Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Didn't I just talk to you

Dear Family,

Sorry for the delay.  It has just been a crazy day and I think this is the first time I've sat down except for a super interrupted personal study and travel time.  Sister Hopkins is getting transferred and so we have spent all of today getting ready.  We have barely enough time to squeeze in email.  I just want to take a few moments and say I am a true allred woman.  I packed all of sister Hopkins things by myself in less then 2 hours.  It is impressive.  I wish you could really understand.  Sister Hopkins and heath tried to help but I was just going so fast that it was better that they got out of the way.  Yeah me.  Its a good thing I'm on a mission because I have found that packing is a huge stress reliever. 

So I just loved talking to you all on Sunday.  It was so much fun.  President told us that this time around he actually did want us o only call our mothers house hold and to keep it in the time allotment the handbook say.  I was kind of bummed about that but I was so happy to talk to everyone.  Embarrassing moment-  I cried in Relief society on Sunday.  They were talking about the woman in the ward ad everything that they do for others.  I felt like I needed to that the sisters for everything that they have done for the sister missionaries, because I do feel like we have received a lot of nurturing from them especially sister Lessie.  Anyway I think because I was thinking a lot about home that day and mom, I just started crying in the middle of what I was saying.  Oh well- maybe that will score us some sympathy votes and we will get some referrals.

Monday was a pretty crazy day.  When I practically collapsed on the kitchen table during breakfast because I was so tired    Brother Lessie reminded me that It had been a pretty emotional last few days with phone calls home and transfer calls.  Not to mention we have pretty much not had a real p-day for the past 3 weeks, so my body was just exhausted.  I could feel it hard core.  But the joy of missionary work- even when you are completely drained you get to keep on working!  Anyway we all three were just dragging ourselves all day and then we had a lesson with a recent convert.  The 10 year old boy asked us why the church made us work all day everyday.  We talked about how we only had a small amount of time on our missions and we need to use it wisely.  But then as I was talking I remembered who tired I was that morning and how I had made it all day and it had actually been a great day.  I know without a doubt that the Lord was carrying me through yesterday.  I was absolutely wiped and things kept coming and we made it through.  I am so grateful for the lord for all of the support that he gives us.  It makes me think of that bible scripture where Christ says that the reason the man was sick was so show the power of the Lord.  I think the reason we keep on going is to show us the strength of the Lord.

Oh also on last night we had a lesson with the recent converts from Iran.  They are getting better with their English but we still need a translator for like everything.  I love teaching them because the spirit is so strong with them.  Also the the translator likes how I teach and after almost every sentence he says, "Wow.  You explained that beautifully."  Well that's always nice. 

OKay I have to go, and I can't think of anything else to write about.  I love you so much.  I am so grateful to have such an amazing family.  Liz what are you going to name the baby?

Sister Allred

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