Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Another week in Del Mar (With Pictures!)

Dear Family,
It was great to hear from you!  This has been such a crazy week, I don't even know where to start.  Exchanges were pretty intense.  After the stink we made we were put with some sisters that needed help in a specific area.  The leaders made it very clear that they wanted us to go and help them.  I tried my hardest, but I don't think I actually made a lasting change.  The sister that I was put with is a really good sister. She has so many skills. We did get to the area and do some really good work so that was nice.  I was exhausted by the end of the exchange.  Both sister Heath and I were thrilled to be back together and maybe a little slap happy.  I will say I had probably one of the most unsatisfying meals every on the exchange. I was starving by dinner because I hadn't eaten at lunch because I was so nervous.  Anyway for dinner we had luke warm mac and cheese, cold corn cold asparagus and some old slices of pineapple.  There wasn't even enough to fill up on.  Oh well, I still had fun. 
We had a really great lesson with one of our investigators.  She is historically really hard to reach and is well on her way to becoming an eternigator.  Well we had a spiritual inventory to really help her figure out exactly what she was looking for and how her relationship with god was.  It was so good.  She even said that she felt like she made some progress.  On the other hand I might be counting my chickens before they hatch because she rescheduled the appt we had set for yesterday.  Either way one of the things I love the most about being on a mission is feeling the spirit so strongly.  I love bearing my testimony and knowing that the things I am saying are true.  It makes everything so worth while. 
We found 2 new investigators this week.  Last Tuesday one of the elders started talking to this woman about the church.  She was really interested and actually liked the fact that we don't allow just anyone into the temple.  She said that she doesn't allow riffraff into her house so why would God want riffraff in his house.  Anyway, we got involved in the conversation and after about an hour of talking we found ourselves standing outside the library holding hands (per her request) saying a pray to help strengthen her.  From the outside and inside perspective it looked super weird.  We are excited to teach her and a little nervous.  She scares me a little.
Our second investigator is this guy named Rob.  He is someone that sister Heath contacted and gave the Book of Mormon before I got here and we have been trying to follow up for a while now.  Anyway on Sunday we stopped by and he was home.  He invited us in to play some cards with his friends.  When he told me it was uno I said yes immediately.  We came in and played Uno, and as I was sitting I was mentally reviewing the white handbook.  I'm pretty sure we weren't breaking any rules...pretty sure.  Well we played a round of uno and I won!  As my reward we sat and talked about the church for a little while. He is pretty honest that he doesn't have a strong belief in God but he is willing to learn more.  I like this guy.  Again from an outsiders perspective it might look a little weird for us to be sitting at a table with 3 middle aged people alcohol in abundance playing uno.  The things I do to get investigators.
I feel like this week I have really embarrassed my uncoolness.  Lets be honest it has always been with me but it has really shown this week.  For example, this week an elder in my district gave everyone mini preach my gospels.  I freaked out I thought it was so cool.  Sure everyone else freaked out but still it made me realize how weird missionaries actually are.  Then on Saturday we ran out of the house in our pajamas to help sister Lessie unload her car.  Both sister Heath and I stepped on Snails in our bare feet.  It was SO gross!  Of course it would happen to us.  The weird things always happen to us. On Sunday we went to check on a less active and her daughter answered the door.  We had a great conversation and then the daughter pulled out the snake.  I hate snakes but I sucked it up and held it.  After giving is back I then started talking about why I hate snakes.  Yeah I definitely lost some cool points with that little freak out.  But seriously!  Snakes are awful.  And then to rap it all up, I was telling sister Heath about the time I was afraid I would have to stage kiss Matt Decaro in peter Pan.  In response Sister heath told me any guy would be lucky to have me.  I'm gorgeous and so that makes up for my dorkiness. Thanks sister Heath.  That is super sweet. 
Okay so the big news is that I am going into a trio tomorrow.  Our Visa sister finally got a her visa so we will be working in La costa and delmar for the rest of the transfer. 

Sorry I ran out of time and had to send the email before the computer shut off.  Yeah I am going back to La costa and I am so excited about that.  That was my greenie area and I loved it there.  Although I'm a little nervous about being in a trio.  I think I'm just scared of the unknown and I love sister heath and don't really want to share her for another 3 weeks.  Oh well.  I guess I'll suck it up again and I'm sure that it will be great. 
Anyway I need to go, but I love you all so much.  I miss everyone and I'm so glad to hear that you are all doing well. 
Love Sister Allred
New Companion in the trio!

She looks pretty scared!


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