Sunday, June 10, 2012

Miracle Sunday

Dear family,

Thanks for all of your emails.  I loved hearing from you.  So it was quite the week for memories.  First of all- I want to let everybody know that I'm fine.  It was incredibly weird seeing Deborah.  I was trying almost all of Sunday to put it into words trying to describe what it felt like to see my sister and I'm still not sure if I adequately described it. It was this merging of 2 worlds that are not supposed to merge and to put it simply it threw me for a loop.  I do think it is a pretty funny story and I honestly didn't expect to react the way I did.  I don't know what I was thinking when I saw Deborah-  I just suddenly realized that I was crying.  I was so happy to see her but at the same time I don't think I have ever been more home sick on my mission then I was that day.  It was trippy.  I will say that I am a little glad that i started crying because as soon as Deborah rushed off Elder Call came up to me and tried to give me a hard time.  I didn't feel bad about it because it wasn't either of our faults, but I didn't really want to deal with teasing.  So I just let my tears loose and he quickly back peddled.  Its nice being a girl. 

But that is not the only crazy thing that happened at church.  We had a less active girl that we have been working with come to church.  She hasn't come to church in 2 years and she got up and bore her testimony.  Then we had an investigator that I was working with in the La Costa ward get up and bear his testimony.  Then we had 2 former investigators come to Sunday school (They actually only came because they wanted our help paying a bill.  They don't speak English.  BUT still!)  Then we had another nonmember come that we plan on starting to teach this week.  And our recent convert got the priesthood!  It was an awesome day.  AWESOME!  I'm starting to notice that when we fast crazy miracle things happen.  Interesting.

Then that evening we had dinner with some of the best member missionaries in our ward.  They had arranged to have a nonmember friend come over for dinner so we could start teaching her.  She showed up 2 hours late and then as soon as we asked "What is your relationship with God?"  She just let loose and oh my goodness we were in a therapy session.  We only taught a little bit of the gospel but at least she wants to hear more.  By the end of the day I was literally spent.  But it was to say the least journal worthy.  Liz was right though-  I was a little thrown off for about a day but now I'm back on track.  I do feel bad that the one day I decide not to do my hair or make up was the day that I randomly ran into my sister.  UGH!

Friday and Saturday was amazing as well.  I went on exchanges to Vista, and I got to be with sister Chirstensen.  It was so much fun.  I loved being with sister Christensen. We got to see a lot of people that I used to teach and just catch up.  I got to see Jeremy the guy that got baptized in the YSA ward and he is doing awesome.  I'm so proud of him.  When we heard about exchanges I was so confused because President set this up and I had no idea why he would put me back in my old area with my old companion.  Once again it was proof that he is inspired.  We had a talk after nightly planning on the changes that were happening in our areas and in ourselves as missionaries. Sister Christensen said exactly the right thing for me to hear in order to remember my purpose and what I need to do to grow more.  It was a really great experience. 

Also this week we had one of the hardest lessons ever!  I don't think I have ever tried harder to listen to the spirit.  It was with or investigator named Frank.  He is 86 and just doesn't understand the idea of faith.  We taught him the beginning of the plan of salvation with the idea of how do we have faith that these things were true.  I struggled answering his questions because I didn't know the answer but as I listened to the spirit good things happened in our lesson.  Also we had a member with us who is AMAZING.  He is one the high council and just knows his stuff.  I was grateful for him.  Anyway the lesson was huge because he said that he would pray, and he said that he thinks he has actually been praying his whole life- he just didn't know it.  Anyway I just love him and I am so grateful for the spirit-

Well I think that is about all the time that I have.  Thanks for the clothes they were much needed and I love them.  I love yo all so much-  I remembered that very clearly this week.  I am so grateful to have the gospel in my life and such an amazing family. 

Love Sister Allred

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