Thursday, December 29, 2011

I feel like I just had P-day. Oh Well. Who's complaining?

Dear Family,
It was great to talk to you.  I really loved seeing everyone and it was nice to remember that everyone is actually real.  I was talking to my zone leader later that night and it was funny because we both felt like it is a little surprising that life in the outside world keeps going on.  And also that I still know everyone.  I don't know if that makes sense- but it's kind of like my communication with everyone is so limited that family and friends suddenly become what is on this piece of paper and it was nice talking to you because it was a good reminder that hey you actually are real people.  Any way enough of that.  I do agree with pretty much everyone that I wished we could have talked more.  Oh well. Mother' day is only 5 months away.  We will try again then.
Christmas was actually a really great day.  After talking to you went to the YSA ward and then we went to a nonmember's house for Christmas dinner.  She is the mother of two missionaries out from the YSA ward and even though she doesn't live in our area she requested permission to have us over for dinner.  It was really fun and entertaining.  Sister Gittins and I spent about 45 minutes talking to their neighbor.  She was a really nice lady but very opinionated.  She talked about how as independent women we can do a lot to help the situation of other women to gain the rights that they deserve.  It actually was very inspiring and I started thinking about how grateful I was for the church and our emphasise on families centered on the teachings of Jesus Christ.  I know that learning through our families is how really change in this world can be made.  I shared a little of my thought with her.  She listened but I think she was thinking more about more fully breaking the glass ceiling in the business world.  My favorite part of the conversation was when she asked us what would happen if we met a nice young man on our mission, could we date them?  I said, "No and we aren't even supposed to flirt."  She looked at me and said, "Well if you ask me that just doesn't seem natural.  I don't think that is what Jesus would do!"  Ha!  I loved it!!
After that we went to a family in the family ward and they were just wonderful.  It really reminded me of Christmas dinners at home and it was so nice.  The only problem was during our spiritual message the dog started to lap up water so loudly the entire family started to laugh.  Then during the closing prayer the dog started snoring.  I feel like the worst missionary in the world but I started laughing during the prayer- which then made the rest of the family laugh.  WORST MISSIONARY EVER!
Oh and that is the second time I have started laughing during a prayer or spiritual message this week.  The other time I was at dinner with a family in our ward.  I mentioned the white house and we started talking about the secret service men.  I told them that my favorite was when I see an agent just sitting in a bush.  The mom looked at me and said, "Did you ever consider that they are in the bushes because the president neglected to provide an out house for them?"  I laughed and then when we started our message I just started thinking of some of the secret service people we know sitting in a bush and I kind of burst out laughing.  Sister Gittins has a lot of patience with me.  But in her words, "Oh heavens!"
Yesterday was a good day and I'm looking forward to this week.  I hope that we are able to get out of the holiday slump that is going on in our area.  Whoever said holidays were prime proselyting times were not thinking of Carlsbad California.  Everyone is way too busy and that just makes things difficult.  Of course, now everyone will be too busy because they are recovering from the holidays or starting school again.  I guess the work has to go on no matter what the calender says. 
I hope everyone has a great week.  It was great to talk to everyone on Sunday.  I love you and miss you a ton.
Sister Allred

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