This week I have really felt like my identity was being threatened. I don't mean a "Who am I?" identity crisis. Rather I found I had less and less documentation that I was born.
It all started with my wallet. One day I realized that I didn't know where my wallet was. I wasn't to worried because it would surface sometime and I also am really good at finding thing, I am second only mom. Some siblings may disagree, but it's true. Anyway I wasn't worried about my wallet.
Well Sunday I was sitting at a fireside and suddenly I got very worried. It had been a week. Well that started the frantic searches all through the house and in all the cars. Mom couldn't even find it and that really convinced me that I had a problem.
I gave up. It was as simple as that. So I started the process of replacing the things in my wallet. First, my licence. I had to bring my social security card and my birth certificate to the MVA. Mom and I spent two hours looking for them. I found most of my report cards from high school, but no birth certificate. I really was a very good student.
I was so frustrated. I had nothing official that said I existed. Eldon and Deborah use to tell me that I was really from Mars, and was dropped at their door step. I was starting to believe it.
While I was deep in the depth of despair, dad found my birth certificate and social security card. Hallelujah!! Perfect timing, because mom told me that she was going to start taking my pictures down. Like I was really disappearing.
What cute pictures! If you ever do loose all of your documentation come on over...we want you as a member of our family, I'm sure we could find a way to "make up" some documentation for you with the RIGHT last name.
Just so all of Tressa's Readers know...She found her wallet yesterday in our little sister's winter coat pocket.
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