Friday we headed out to Target to buy some chalk, and then go to the park. As we were about to head out the I remembered my mom telling me, "There are some battles worth fighting. If it isn't worth it, don't fight it." I decided this wasn't worth it.
Here is our fun at the park. We had flowers and rainbows, and polka dot snakes. We played a mean game of hopscotch on till the 8 year old lost her lucky rock. We decided that one of the lost boys probably took it and then her gave it to Peter Pan. Secretly i blame the 3 year old.
We collected a bunch of rolly pollies and I sang "Little Black Things"
And then we took a couple beauty shots.
For the next to days we hung around the house, watched TV, and played a lot of Uno. Every now and then we broke out the camera again. This is the average photography inspiration.
One of the high lights that day was when the 8 year old decided to make us a snack. After hearing what she had in mind, namely making it up as she went along, I decided to supervise.
The recipe of our snack
1st Boil peanut butter in water, until it simmer down to a paste.
2nd Add crumbled butter crackers and chocolate teddy grahams.
3rd Decide it's to thick and add more water.
4th Add honey
4th Add honey
Serve while hot, with popcorn. It is actually surprisingly good. The teddy grahams were soggy but once you get past that, I enjoyed it.
After church we went to my mom's house to have dinner. Our main course was Hawaiian Haystacks. Of course, if my mom does something fun, it is always done with flair. As we came into the kitchen, ready to eat dinner, we saw a beautifully laid table and Haywain leis for the girls. They also found cute little post its shaped in the first letter of their name. It was so fun to see how much they loved it. Later that night, when their parents came home, that was the first thing that they started talking about.
It was a really fun weekend and I know that we all had fun together. It was also fun to see their reactions to when their parents came home. In a word, "Hurray."