Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Wait- What happened to this week?

Dear Family,
It was so good to hear from you.  I loved your emails.  It has been a good week but a hard week and it was really good to hear from my family.  Oh gosh I don't even know where to start. 
We are really excited about the investigators that we have.  Almost all of them are progressing really nicely and I know that there are baptisms in the making.  I know that they are feeling the spirit and that is SO exciting.  I also know that most of the people we are teaching- when they commit they will commit and they will stay for good.  I think maybe that is why it is taking a little bit.  We have transfers next week, but I feel pretty confident that I am staying.  That is nice because I feel like I am in the middle of things right now and if I left now I feel like it would be super incomplete. 
We had exchanges this week.  It was the first time that I went out of my area and that I evaluated someone.  I worked with Sister Somers. She is still being trained but already a really great missionary.  Watching her be alone in her area for the first time brought back a lot of memories.  I'm starting to feel like I am aging just a little bit in the mission, and I'm not this greenie who doesn't know anything.  we had some really good lessons in Temecula and there are a lot of really great people.  I hope that I can serve there one day.  I also love exchanges because no matter how cool another area is, I love coming home to my area with my companion.  It just feels right. 
We just started teaching a less active woman and her 8 year old daughter.  We are helping the little girl prepare for baptism as well as help her mom feel more comfortable in the church again.  I absolutely love both of them.  They are so funny.  The little girl is hysterical.  She is such a little adult.  I love teaching her the gospel especially because "she is in the mood for Jesus."  but it also makes me grateful for primary and all of the testimony building times I had when I was young.  I really have so many blessings. 
We had a lesson with our investigator in the YSA ward this week.  She is so amazing- the only problem is she doesn't have time to meet with us that much.  Don't tell her but we have a baptism goal date for the end of March.  The only thing is she won't make that if she can't meet with us!  We have been praying that her schedule will open up and we can meet this week.  I'm so excited about her.  I know that the gospel will help her so much! 
Speaking of YSA investigators we have been struggling the past little bit.  We only have 1 investigator in the YSA ward and we really feel like we need to get more.  Anyway last week in weekly planning we felt really strongly that there were 2 new investigators waiting for us this week.  I'll be honest- at the beginning of the week we didn't focus on it a ton but by the end of the week that was all we were thinking about.  Sadly we found 0 new investigators.  I feel a little chastised, like the Lord was saying "I told you there were people to find- why didn't you do everything you could have to find them."  Well we are going to try harder this week and really focus on being totally effective with our time. 
On Friday we had this crazy break through with this less active that we have been working with.  His wife just got baptized and she is doing great, but we have been worried because we have seen 0 progress in him.  Well on Friday we were prepared to give a great lesson on the temples an he stopped and basically started to spill his soul.  He talked about who he has absolutely 0 testimony in the church and that he feel conflicted because sometimes he wants on but other times he does not want to give up his sins.  I really care about this family.  I have been working with them since I got to this area and I think they are like life long friends.  it breaks my heart to hear him struggling and so conflicted.  But it was good because by the end of it he basically asked if we could start reteaching them- focus on him and treat him as if he was an investigator.  That was so great that he was so willing to do that.  I am really praying for them.
Well we are excited for today.  We have district activity  which could either go really really good- or really really bad.  We'll see.  we just have a lot of strong personalities in the district.  Them we got permission to go to a restaurant with the Spanish sisters that we live with and have a valentine's day dinner.  I felt kind of bad asking for permission.  Sister Christensen and I cornered the zone leaders in front of the district  and it went like this: 
Sister Christensen "Can we get permission to got to Las Papusas with the Spanish sisters tomorrow?"
Me: "We live with them.  Las Papusas is across the street from our area."
Zone leaders:  "where is it"
Me: "Its in vista 1 area- literally right across the street from us. 
Sister Christensen: "please!!
Me "we really want to go!"
Sister Christensen "This is our Valentines celebration."
They gave us permission.  Sure we forced them in front of the whole district but now we get to celebrate valentines day with the Spanish sisters!
I love you all,
Sister Allred

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