Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What a big week!

Dear Family,
Oh my gosh!  is sounds like it was an awesome week at home! That is awesome!  I mean really amazing.  Deborah, I'm tearing up right now because I'm so happy for you.  I really love you so much and I'm so happy for you. I wish I could have been there, but I am so happy for you.  Yeah!!
Rachel!!  Happy Birthday!!! I am so proud of you Rachel.  I thought about you a ton yesterday  I wished you happy birthday all the was over hear in Vista California.  Did you hear me?  I just think you are the coolest person ever.  I love you!  P.s. Mom, Rachel's birthday cake looked gorgeous!  Holy cow it was pretty.
Wow it just seemed like everyone in the family had a big week.  I had a pretty big week two.  We have been working hard although this week seemed to drag out FOREVER!!!  Yeah I can barely remember last Tuesday.  I met a lot of people in our ward and I think I'm beginning to remember who they are.  Which is super good.  I'm still getting lost in the area, but I think that is because I'm not looking at a map 10 times every day.  Also I just think the ward boundaries are funky.  I might have mentioned that before.  This Friday I'm going on exchanges with a sister from Carlsbad.  I'm staying here and was kind of nervous about it because I don't know the area super well, but tender mercy of the Lord- Sister Gilmore served in this area just a couple transfers ago. 
Our huge event this week was Nici's baptism.  It was awesome!  We spent most of the week trying to coordinate the program and pulling everything together.  That was a bit of a headache but amazingly enough it really did all pull together and the baptism was really nice.  Thank you Relief Society!  I really think it was another blessing of the Lord.  I know he wanted Nici to have a nice baptism that she would remember.  This was the first baptism I've seen as a missionary that I can say I helped with, (Even though I barely did anything).  I have to say watching someone get baptized is an amazing experience.  I could feel the spirit so strongly and I knew that this was something that the Lord was proud of Nici for doing.  I know the church is true if only because the actually ordinance of baptism is sort of weird and anti climatic.  I mean there is all this build up to the baptism and then a bunch of people gather around to watch to get pushed into water and then out which takes a total of 2 seconds.  It's weird.  But I know that it is true because the spirit was there so strongly.  I'm so happy for Nici! 
Sunday we had the usual church from 8:30 to 5pm.  This is what I get for covering 2 wards.  I'm pretty good at sitting through meetings, but really by the end of the last relief society I was rocking in my chair ready to bolt.  Of course then we had dinner with a family and then the missionaries in the YSA ward were asked to give a fireside on the atonement.  So Sister Gittins and I went back to church for a couple more hours.  Church.  Gesh I am never going to be done with meetings. 
Oh I forgot to mention that Saturday sister Gittins and I were asked to help in the family ward primary activity.  We spent 1 1/2 hours helping little primary kids write letters to the missionaries from their ward.  It was so cute and it just made me want to have my own classroom again.  I just loved it.  Although it was pretty funny because once when they were switching the groups of kids all of the adults left the room and Sister Gittins and I realized we were sanding in a room alone with a bunch of kids which is breaking a major rule.  We stood outside of the door awkwardly until the primary president realized what was happening and ran in so we could go back in the room.  It wasn't a big deal but it was pretty funny.  Anyway after all the groups cycled through the leaders asked us to come into the cultural hall and have a seat up front.  Then the primary kids gave us all wrapped presents.  It was so cute.  It was mostly food which was awesome!  One little boy was so proud that he had wrapped 3 individual oranges all by himself.  I loved it.  I have some pictures and I'll try  to send them to you. 
Yesterday we had interviews with the president.  I really like president and sister cook a lot.  I really loved the the end of my conversation with sister cook because she told me that they were happy I was in their mission.  She said that I was a missionary that she knew she didn't have to worry about.  I'm sure they say those things to all the missionaries but I was still glad to hear it.  Then Sister Gittins and I went out to do some work.  We spent 4 hours tracting and contacting in the pouring rain.  We still aren't completely dry but it was really fun.  At the end of last night even though it was super long I was just really happy.  I wish I could have been home for this week but I'm super happy to be out here.  I love what I'm doing. 
Anyway I love you all.  Oh send me the name of the skype account you want to use.  If we get a ward member to let us use their account then president said we can skype for Christmas. 
I'm excited to talk to you,
Sister Allred

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