Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Has it already been a Week?

Dear Family,
It's been another great week but not too much happened and so I'm trying to remember what stood out.  Umm...We are having so much fun with the members.  Sister Bean is a missionary that believes 100% in working with the members.  Which is pretty awesome.  I am meeting so many members that are fantastic.  Last night we had dinner with a family young family with 6 kids.  Talking with the mom about her mission and watching the dad with the kids was so much fun.  I saw what I want my family to look like when I am older.  Sister Bean just told me not to covet other people's families, but if i needed her help stealing the kids then she would do it.  It was pretty funny but I'm not exactly sure if she knew what I meant. 
We have a goal of teaching 20 lessons and when we were counting up our numbers Saturday night and realized that we were only at 14 lessons.  We really wanted to reach our goal and the Lord really pulled through for us because on Sunday we taught 7 lessons.  Okay I feel like I should clarify that they were all member lessons. But our mission wants us to count them in the total lesson column and we were able to make a lot of really nice bonds members we hadn't met yet.  It was a crazy night.  We had dinner at 5, and when we got to the family's house they were rushing around and told us dinner wouldn't be ready until 5:30.  We had to leave at 5:45. It was a fantastic gourmet meal but kind of hard to appreciate when we are wolfing it down.  Then we went rushing around to the member lessons we had set up, and were about 10 minutes late to almost all of them. That was a little stressful but I was able to feel the spirit with each family we met with. 
Earlier that day we got to go into Young Women's and talk about how the Lord has prepared us for our missions, and future service in the church.  It was pretty weird being back in young women's but I had so much fun talking to them. What was even cooler was that I got to talk to some of the young women afterwards that they really felt the spirit and were excited about missionary work. One Laural asked if she could go out with us one night.  Sister Bean and I really feel that the Lord put sisters in this ward for a reason.  They have never had sisters and I think it is a really good thing that we are here right now.
We finally met with an investigator family that we had been trying to meet with since the night we got to the area.  We were super worried because in the area book it said they really didn't want to even talk with the missionaries and they were much friendlier to the one fellowshipper that they had. Our first meeting with them went much longer then we had expected and they were so happy to talk to us.  It was kind of hard to get the dad to stop talking so we could leave.  We were able to make a friendship as well as talk about the gospel and really understand what they were looking for.  That was a great night. 
We have been working with some ladies Vicky and Devota that the elders found before we came.  They are moving to the Midwest and so we really have just been helping them pack up.  They left yesterday and so we spent a good bit of time helping them move.  It was kind of sad because we really didn't get to teach them much, but I was really happy that I could help and relieve a lot of stress for them.
On Saturday we got to go to the Women Conference. I was sitting there right before it started and thinking about if my family was watching to the conference too. It was a big comfort to me, and then the conference was so fantastic.  I had a couple questions about missionary work that I thought of before the conference and every talk address all of my questions it was such a cool experience. I know that the Lord knows the thought of our hearts.  I know that he wants to tells us things and help us answer our questions, but he needs us to ask.  I am gaining such a strong testimony that if we prepare the Lord will give us so much. 
 I love you all and I know that the Lord loves you all.  I'm praying for you and I know that he is there for us.
Enjoying the Journey,
Love Sister Allred

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