out of the parking lot. Then I tried pulling out of the long alley to get onto a street but there was a truck blocking my way, and yes he was stuck in the snow! Three guys later the truck was back in its parking lot and the boy decided to walk to class. But of course I was stuck again! I couldn't drive through the alley without 4 guys huffing and puffing pushing me up hill. I was embarrassed, and worried I would be late, and frustrated that I had to ask for so much help( I think I'm becoming a bit of a feminist as I get older.)

It was a great day at the school, but as I was still flustered and driving home I slid a couple times. I got to my driveway and could tell I was going to get stuck again. Well that was not going to happen, so I pulled out and drove to campus and bought a campus parking permit. My car will be parked at the Hinckley until the lot is cleared.

As I was walking back home I was so frustrated and mad about the whole morning. I started thinking that this would never have happened if it hadn't snowed. I was so angry and mad at the snow. I worked myself up into such a stew that looked up into the sky and thought, "You really should do something about this snow." It sounded so much like statements I had heard in advising, and I think I was trying to submit a formal complaint with Heavenly Father.

The thought was so ridiculous that I couldn't help but laugh at myself. Oh gosh, who do I think I am! As I laughed at myself I wasn't really mad anymore, and I looked up and noticed how beautiful the trees looked all covered with snow.

BYU-I Updates

I really should be doing some homework before the day starts but I'd rather blog, so I will. I don't have anything amazing to write about just a few little things.

We are just finishing up the 2nd week of the semester. So far it has been busy but great! It has been super cold here and has snowed a lot. Yesterday it snowed a couple inches just in a few hours. I haven't broken out any of my heals yet which has made me sad, but at lest my feet are warm. During the announcements at devotional on Tuesday, they reminded the young ladies to wear appropriate footwear. They said its not worth breaking an ankle over. (I don't necessarily agree.) Then they suggested if the men see a damsel in wobbly distress they should, "ask to help her and take her arm. Ask her name. Tell her yours. You can take it from there." Only in BYU-Idaho.

Work is great. One of my favorite roommates, Jill got a job in a satellite advising center on campus, so we get to sit next to each other during all advising meetings. It is just so much fun. I've got to girls in the office who are engaged, so Brother Tippetts, my boss and office yenta, is happily giving them advice for marital bliss. I thankfully seem to have fallen under his radar. It kind of nice.

My classes are great. I am done with all of my general classes, so this semester is strictly Education classes and I love it! All of my teachers previously taught in public schools, so they know what we are up against, and they all want to prepared us the best they can. Yesterday, I went to the Student Teaching information meeting. That means I am going to be student teaching in exactly one year! I think about that pretty regularly and then I have to check myself. This is weird...

Even though I am really busy, I sure do love my classes. They are hard and challenging, but they are also so much fun. For, my homework this week I; a bunch of reading but then I practiced my handwriting, played the recorder 15 minutes a day, 3 art projects, read children books, and color in the states on one of those maps third graders work on.

I love my major.