Wednesday, May 30, 2012

First Week of Transfer--Awesome!

Dear Family,

I love being in the whole ward.  It is awesome!  I mean it is SO amazing.  we have the beach in our area and we have shopping and we have good people to work with.  I can't believe that it has only been a week, but it has been great. 

Okay before I get into any details I just want to send out an apology to the world.  The last month friends and family have been awesome at writing me and I'm so grateful.  I'm sorry to say that I haven't written any letters in about a month because there has literally been no time.  This week is the first week where I have time and I'm sorry to say I'm not going to write any emails.  I am tired.  I'm going to take a nap today. 

So Sister Heath and I are now in the whole ward and so we cover all of solona beach del mar, Rancho Santa Fe, and actually a tiny little bit of San Diego.  It is so exciting to be in the whole ward.  We started the transfer off with a fast and I really think that it has helped this week.  Wednesday and Thursday we picked up 2 new investigators.  One of them reminds me so much of Dani in Vista and I just know that she is going to get baptized.  She might not know it yet but I do.  The other is a friend of a less active teenager that we have been working with.  She is about 17 but so smart and is really talented.  She doesn't have that much of a religious background but feels good and the love of God as she prays.  It is so great. 

Oh so on Wednesday we had an appointment to teach a man named Frank.  I'm not sure if I wrote about him before but he is adorable and I just love him.  He is agnostic but is willing to let us teach him about Jesus Christ.  We set up and appointment to have a first lesson with him and he wasn't there.  Now this is normal in mission life, but not with Frank.  And he didn't return any of our phone calls.  This fear started to grow inside both sister Heath and I because Frank is old, and he has a lot of health problems.  All week we were praying that Frank would have an experience that would soften his heart to the church.  We were pretty scared that they Lord had heard our prayers and sent him a heart attack.  Be careful what you wish for. 

Anyway on Sunday we went over one last time to check on him and we were really worried, then we were super confused to see frank sitting on the couch just watching TV.  Well we talked to him and he felt so bad because he forgot what day it was the day of our appointment and he couldn't find our phone number.  I'm really grateful that he didn't have a heart attack, and we have an appointment this week.  We will call and remind him the day before. 

This Saturday we got to go to the temple to see a couple that sister Heath taught be sealed as a family.  I didn't even know this family but I was so touched.  That is why we are out here working, so we can help people make and keep those covenants that bind their familyy together forever.  It was so beautiful to see the whole family dressed in white and to hear the promises that the Lord makes to us. It was a wonderful experience. 

We are excited for this next week.  We have a lot of appointments and lessons with people.  It just feels good to focus in our area and have people that we can help.  This transfer we are really going to focus on getting 21 lessons a week, which for this area can actually be pretty difficult.  We got it last week and I'm looking forward to this next week.  I know that our purpose as missionaries is to teach and as we focus on teaching more our heavenly father will help us.  I'm pretty excited for this next week and transfer. 

I love you all so much. I'm praying for you,

Love Sister Allred
 ps  Liz I got your package and am so happy.  I loved the necklace and needed the shirts. Thanks!  I'll write you next week. 

Oh and the "It would only happen to us story" for the week that sister Heath and I have been collecting. Tuesday night we were contacting in our new area loving the fact that we had a new stomping ground.  We stopped and talked to this man.  We got into a really interesting conversation with him.  He seemed to think that the fact that Christ was born 2 thousand years ago was proof that we were wrong.  I think that was what he was saying. Anyway as sister heath were wrapping the contact up really wanting to leave he told us that we were cute and he wasn't interested in our message but he was interested in taking us out on a date.  Oh that was after he first verified that sister Heath and I were not "together."  He asked if we dated older men (He was 60) and sister heath gave a very firm "No."   I was very proud of her.  Yeah- that's our new area.  Welcome to Solona beach. 

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