Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Our Little House Guest

We have had some house guests with us, the past couple of days. Dani and her seven year old daughter, Anita. Anita is quite the little girl. It has been really differnt seeing our day to day life through the eyes of a seven year old. Suddenly reading a Jane Austen book all day is considered boring. Wierd.

She watched me look at the differnet blogs i go to and wanted me to post about her. Well right now see lost interest in the blog and is rockin' out with Deborah's camera. Shhh. Don't tell Deborah.

This is when Anita and I went to the mall on friday night. She loved trying on tons of new outfits, even though I was very clear on my poverty status.

She is currently suffering from a cold. She has had it for adout four days now. I think she might be going a little cazy being shut up in the house for a couple days. Get well soon Anita!

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