For those of you who don't know, I got engaged on New Year's Eve. Again, for those of you who don't know, I broke it off on Saturday. Yep, those are the two big events in my life so now everyone is up to date.
I still feel a little dazed. I'm kind of thinking to myself, "Wow, what just happened?" I still feel like it was the right decision, and that we both are going to be okay. Everyday gets better and better, So I'm really excited about tomorrow.
Really the purpose of this post is to thank my family. This weekend I was surrounded by my family, which I'm so grateful for.
I'm so grateful for my sisters. They listened to me cry, and gave me advice when I felt like I had no idea what to do. They stayed up every night this weekend even though I know they were exhausted. I'm so grateful that they let me make my own decision, and made it clear that they would love me no matter what.
I'm really grateful for my grandpa. What can I say? He really is a very sweet man, and I know that he loves me.
I'm so grateful for my brother. Eldon, I really love you. Eldon really stepped it up, and when I knew there was something to be done, but really didn't want to do it myself, he volunteered with out being asked. He took over, when all I wanted to do was cry. He is pretty awesome, and I love him. 

Finally I love the rest of my family, Eve your included in that to. I have really appreciated the concerned calls and emails. I really appreciated the love that was expressed and the support that was offered.
I love you guys. Thank you so much for everything you do.
p.s. don't worry, I'm feeling a lot better.
Tressa you are amazing you deserve the very best.
Tressa you are a totally amazing woman and you are one of the strongest people (aside from Debra) that I know. You Rock! Love and miss you.
I'm so glad you have so much family out there. Me and my sons were ready to come and get you, and then we were reminded of all of the love and support you have there. (Although if you say the word we would still come.) We love you!
Tressa Lee We love you more then we can describe. I would do almost anything for you!!! I hope you know that. And you sure are right about Eldon. He is amazing and my hero. He is such a fantastic man and showed it so much this weekend. I remember just falling into his arms and crying and feeling so lucky to have him as a brother. We've got a good family! We love you!
Tressa, I'm sure that you had to go through this experience. It is one of those stinky things of life that you don't want to go through but feel stronger with the experience you have gained.
He is such a wonderful boy and I feel for him also and hope the best for him.
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