Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Dear Family,
It has been a crazy P-day, which is why I'm righting so late.  Once every 2 transfers we get to go to the temple.  We got up this morning and went to the the 9 am session at the San Diego.  OH MY GOSH!! it is such a pretty temple.  One of our most wonderful members took us and she works at the temple so she took us through one of the sealing rooms and it was just so pretty.  I loved it.  I love going to the temple.  I walked out just feeling so good and thankful.  I know that the work that I'm doing is directed by our Heavenly Father.  He knows our lives and he directs us so we can return to him. 
Yesterday was Halloween, and it was a bit of a slow day for us.  We had dinner with a couple of families from our ward before they all went out trick or treating but we basically had to snarf our food because it wasn't quite done when we got there and our mission president told us that we had to be in our apartment by 6pm.  We spent the night in the apartment and that was nice-  Elder Edwards got released from being an assistant last transfer and came to our zone so we all know him.  It was his birthday, so the zone leaders spent most of the night trying to coordinate a conference call so the whole zone could sing him happy birthday.  After a lot of trial and error we got the whole zone on the phone and then we called Elder Edwards.  He and his companion didn' pick up the phone.  It was the worst timing ever, but we sang to the voice message anyway, mostly I think because the zone leaders didn't want to go through that again. 
It's been a good week.  We have been able to meet with a ton of less actives we were trying to get a hold of and we are seeing a lot of really good progress with them.  That is really exciting.  Also they are part member families and we may start teaching their nonmember significant others pretty soon.  We are still working with the Alikhani Family, but not being able to meet regularly has been difficult.  I hope that things will pick up as it gets closer to their baptism. 
We went to zone leader council on Friday.  That was an awesome experience although I did feel like I got invited to this exclusive club that I will never be a member of.  That's okay we got some amazing training from the assistants and president cook that I really think was inspired.  I love the way the lord works because he works in such simple but significant ways.  The biggest part of the training was when the assistants gave us a calender and wanted to plan out everything that we need to do for our investigators with a baptismal date to get the ready to be baptized.  It was so simple, but the small things that they told us to do I think will really help.  Now we have to go out and teach the rest of the missionaries and that makes me a little nervous.
I have exchanges tomorrow.  I'm super nervous because I don't really like the idea of leaving sister Bean, even for a day, but on the other hand I am so excited to meet and learn from other amazing sisters.  It will definitely be a crazy experience. 
I think that is is for this week.  I love you all and hopefully I'll have time to write some more letters today. 
Love Sister Allred

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