Friday, May 4, 2012

2 companions--2 wards. It's an adventure

Dear Family,
I'm tired.   That about sums it up.  I'm just tired and last week seems like an eternity ago.  So Wednesday was our first day being a trio.  We got to the apt at 8pm and helped sister hopkins finish packing and cleaning up a little bit.  Then we went to district meeting in La Costa.  At district meeting sister Heath asked for a blessing because she wasn't feeling very good.  She actually was feeling terrible and when we went back to Del Mar for lunch she crashed and literally could not get up until 6am the next morning.   We really think the blessing helped because normally she can't sleep when she is sick but sleep was absolutely what she needed.  Luckily we were in a trio because sister Hopkins and I went out to work while sister Lessie stayed with Sister Heath.  She is doing much better now.  Thank goodness.
It has been a bit of a struggle trying to adjust to being in a trio: especially covering 2 wards at opposite ends of the stake.  We have really been trying to give equal amount of attention to both wards and go out on splits as much as possible.  I've thought a lot about trios this week.  I think there is a reason that the Lord ordained his servants to go out 2 by 2.  It is more natural and it just feels better.  This week I have been able to work alone with both of my companions individually and as a trio.  It doesn't matter which sister I'm with it feels better as 2.  Oh well.  We are doing good.  Its still an adjustment but we are trying to make it work as smoothly as possible and I think that we are doing a pretty good job. 
So this week we have had a lot of interesting lessons.  We had a lesson with an investigator who knows its true but wont commit.  She has a lot of reasons why she wont commit but she also talked about who she knows of a member in our ward who is a total hypocrite and is not doing thing that he is supposed to.  I don't know all of the details nor do I want to, but I was heartbroken to hear it.  I didn't really know what to say about it.  I frankly agreed with her on some of her points.  I've been praying about what to say when something like that comes up again. 
We also taught a Law of Chastity lesson to a 40 year old man.  It started out as one of the most awkward lessons ever!  Reason being:  we were already a little nervous to teach law of chastity (knowing that with this particular person we had to be very clear) to a 40 year old man.  Then his mother sat in on the lesson, and then to make matters worse right as we started his mothers cousin got there and she sat down on the lesson.  It started out so awkward and luckily about 5 minutes into the lesson both mother and cousin quietly excused themselves from the room.  After that it actually was a really nice lesson where we felt the spirit.  It was great. 
Oh and heart break of the week.  We had a couple lessons set up with investigators and potential investigators that we were really really excited about.  They all fell threw.  It was really sad.  Our teaching pool is dwindling.  But that's okay we are still going out and plugging along. And when this happens we really are able to focus on the miracles and how the Lord is blessing you.  We had a non member come to the "empty Nester's" FHE last night.  He is so sweet and it was a bit of a miracle that he came.  Yeah!
Sunday was a really nice experience.  I went with sister Hopkins down to La Costa for church.  I really didn't expect a lot of people to remember me- but actually quite a few did.  Also because it was 5th Sunday- 3rd hour was devoted to missionary work.  That morning in personal study sister hopkins said, "Oh and by the way sister Allred- we have to give 7 minute talks on Member missionary work."  Thanks for the heads up sister Hopkins.  Honestly it wasn't a big deal but it was a really weird experience standing in front of my old ward. I felt a lot of love for these people.  It was so good to be back with them.  It made me really happy yesterday because a woman from La Costa was telling to me about what the bishop had said.   He said that he loved seeing the change in me from being a completely new missionary to now.  He was happy with the growth.  It just made me feel so good.  I really appreciated hearing that from the bishop. 
It has been an absolutely exhausting week.  Lots of ups and lots of downs.  I'm grateful for the blessings.  I loved hearing from you and I'm so sorry to hear about the cars.  That stinks!
Oh I'm probably not going to be able to write a letter this week.  We have to clean the La Costa Apartment.  Okay so this is where I'm really not Christlike.  I DON'T EVEN LIVE IN THAT APARTMENT!!  I don't particularly want to clean it if I don't even live in it, and we are probably missing district activity because of it.  Ugh!!  Okay- now I have to focus on blessings and miracles again.  Blessings- lots of blessings. 
I love you so much. 
Sister Allred

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