Wednesday, December 21, 2011

YEAH! Christmas is coming!

Dear Family,
Well I have super mixed feelings about this week.  It was long.  I mean SUPER loooong!  I think it was a good week but I'll be honest I don't really remember past Friday and I forgot my planner to help me remember.
Actually I'm not sure what happened this week.  Sunday night when we were counting up our numbers to call them in we were super shocked to see that we actually had pretty low numbers this week.  I have no idea how, but I'm excited for this week.  I think one thing i learned from this week is to keep and running total and refer back to our weekly goals regularly.  Anyway that is just missionary technical stuff, but it has been a big lesson for me this week. 
Friday and Saturday we went on exchanges.  I went with Sister Gilmore- she was in this area previously and was so happy to be back.  She kept talking about potentials and former that we should go and check on.  I was really pretty proud of myself because I could actually handle my own in the area.  I have decided though that I don't like my companion leaving the area.  I feel like there is always so much to catch up when she gets back.  We had a good exchange and I was happy to be back with Sister Gittins at the end. 
Oh gosh when I start thinking about the exciting things that happened this week they are all super nerdy missionary things that I don't know if anyone would be interested in.  Like we finally got a new ward mission leader in the YSA ward which is awesome.  We really haven't had one since I got here and I'm excited to get that ball rolling.  Or we had an awesome training yesterday at district meeting.  It was all about how our mission president has the keys to to work here in this mission and we need to make sure we are applying all of the training that the president is giving us.  It was really great.  Or I'm working more on my "teaching well" and its going awesome.  At teaching well is like the huge data base of all the resources I can pull from when planning my lesson for a specific person on a certain topic.  We are supposed to have a well to draw from for every principle in the missionary lessons.  It is super slow going but it's awesome.  Right now I am going through the scriptures and I am just learning so much.  I love spending that time in the morning reading and studying because I just know that this is the true church and the spirit confirms that every morning.  Anyway...that is my life right now.  Isn't it great! 
Hopefully when I talk to you on Sunday I will have more interesting stories.  I am going to be using skype at my ward mission leaders house in the 8th ward.  We have church at 9am and so I should be calling around 10:30am.  So what is that!  1:30 pm your time.  I am so excited to see everyone!  Oh also I finally got the music for the song I will be singing at the Christmas Conference on Saturday.  It's pretty but all I can say is I am so glad it is a choir and not a solo.   
Okay I think that's it for this week.  I love you and I'll talk to you on Sunday!!!!
Love Sister Allred

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