Thursday, September 6, 2012

Rants of a missionary

Dear Family,
I loved reading your emails.  I miss being there it sounds like so much fun. 
This week has been a whirlwind and I feel like I need to look through my planner and journal to remember exactly what happened.  On the plus side each week I convince myself that I am going to copy pages from my journal and send it home in snail mail since I am epically failing on writing the family.  Well I haven't done that yet but as a result I have been much more consistent and detailed with writing in my journal.
We went on exchanges this week.  We went with the same sisters that we had exchanges with last transfer. I got to spend a night in Escondido.  Escondido is different then Del Mar.  Its a lot less affluent.  Our first appointment in Escondido was with a 90 something less active.  She came to the door without any pants on. That has never happened to me in Del Mar.  We also went to a less active that lived behind a house in a trailer.  It reminded me of my well loved days in Vista.  The best part was along the drive way were a line of toilet bowls being used as pots for plants.  It was hilarious and I made the sister stop and take a picture of me with them.  That is not the normal decor in Del Mar either.  Anyway I loved Escondido, because it just reminded me how there are good people basically everywhere!
Okay so can I get a rant out please?  This week I have been hearing a lot of down with the rich talk.  It has been really frustrating because most of the people who are saying that may be struggling financially but they create this image of wealthy people that is like they are these terrible evil monsters who only believe that other people are hear to serve them.  Frankly they are really judging these people.  I know those that have money may have a warped perspective, but you know what so do people with out money.  I just keep thinking of the phrase, "Don't judge me because I sin differently then you."  The fact is I believe that most people every where are basically good.  I have found that most people are willing to help others if they see a need.  I know that the gospel is designed to help everyone rich or poor.  Okay, rant over. 
We have had a lot of lessons this week and we have a lot to do in this area.  I'm a little worried because I think that we may have a few to many people to teach we have been struggling with our finding the past few weeks frankly because we just haven't had time.  Our investigators are progressing nicely except eventually we are either going to baptize them or drop them and then we will need new people to teach.  I'm just nervous that our teaching efforts are a little unbalanced. 
Okay so an update on Sundays.  For a while now Sundays have been stressful.  I spend my sacrament meeting scanning the rows wondering how is here, what are they hearing, what can we do to help them progress toward Jesus Christ.  It just stresses me out.  Well this week I was just fed up with it.  I sat down saw our investigators and instead of fretting about them I thought- "Well they are here and there is nothing else I can do for this hour.  I am not going to think about them."  And I didn't!  Instead I listened to the testimonies and felt the spirit so strongly.  I started seeing all of the very different people get up to the pulpit but they were all united in their faith in Jesus Christ.  It was such a testimony to me that what we are doing is good. This is the Lord's work- not mine.  And because Jesus Christ suffered for all of our sins he knows what needs to happen in order to help us all.  We just need to let Him help.
I am so grateful for the restored gospel.  I know that we have a loving Heavenly Father who sent his Son to us.  I know that I am weak on unworthy but I am so grateful.  I know that this will bless my life and the lives of those who accept. 
I love yo all. 
Sister Allred

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