Tuesday, September 25, 2012

New Area--Escondido!!

Dear Family,
Wow.  I was really excited to email this week but oh my gosh I got a lot of big updates.  Holy Cow!  I am excited about Hawaii.  That will be super fun.  I don't know what I would want to do.  I think probably come home to Hawaii and then spend a little time in Utah or Maryland before going up to Utah.  The Lord is already getting me prepared because he just gave me a Polynesian companion.  (She is Tongan- not Hawaiian.) 
 So my new Area is felecita ward in Escondido.  It is TINY compared to Del Mar, but there is a lot of work to do.  We picked up 2 new investigators this week and I am really excited about some of our other investigators.  We have a lot of really strong members in this ward but we also have a lot of member with pretty intense needs.  I am so grateful for the church, I have been so impressed with how these ward members really try to take care of our members.  We were talking to this somewhat investigator and he was asking if there were service opportunities in the church.  He goes to another church and he hears about them all the time but then he comes to our church and doesn't hear anything about service.  First of all he never stays for 3rd hour and also I thought about our home and visit teaching programs.  The whole church is designed around service.  Anyway, he is pretty cool.  I just want to get him progressing. 
My new companion is Sister Tua'one.  She is the sister that I went on my last 2 exchanges with and got in a fight with on our first one.  Neither of us were that excited to get put together but we have had a lot of very open and honest talks and I think our relationship is going to be so much better.  We are both very different but she has a really good heart.  Also she is a really good teacher and that makes me so happy.  I love teaching with really good teachers. 
We have got a lot of good investigators and I'm absolutely expecting baptisms in the very near future.  The ward council is just amazing, and really in this area the youth is were all of the work is really at.  We have a really strong youth program which I am so excited about.  we have this one girl how is just so sweet and excited about the church.  we taught her the word of wisdom this week and she really connected with the idea that our bodies are temples  and so we need to treat them as such.  I was so grateful to hear her talk because she started to explain that her friends were starting to get into some pretty bad stuff which is sad because she is only 13.  Anyway she wants to find a new group of friends so she isn't involved.  How amazing!  She is so strong and such a role model for me.  We also have another really great investigator who is so amazing.  She is a newly wed and her husband is a member.  He just started coming back to church and she is taking the lessons.  She wants her family to be like his was growing up.  She talked about how she felt like the things we were teaching were true but she didn't understand why.  She was scared that these feelings were coming from her, because she wants it so badly.  We are going to be talking to her about faith tonight and trusting the feelings that invite her to do good.  I am very excited about the work that we have to do.
The members are also great!  we have a pretty full dinner calender all the way up to mid October.  I do have to laugh though.  I have had more fast food in this week then I did in a months of being in Del Mar.  Escondido and Del Mar are about 15 minutes away from each other, but at the same time they are worlds apart.  I think it's possible that I may stay here the rest of my mission.  If that is the case then I with be a south sister.  I have never served in the north of my mission ever!  I think I would like to but it is okay if I don't there is so much to do in Escondido. 
Oh!  on a small side note.  I have been so impressed at the mobile homes in the Escondido.  I would say that at least 1/4th of the people we work with are in mobile homes and they are so nice.  I have gone into a bunch and thought- I would love to live here!  I was in a few in vista, and they are nothing compared to the ones I have seen here.  Anyway, I think I am becoming a lover of mobile homes.
I'm looking through my planner and I still can't remember much from this week.  It was a bit of a blur but I am happy to be in Escondido.  I miss Del Mar a little bit but this is a good place to be.  Oh!  One last crazy story.  Sister Tua'one is very scared of dogs.  We had a fat weenier dog waddle after us once and she ran.  Well we were going to check on this less active how was very into nature and pulled up in her drive way.  Much to sister Tua'ones horror we saw a big dog in the yard eating.  I looked at it and told her not to worry.  It was not a dog.  It was a coyote.  Yes this less active was feeding the coyotes.  I have to admit that even I did not really want to get out of the car.  We honked a little and the less active came out.  She was very sweet, and told us the coyote was the nicest girl named Jamie.  We didn't stay very long at all. 
Anyway I love you all.  I hope to hear more from you.  Rachel, How are you doing?
Sister Allred

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Last week in Del Mar

Dear Family,
This is my last week in Del Mar.  I have been here for about 6 months now and I love this area.  I didn't realize how much I loved del mar until I started saying goodbye to it.  All day yesterday my heart felt like it was breaking.  The Lord has really blessed us these last few weeks. 
Okay starting from from the top of the list of miracles.  We had a baptism on Saturday.  His name is Marcelo and he is the son of a woman in the ward that we visit weekly.  It has been amazing because this has been a 10 year journey.  His mom, Ana, joined the church 10 years ago after Marcelo took her to the temple in Hawaii.  She joined the church quickly and became a very faithful member.  Ana has amazing faith.  Marcelo wasn't interested.  For the past 10 years Ana has been trying to get Marcelo interested and he has resisted.  Then this year the Lord has really been working with him to soften his heart.  About a month ago we started teaching him and it is amazing how prepared he is.  It is has been amazing every time we taught him.  He is so excited to be a member of the church. 
He didn't want to tell his mom that he was taking the lessons and so we taught him in secret,  which I enjoyed immensely.  It just made me laugh every time.  Of my favorite moments.  Marcelo had to change his phone number and he sent us a text with the new number in the morning.  We had a lesson with ana that day and she said, "Marcelo changed his number.  Let me give it to you just in case."  We said thank you and reentered it into our phone.Another favorite moment was when when we had a lesson with Marcelo at his house and his mom walked in on us teaching.  I had the urge to quickly close my scriptures and throw them under the table.  The whole situation was hilarious. 
Anyway this week was incredibly stressful and because Marcelo was scheduled for baptism but we still had SO much to teach him- he didn't have a baptismal interview yet- he was sick and working- and Ana still didn't know but almost the whole ward knew.  (Marcelo wanted to keep the baptism a surprise.)  Long story short  the Lord took care of things and Marcelo was so prepared for baptism.  We got everything for baptism and Marcelo brought his mom to the church about 20 minutes before the baptism.  It was one of the most touching moments when he told her that he was getting baptized.  I think it was the best baptism that I have ever went to. The spirit was so strong their.  I just feel like I am still on this baptism high!!  It was amazing. 
We went to go and visit them after the baptism and I just had to keep looking back at Marcelo.  I don't think I have ever felt this before but something just seemed different.  I kept trying to figure out what was different and I couldn't put my finger on it but there was something absolutely different.  I am so excited for Marcelo.
But that's not all folks.  Still more miracles.  We are still working with Alex and Maria even though they missed their baptismal date earlier this month.  Sister Campbell and I had a goal of another date before I left.  On Sunday we went and decided to teach about exultation.  What does it mean to be with our heavenly father.  All through the lesson Alex was totally engaged.  We talked about a lot but at the end we simplified it down to the idea of being exalted it being with our heavenly Father, having complete confidence in the lord and being with our family forever.  We gave them a moment to think about what that meant and then Alex, said he wanted to get baptized.  He didn't want to wait anymore.  We set it for about a month away and then yesterday they moved it up two weeks!  Maria is going to get baptized to.  Apparently she has been feeling like she needs to get baptized but she was just waiting for a stronger feeling.  I'm so excited.  I really think that this one is going to go through because it came from them. Not from us.  Overall it's an awesome way to leave an area.
Actually its a terrible way to leave an area, because after Alex and Maria get baptized we have run out of investigators.  Sorry sister Campbell! 
I'm going to be transferred today and I'm excited for my new area.  I really want to be an even better missionary.  I am pretty sad to leave the people here and I am really sad to leave sister Campbell but I know that she is going to do great!  Personally I think getting away from her trainer is exactly what she need.  Ha!  Time to cut the apron strings.
Well I'll let you know how everything goes and where I am next week.  I love you so much! 
Sister Allred

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Dear Family,
This week has been filled with emotional  ups and downs.  It was like a huge black storm of emotions.  We had a lot of trouble with our investigators and a bit of trouble with our less actives.  We had a TON of cancellations, we had a baptismal date missed, we are coming on the last week together and my last week in the area, and both sister Campbell had those issues that only sister missionaries have to deal with.  But over all I have learned a ton this week and I am happy. 
Okay up date on what I think is the most important issue at hand.  The sister missionary frump. I am fighting it.  I still want so badly to throw away my hair brush and wear my comfortable yet worn out skirts but it is not going to happen.  I put make up on this week.  Actually the thing that did it was the Relief society opening social our ward had on Saturday.  It was after a long day of walking- so sister Campbell and I arrived sweaty and sun burnt.  We sat in a mansion watching all the women of the ward socialize and I felt incredibly unattractive.  It was about then that I started realizing that the sister missionary frump in this area is really not acceptable.  People here are concerned about appearances and they probably don't want to introduce their friends to sisters who look like they just survived world war III.  I think the thing that put me over the edge was when I say Kayla.  She is a young mother in the ward.  Currently she has a young 2 year old daughter and is very pregnant with triplets.  Triplets!  Did she look frumpy?  no she did not.  She looked adorable and she looked even better in her 4 inch orange high heels!  Okay sister Allred you are not pregnant with triplets.  You can step it up a bit.  So, I am doing my hair again, putting on make up, and I just got a new skirt.  I am super excited!
On to actual missionary work.  Thursday was probably my favorite day this week.  We had a lesson with one of our investigators who is progressing very nicely!  He is basically has made the decision that he wants this to be a part of his life and he is soaking up all of the things that we are teaching him.  It just brightens my day to teach this investigators, because this is the gospel in action. 
Then we had one of our former investigators that we haven't heard from in a bit text us and asked if she could feed us dinner.  She is a really smart girl and she is so dedicated.  She wants to know more about Heavenly Father and I know that the gospel would transform her life because she has gone through a lot of hard things.  Anyway, we knew she worked a lot but hearing her schedule made me exhausted.  I know how much she needs what we have but I just am concerned that life is going to get in the way of investigating. But I think that is every one's problem.  Do we let life get in the way of our relationship with Heavenly Father?
Sunday we took one of our investigators to primary instead of relief society.  Sometimes the spirit is so much pure in that room that we wanted her to hear the gospel taught to children.  It was great.  This investigator has a very hard time reading and so to
 help we gave her the book of mormon picture book.  He husband made fun of her but as a result she knows the book of mormon stories so much better then he does.  Yes I really want to rub that in his face.  Anyway by far her favorite story was Lehi's dream.  In Primary the 1st councilor in the bishopric brought in this HUGE picture on Lehi's dream and talked to the kids about it.  Then we heard him talk about how he didn't want it anymore.  We could practically see our investigator salivating. We got the picture for her and brought it to her last night.  She was thrilled.  He husband is going to put up with it.  They live in this small room and the picture is going to take up a huge part of the wall.  If that doesn't remind them to read their scriptures I don't know what will!
I hope everyone is doing well.  Mom good luck with your primary activity.  That sounds extraordinary!  I know you can pull it off.  I do want to die my hair but since I'm just not sure if I will be able to handle the upkeep I think I'm going to wait till the end of my mission. Dad I loved that article in the ensign.  when ever I think about that story I think about Alma 37.  Heavenly Father doesn't ask that much from us, but because it is so simple people forget to look.  they forget to read and to pray and then they get lost. It was a good ensign this month. 
Well I love you and miss you all. 
Sister Allred

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Rants of a missionary

Dear Family,
I loved reading your emails.  I miss being there it sounds like so much fun. 
This week has been a whirlwind and I feel like I need to look through my planner and journal to remember exactly what happened.  On the plus side each week I convince myself that I am going to copy pages from my journal and send it home in snail mail since I am epically failing on writing the family.  Well I haven't done that yet but as a result I have been much more consistent and detailed with writing in my journal.
We went on exchanges this week.  We went with the same sisters that we had exchanges with last transfer. I got to spend a night in Escondido.  Escondido is different then Del Mar.  Its a lot less affluent.  Our first appointment in Escondido was with a 90 something less active.  She came to the door without any pants on. That has never happened to me in Del Mar.  We also went to a less active that lived behind a house in a trailer.  It reminded me of my well loved days in Vista.  The best part was along the drive way were a line of toilet bowls being used as pots for plants.  It was hilarious and I made the sister stop and take a picture of me with them.  That is not the normal decor in Del Mar either.  Anyway I loved Escondido, because it just reminded me how there are good people basically everywhere!
Okay so can I get a rant out please?  This week I have been hearing a lot of down with the rich talk.  It has been really frustrating because most of the people who are saying that may be struggling financially but they create this image of wealthy people that is like they are these terrible evil monsters who only believe that other people are hear to serve them.  Frankly they are really judging these people.  I know those that have money may have a warped perspective, but you know what so do people with out money.  I just keep thinking of the phrase, "Don't judge me because I sin differently then you."  The fact is I believe that most people every where are basically good.  I have found that most people are willing to help others if they see a need.  I know that the gospel is designed to help everyone rich or poor.  Okay, rant over. 
We have had a lot of lessons this week and we have a lot to do in this area.  I'm a little worried because I think that we may have a few to many people to teach we have been struggling with our finding the past few weeks frankly because we just haven't had time.  Our investigators are progressing nicely except eventually we are either going to baptize them or drop them and then we will need new people to teach.  I'm just nervous that our teaching efforts are a little unbalanced. 
Okay so an update on Sundays.  For a while now Sundays have been stressful.  I spend my sacrament meeting scanning the rows wondering how is here, what are they hearing, what can we do to help them progress toward Jesus Christ.  It just stresses me out.  Well this week I was just fed up with it.  I sat down saw our investigators and instead of fretting about them I thought- "Well they are here and there is nothing else I can do for this hour.  I am not going to think about them."  And I didn't!  Instead I listened to the testimonies and felt the spirit so strongly.  I started seeing all of the very different people get up to the pulpit but they were all united in their faith in Jesus Christ.  It was such a testimony to me that what we are doing is good. This is the Lord's work- not mine.  And because Jesus Christ suffered for all of our sins he knows what needs to happen in order to help us all.  We just need to let Him help.
I am so grateful for the restored gospel.  I know that we have a loving Heavenly Father who sent his Son to us.  I know that I am weak on unworthy but I am so grateful.  I know that this will bless my life and the lives of those who accept. 
I love yo all. 
Sister Allred