Saturday, May 14, 2011

I Knew I Forgot Something...

As a nanny, I'm pretty use to the looks you get when you walk around with a little baby toddling after you. You get looks like, "Aw how adorable." "Isn't that the cutest thing you have ever seen?" Sometimes it's a little awkward but I'll be honest, sometimes I love the attention. Yes, sometimes I pretend they think I 'm the cute one and not the baby, but that is not the point of this blog.

The other day I took my baby to get a hair cut and met his dad at the barber shop. They decided to wait there for the mom, while I was free to return to the apartment because it was my ending time. As I walked the couple of blocks home pushing the empty stroller I got the weirdest looks. People would look into the stroller expectantly and then look up and me with alarm, and then in panic look back at the ground.

I imagine the looks would be similar to if I walked out of the apartment without any pants. I could see that they were thinking, "Oh no she forgot her baby. Should I tell her? No, maybe she meant to..." At first I thought it was hilarious and really wanted someone to mention my missing baby so I could frantically look into the stroller and say, "What? Oh no! I knew I forgot to bring something. I just thought it was the diaper bag."

After the first 4 block I got a little fed up with the judgement and wanted to start shouting, "Come on people! I didn't forget my baby. I'm a darn good nanny. He's safe. He's happy. I only let him eat a little dirt today."

1 comment:

Deborah said...

You are funny! I love and miss you!