For the past week or so, I have been thinking about comfort items. I have been watching Deborah helping a friend with some problems. Our friend has been in serious need of comfort, Deborah has been in needed comfort, actually everyone involved needs some comfort.
That is why I'm so glad Heavenly Father helps us out. He not only gave us The Comforter, which does more for us then I can say, but he also put things, and people in our life who can make us feel better. I've come up with my list of comfort objects and thought I would share.
First is Big Bear. I got him when I was like three, and he has held the honorary spot on my bed every day since then. Actually for along time I proffered using him for my pillow, instead of the fluffy one, that mom provided. I've noticed that when I'm stressed or sad I fall asleep holding him tight to me. Any way I'm so thankful for my stuffed animal that I can squeeze until all my worries are gone.
Second is my family, but especially my mom and dad. There are a whole lot of different personalities in my family. I thin
k this is perfect, because there is usually someone who can say the right thing to make me feel better. Mom is really good at making me feel better because she knows me really well. She can make me laugh at what ever situation I'm in. Dad makes me feel better because he has so much wisdom. He is such a strong priesthood leader in our home. He makes me feel better in another way too. Only the reason really makes my vanity feel better. Dad thinks I'm really funny. I mean HI-larious! I like it when people think I'm funny. I mean the world might be coming to an end, but hey it can't be too bad cause someone thinks I'm funny. It's all good to me.
Before I talk about my third comfort source I would just like to say I wanted to write about them first, but Deborah posted before me. My third source of comfort is an amazing family in our ward. They are some of the best people in our ward. Their six boy are so cute and so much fun that I just love being around them. I'm never sure what their dad is going to say to me, but once he finishes teasing me, or sometimes in between the teasing, he gives me something really nice to think about. Finally their mom. She really in an angel on earth. Its as simple as that. An angel.
About a week or so ago, I went over to there house for dinner and a little comfort. Their mom
had explained to the three year old that I was sad and hurt in my heart. After dinner he came to me and asked where my boo-boo was. He wanted to kiss it to make it better. What
he didn't know was that walking into his house had made it feel better already.
What a way to make me cry. I wish that I could tell you how much you mean to us. We love our Tressa and would love it if we could just keep you forever!
Well put tress. I love you! And you are one of my comfort items!
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