Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I'm A Big Kid Now?

Wow, I have a blog. I feel a little uncomfortable in this new territory, but I most admit I have a blog. How do I start? I guess I'll introduce myself.

My name is Tressa Lee Allred. If you are reading this you probably already know all of this information, but indulge me. I love a good introduction. I am eighteen, and have very recently been kicked out of high school. When I say kicked out, I mean I grabbed my diploma and then went running and screaming. I'm going to BYU-I in January, and I am so excited. I am a little worried about the lack of sweaters in my wardrobe, but that is another story.

To pass the months anyway until I go away to college, I have got a job. I am a nanny. Yes, a glorified babysitter. I look after an 11 month little boy. The family lives in Alexandria Virginia which means I now live in Alexandria Virginia.

I'm feeling very grown up right now. I've got a job, that I got all by myself. I am living in an apartment that I found all by myself. I have a check book for Pete's sake! For the past month I've had the "I'm a big kid now!" jingle running through my head.

Well, to clarify this grown up feeling, I don't actually feel grown up. I just feel like I'm doing a very good job at pretending to be grown up. I internally laugh when ever I heard someone say I am so old now, because if this is what it feels like to be an adult, somebody goofed.

I thought grown ups were supposed to know everything. This grand knowledge was just supposed to come to them. Did I miss the memo, because for all of my pretending, I do not have the eternal knowledge that grown ups are supposed to have.

I don't know what that flashing light in my car means. I can't distinguish between stalactite and stalagmite. And I'm still terrified to go inside a bank.

If this is how all adults feel than, I guess I didn't know that the world is being run by a bunch of little kids in really big bodies. I really do think someone goofed.

Once again that jingle runs through my head, "I'm a big kid now!"


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