Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Dear Family,
This week has been filled with emotional  ups and downs.  It was like a huge black storm of emotions.  We had a lot of trouble with our investigators and a bit of trouble with our less actives.  We had a TON of cancellations, we had a baptismal date missed, we are coming on the last week together and my last week in the area, and both sister Campbell had those issues that only sister missionaries have to deal with.  But over all I have learned a ton this week and I am happy. 
Okay up date on what I think is the most important issue at hand.  The sister missionary frump. I am fighting it.  I still want so badly to throw away my hair brush and wear my comfortable yet worn out skirts but it is not going to happen.  I put make up on this week.  Actually the thing that did it was the Relief society opening social our ward had on Saturday.  It was after a long day of walking- so sister Campbell and I arrived sweaty and sun burnt.  We sat in a mansion watching all the women of the ward socialize and I felt incredibly unattractive.  It was about then that I started realizing that the sister missionary frump in this area is really not acceptable.  People here are concerned about appearances and they probably don't want to introduce their friends to sisters who look like they just survived world war III.  I think the thing that put me over the edge was when I say Kayla.  She is a young mother in the ward.  Currently she has a young 2 year old daughter and is very pregnant with triplets.  Triplets!  Did she look frumpy?  no she did not.  She looked adorable and she looked even better in her 4 inch orange high heels!  Okay sister Allred you are not pregnant with triplets.  You can step it up a bit.  So, I am doing my hair again, putting on make up, and I just got a new skirt.  I am super excited!
On to actual missionary work.  Thursday was probably my favorite day this week.  We had a lesson with one of our investigators who is progressing very nicely!  He is basically has made the decision that he wants this to be a part of his life and he is soaking up all of the things that we are teaching him.  It just brightens my day to teach this investigators, because this is the gospel in action. 
Then we had one of our former investigators that we haven't heard from in a bit text us and asked if she could feed us dinner.  She is a really smart girl and she is so dedicated.  She wants to know more about Heavenly Father and I know that the gospel would transform her life because she has gone through a lot of hard things.  Anyway, we knew she worked a lot but hearing her schedule made me exhausted.  I know how much she needs what we have but I just am concerned that life is going to get in the way of investigating. But I think that is every one's problem.  Do we let life get in the way of our relationship with Heavenly Father?
Sunday we took one of our investigators to primary instead of relief society.  Sometimes the spirit is so much pure in that room that we wanted her to hear the gospel taught to children.  It was great.  This investigator has a very hard time reading and so to
 help we gave her the book of mormon picture book.  He husband made fun of her but as a result she knows the book of mormon stories so much better then he does.  Yes I really want to rub that in his face.  Anyway by far her favorite story was Lehi's dream.  In Primary the 1st councilor in the bishopric brought in this HUGE picture on Lehi's dream and talked to the kids about it.  Then we heard him talk about how he didn't want it anymore.  We could practically see our investigator salivating. We got the picture for her and brought it to her last night.  She was thrilled.  He husband is going to put up with it.  They live in this small room and the picture is going to take up a huge part of the wall.  If that doesn't remind them to read their scriptures I don't know what will!
I hope everyone is doing well.  Mom good luck with your primary activity.  That sounds extraordinary!  I know you can pull it off.  I do want to die my hair but since I'm just not sure if I will be able to handle the upkeep I think I'm going to wait till the end of my mission. Dad I loved that article in the ensign.  when ever I think about that story I think about Alma 37.  Heavenly Father doesn't ask that much from us, but because it is so simple people forget to look.  they forget to read and to pray and then they get lost. It was a good ensign this month. 
Well I love you and miss you all. 
Sister Allred

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