Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Emotional Roller Coaster

Dear Family,

I can't promise any other letters this week because...  I'm getting transferred.  This is crazy.  All transfer long everyone said that no one was getting transferred.  Sister Cook said it was going to be so small that they would have it in their living room.  LIES!  At least for the sisters there are at least 4 companionships getting transferred.  4 out of 8.  That is not small in my book, and I'm pretty nervous.  It has taken me 3 days to be able to say that I really do believe this is the will of the Lord and that I am supposed to be transferred.  I literally have no idea where I might be going.  I am going to miss Vista and Sister Christensen so much.  Saturday night when we found out I was getting transferred we were just laying in our beds and she told me I was her different friend.  She has never had a friend like me and we need to be friends forever.  I absolutely agree. Anyway, I'm pretty much all packed but I just don't know what today is going to be like.  Oh my goodness!

I barley even remember last Tuesday.  I'm pretty sure it was good.  We have been working a lot with Jeremy.  He got baptised Yesterday and it was a beautiful baptism although super stressful! 

Oh but before I talk about that!  We got 105 contacts this week!  Actually this has been an awesome week!  Wednesday we made the commitment to get 2 contacts an hour.  It was a huge mind game because we made a goal of 10 contacts a day.  but the commitment for 2 contacts an hour and the weekly hope for 101 contacts.  Our math was screwy but it helped and we got 105 contacts.  Also we had a lot of really good conversations and meaningful contacts.  We were walking up to one woman and sister Christensen said, "Say Obama in this contact."  She didn't think I would do it, and I didn't think I would do it.  But then when I introduced my self I said, "We are from the D.C. area.  You know where president obama is, and we are out here serving our mission teaching about Jesus Christ and..."  I was super proud of myself and we had a really good conversation after that.  Sister Christensen had to walk ahead a little bit because she was laughing.  Yeah me!  Oh this was last week but we talked to a neighbor of a less active that we work with.  He was really nice and said he was moving but would look up the church when he settled down in his new place.  Then we went to our lesson and they said he was their best neighbor.  Three of his rooms he is growing a TON of pot.  and as a house warming gift he gave them a bag of his best pot.  This was one of the best neighborhoods in our area!  It was so funny. 

Also on Wednesday we were invited to a special goodbye lunch a member was throwing for Elder Free.  He serves with me in the YSA ward, the only reason we were invited was because the wife was nervous being in a room full of men.  Nothing says danger like a husband and a room full of missionaries.  Anyway the lunch was adorable!  The brother was so sweet and just loved Elder Free.  It was a little weird.  He had each of the missionaries take turns blessing the food, and when he was saying goodbye to Elder Free he broke into spontaneous prayer. It was Hilarious when we all figured out what he was doing and quickly bowed our heads and folded our arms.  It was SO CUTE! 

Friday we had a visa sister follow us around while her trainer went to a meeting.  That is when we heard that one sister was getting transferred and the fear that I might get transferred started.  The Visa sister is supposed to go to Portugal but is waiting for her visa.  She had only been out about 2 days and so we decided to throw her into the lions den and do some contacting in a highly populated center.  I was actually impressed with her.  She did a super good job. 

Saturday was Conference.  I think Saturday was the best day because I could really focus on the talks.  Jeremy had his baptismal interview and he passed!  We sat outside the room like nervous mamas wondering what was going on.  I was so happy when they said he passed. 

Saturday we got the call that I was being transferred.  It was a serious blindside because I really didn't think it would happen.  There were a lot of tears that night and even more on Sunday.  I know that Conference helped me out a ton and I am grateful for the thoughts and promptings that I had during the sessions.  One of the Elders told me transfers were cool because you knew that you were exactly where the Lord wanted you to be.  That thought also helped.  Sunday We had my last lesson with the mieures and I started pretty much sobbing when I was baring my testimony.  I didn't really expect that.  Mike said he thought I would get transferred because sister Christensen and I were getting too comfortable together.  Fine!  Take away my joy!

Monday was a super crazy and full day.  We had a ton of lessons that I wish I had time to tell you about and some pretty funny contacts.  Then we had the baptism.  4 people got baptized that night.  The YSA elders had someone and then the Fallbrook elders had 2 sisters getting baptized into our ward as well.  It was hug! and really good.  Only one of the sisters couldn't get off of work on time so we went ahead with Mateo and Jeremy's baptism and then waited until about 9:45 to baptise the sisters.  We didn't get home until 10:50.  It was insane.  I got to say goodbye to a lot of people in the YSA ward.  Including a girl that I have been working with for a while.  I absolutely love her.  She is so amazing and I was grateful to get to know her. 

Okay I think that is it for today.  I love you and miss you!

Love Sister Allred

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