Saturday, October 23, 2010

FDREL 212 - New Testament II Lesson 6 "Our Salvation is nearer than we beleive."

For my student choice assignment I chose option 1. It was a great reminder to me to endure to the end. I am a member of the church, but just going to sacrament meeting every Sunday is not enough. This section reminded me that I need to make a continual effort to increase my love for others and to live my life in a better way.

In Ezekiel 3:20 we are told that we must never stray away from the path of righteousness. We must always be striving to live the gospel in a more perfect way. As members of the Church we are blessed to have the gospels lead us through life and can partake in the ordinances we need or progression, but that does not mean that we have done so many good dead we can afford a little wickedness. We must focus on the Lord and turn away from evil. D&C 14:7 adds to this by saying that we must endure to the end. I know that this can be difficult but I also know that when we pray and ask for help the Lord is there to comfort and strengthen us.

Paul teaches us how saints should act
Romans 12:1 - Sacrifice our time and energy to service to others and the Lord
Romans 12:2 - Don't let the world change you and warp your perspective and motivations.
We need to let the Lord change our hearts and mind.
Romans 12:9 - Love with a sincere and pure heart. Don't put on a show, really love.
Romans 12:13 - Be hospitable to everyone. Don't let those in need feel alone.
Bring then in and make them feel safe and at home.
Romans 12:16 - Do not be prideful in yourself or your knowledge.
Concern yourself with helping others and meeting their needs
Romans 12:21 - Continue to do good and love. It will affect lives and make changes that you
may not even realize.
Romans 13:1 - Recognize the Lords power and follow it.
Romans 13:3 - Exercise righteous authority and do good.
Romans 13:8 - Stay out of debt of any kind, but always love those around you.
Romans 13:9 - Love thy neighbor and all that it entails.

Paul reminds us that we should not judge one another. It doesn't matter what our neighbor is doing or isn't doing, that is between him and the Lord. We are all at different points in our spiritual progression and so we need to make an effort to lift each other up instead of judging them. We will all be judged by the Lord and it is better to spend the time that we have encouraging others, then wasting is by tearing each other down.

When others have different practises or opinions this should not be a cause for contention. Paul teaches that everything we do we do in dedication to the Lord. As the church expands throughout the world we will meet people who may not do everything in quite the same way that we have grown up doing but that is okay because we are doing it with a sincere heart, and we are all equal in the eyes of the Lord.

Paul constantly refers to church members as saints. We are all saints and that thought inspires me to act like a saint. I want to serve, and love those around me. I want to uplift and edify others. I think I have a new role model, in Romans 16:2 Paul briefly mentions a woman named Phebe. He only says that she was "a succourer of many," but it that is the only way an apostle would choose to describe me then I would happy.

I know that this church is true and that we are all brothers and sister. I know that the Lord is looking out for us, but he does a lot of his work through us. I want to be a tool in his hand and a daughter know for running to others in need of comfort.

    Wednesday, September 22, 2010

    My Name is Tressa and I Am Directionally Challenged.

    I had a humiliating experience last night. I realize that by posting this I am putting myself to ridicule but I thought this was post worthy. So let it come.

    Last night I went to the house of my 6 boys to babysit. It's such a treat for me to be back home and babysit again. as I walked in the house the dad asked me if I wanted to drive the boys to church for scouts and then pick them up again later. I was more then willing to do it but my heart sunk a little because I had no idea how to get to the church.

    As a little disclaimer its a new building and I have only been to the church 3 times, but there is no doubt about it; I am directionally challenged, and it was made absolutely apparent when I was getting directions from the five year old. The mom had put the church into the GPS so I had that but as I was driving down the rode the loud five year old was saying things like this.

    "Tressa, you don't know how to get to the church, okay I show you!"

    "Yep, Tressa this is the ride rode!"

    "Hey this is where we go to get to my super cool gym! Do you know how to get to me super cool gym?" --"umm... No." "Okay, I'll show you that way."

    And then I'll admit, I misread the GPS and took a wrong turn even though this was what I was hearing, "No Tressa you don't turn this way." 'It's okay I think I'll go this way." "No this is the wrong way!!" and then the GPS confirming his sentiment, "Recalculating."

    I couldn't hold it in anymore and started to laugh. It's official, I really stink at directions, and there is no disputing it when I ask a five year old, "Umm is this the right way?"

    Sunday, July 25, 2010

    At Last! I Am a Big Girl!

    Okay I know that this was forever ago now but I still think it is blog worthy. Three weeks ago was my birthday. I turned twenty and had a blast while doing it. I've got to say that right around the time I turned 18 all I wanted was to not be a teenager. I had done the teenager thing and was done. Needless to say nineteen came and went and I didn't shed a tear.

    I woke up Friday morning and went into the living room to find it filled to the brim with balloons, streamers, flowers and a pinata. The days coming up to my birthday I really hated the idea of making a big fuss for my birthday, and on the whole just wanted to have it pass by unnoticed. When I saw the streamers, however, I realized that I little attention wouldn't kill me.

    So I did my makeup, put on my birthday outfit, and ceremonially placed my tiara on my head. Then I headed out the door to class. Let me tell all those girls that have never worn a tiara; it's fun. I mean all that princess was really on to something when she first wore a tiara.

    As if the tiara wasn't enough to put me in the center of attention, Deborah gave me a flower and a small present in each one of my classes. Thanks to Deborah everyone knew it was my birthday. She took me out to lunch and when we got back I got flowers from the cutest 6 boys ever, and their pretty amazing parents. Thanks for them, I thought they were beautiful and the candy was delicious.

    After that it was a pretty mellow day. I talked to my family back home, and even got the hear my Grandpa sing me the first line of the birthday song! After that and the wise advice to stay happy he passed the phone on, but it was great to hear from everyone. Deborah was prepared to through me a huge party and invite most of the ward, but I was more in the mood to stay calm and watch a movie.

    I had a great birthday, and one that I will always remember.

    Monday, May 31, 2010

    ED 206 Assignment

    Welcome parents and students. My name is Ms. Tressa Allred, and I will be your child's teacher as they enter 3rd grade this year. I'm from Maryland and loved it back their. I went to school at Brigham Young University Idaho, where I majored in Elementary Education.

    I've always known that I would be an elementary school teacher. I clearly remember sitting in my 3rd grade class room thinking that I loved my teacher and wanted to be just like her. I also remember sitting in my 4th grade class thinking, "When I'm a teacher I'm not going to be like you!" I'm thrilled that I have realized my childhood dream, and dearly hope that I am the kind of teacher that I planned on being in 3rd grade.

    I believe that every child has the ability to learn, and become rocket scientists if they want. However I also believe that to become rocket scientists some kids need more structure and support then others which I plan on giving. Every child can love learning and going to school if they have positive experiences of success in the classroom.

    Also a huge measure of a child's success is the parents involvement. Creating an educational environment in the home and taking an interest your children's homework that is sent home will inspire and motivate your children in the classroom.

    As we work together we can help your children be excited to come to school every day, inspire them to great things in the future.

    Sunday, May 16, 2010

    That is Why I Owe My Him a Candy Bar

    Last Friday in my Humanities class we discussed that we cannot always trust our senses to give us the right answer. The fact that our senses can deceive us and then we go on information that isn't accurate. Brother Gorton loves optical illusions and we spent the class looking at the pictures where you can see both the old woman and the young woman. One a side note, usually Brother Gorton is in a suit and tie, and looks very much like the Bishop that he is. Today he was wearing green pants, a green checked shirt, blue tie, and a black leather vest. I thought maybe his outfit was an optical illusion, and suddenly i would look at it and it suddenly be a decent outfit. Anyway, he got really excited when he showed everyone this youtube video.

    I thought this was hilarious. I totally fell for it and was shocked when I watched the video again. Unfortunately now its ruined for me and I will always see our furry friend.

    Then Brother Gorton got up and said, "Not everything is how it seems and we can't always trust our senses. For example, if you ask my wife and my daughter what color my pants are they would say green! Can you believe they would say that, when they are obviously brown."

    An awkward pause filled the room and finally someone said, "Umm, Brother Gorton they are green." The rest of the class supported the student in the back, because they were after all, green.

    "No, you're wrong, my pants are brown, and anyone who says other wise is crazy." There was one boy in the back who said, "I believe you Brother Gorton." but when furhter pressed, it turned out he just wanted an A.

    "Fine," Brother Gorton said after a heated discussion about his pants, "if we go outside right now and ask the first person we meet what color my pants are and they say green, I will give everyone in here a candy bar. If they say brown then I will buy everyone a full sized candy bar. Deal"

    Out loud we said "deal," but in our heads we were saying, "I wonder if we could get him up to a king sized bar."

    Then in a flash he was out the door and dashing down the stairs to the door. I was sitting right next to the door so I was right behind him. As I tried to keep up I would glance at his pants, and they were absolutely green. He made it to the door before anyone, and we got outside just in time to hear the gardener say, "Yeah absolutely brown."

    I stopped and stared in amazement. Brother Gorton was undeniably wearing brown pants. I was stunned, but I couldn't deny it.

    It just goes to show you can't count on anything. Not even the color of your teachers pants.

    p.s. Apparently it's against BYUI policy to bet with your students. I don't own him anything.

    Monday, April 12, 2010

    When You're Sitting in the Middle of Your Last Final and Find Yourself Daydreaming About Butterflies...You Know You Need A Vacation.

    Last Thursday I found myself sitting in the testing center taking my last finale of the semester. I had already studied two hours, worked on my last piece of homework and taken another final, and it was only 10:30. In the middle of a long division problem I found myself thinking about a butterfly. It was Purple.

    Then I saw a testing proctor staring suspiciously at me so I hurriedly returned to my test. Now that I think of it,its not like I had the answers written on the ceiling, but all the same I knew I needed a break. My brain simply could not hold anything more. There was simply no point trying to learn anything else because I had reached a capacity. My head actually felt top heavy. Is it possible for my brain to get heavier because I learned to much?

    Luckily I spent a great weekend at Liz's house, and gave my brain time to process the overload that was this semester. It was a good semester, I really liked my classes. I can now tell you how to add number from different bases, the difference between shield cinder and composite volcanoes, and what a sister chromatid is. Mmmm, actually I got that question wrong.

    Sunday, March 28, 2010

    Breakups... I get it.

    It's officially been more than a month since I broke up with Shane. Although, with everything that happened after breaking up, it seems so long ago. I have learned a lot. I've learned more about myself, what I want in a husband, and I think, how to relate to people who have gone through similar experiences. When it first happened, in my head I knew that these were probably the lessons I would learn. But I didn't expect one lessons. I now understand break up songs.

    Before, I always liked them. They were fun songs, but know I understand why when we drove past one of Deborah's ex's house, we would pup in the CD, and start singing, "I HATE THAT STUPID OLD PICK-UP TRUCK, YOU NEVER LET ME DRIVE!" I thought it was funny before, so I would play along. Now I understand the truth of these songs. People actually have these sorts of emotions. It's almost a shame that Shane doesn't have a pick-up truck. I like that song.

    This is the song that when I was listening to I made the realization.

    I would just like to say that I don't actually pray for him to get hit by a flower pot. But sometimes, well, I can relate to this song.

    Saturday, March 20, 2010

    Snails are Stressful

    The weeks have been stressful. I mean really stressful. Do you want tot know the most stressful part? Snails. Snails that don't breath!

    A couple weeks of go, my science teacher gave everyone on the class a jar full of water plants and snails. Or mission was to determine which one of the two did photosynthesis, and which one breathed. I'll be honest, I thought I knew where the experiment was going to go.

    I had a dye that would turn the water blue there was photosynthesis, yellow if there was breathing, and green if there was equal parts of photosynthesis and aerobic respiration.

    Can I just say, my snails were defective. In the three days that I tested and tested those snails. the water never once turned yellow. Always BLUE! Sure the plants did what they were supposed to. They were photosynthesising even in the dark, but those snail....Nothing.

    I'll be honest. In the weeks of stress and uncertainty that I've gone through, those snails have really put it over the top. The snails really stressed me out. I've got mutated snails that whatever I did, wouldn't ever breathe! Sometimes life is really hard. The only thing that consoled me was the fact that i got the same messed up results and everyone else in the class.

    P.S. While the snails not breathing really confused my teacher, so did the plants, photosynthesising. Apparently when we left the plants were supposed to turn the water green. Indicating that the plants were breathing. Go figure.

    Thursday, February 18, 2010

    I've Got a Really Great Family

    For those of you who don't know, I got engaged on New Year's Eve. Again, for those of you who don't know, I broke it off on Saturday. Yep, those are the two big events in my life so now everyone is up to date.

    I still feel a little dazed. I'm kind of thinking to myself, "Wow, what just happened?" I still feel like it was the right decision, and that we both are going to be okay. Everyday gets better and better, So I'm really excited about tomorrow.

    Really the purpose of this post is to thank my family. This weekend I was surrounded by my family, which I'm so grateful for.

    I'm so grateful for my sisters. They listened to me cry, and gave me advice when I felt like I had no idea what to do. They stayed up every night this weekend even though I know they were exhausted. I'm so grateful that they let me make my own decision, and made it clear that they would love me no matter what.

    I'm really grateful for my grandpa. What can I say? He really is a very sweet man, and I know that he loves me.

    I'm so grateful for my brother. Eldon, I really love you. Eldon really stepped it up, and when I knew there was something to be done, but really didn't want to do it myself, he volunteered with out being asked. He took over, when all I wanted to do was cry. He is pretty awesome, and I love him.

    Finally I love the rest of my family, Eve your included in that to. I have really appreciated the concerned calls and emails. I really appreciated the love that was expressed and the support that was offered.

    I love you guys. Thank you so much for everything you do.

    p.s. don't worry, I'm feeling a lot better.