Welcome parents and students. My name is Ms. Tressa Allred, and I will be your child's teacher as they enter 3rd grade this year. I'm from Maryland and loved it back their. I went to school at Brigham Young University Idaho, where I majored in Elementary Education.
I've always known that I would be an elementary school teacher. I clearly remember sitting in my 3rd grade class room thinking that I loved my teacher and wanted to be just like her. I also remember sitting in my 4th grade class thinking, "When I'm a teacher I'm not going to be like you!" I'm thrilled that I have realized my childhood dream, and dearly hope that I am the kind of teacher that I planned on being in 3rd grade.
I believe that every child has the ability to learn, and become rocket scientists if they want. However I also believe that to become rocket scientists some kids need more structure and support then others which I plan on giving. Every child can love learning and going to school if they have positive experiences of success in the classroom.
Also a huge measure of a child's success is the parents involvement. Creating an educational environment in the home and taking an interest your children's homework that is sent home will inspire and motivate your children in the classroom.
As we work together we can help your children be excited to come to school every day, inspire them to great things in the future.
Oh SO Cool! YEA! I can't wait to hear you give that speach in one of my boys 3rd grade classes. What?It could happen!
I agree with you that every child can become a rocket scientist if they are nurtured. I also agree that parent involvement is very important to rear children in the right diretion. Parnet involvement I believe is just as important if not more important than the teacher themselves.
I love your philosophy that every child can become a rocket scientists if they want to. I strongly believe in that same idea of structure and that children can pursue their dreams and we can help them, as their teacher, in doing so :)
Ha! It could happen if all the planets align and I have Sage in my class. I would love it of course.
I can't wait to see you in the classroom. You are going to be the beautiful teacher that all the little girls will want to be like and the little boy will fall in love with.
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