Deborah told me that there are days in Rexburg where you experience all four seasons in the course of the day. It's true. I secretly thought that once winter semester was over, I'd be done with bizarre weather patterns. I was very wrong.
We have been experiencing rain. I mean lots of rain. Now that's not the weird thing. The weird thing is you never know when its coming, and your never know when its going to go. for the last couple storms, the
rain has come in an instant. And while we stand outside in the rain we look out into the sky and see blue sky.
One day it began to rain and hale at our dorm. I looked out at the Taylor building, which is a three minute walk form where I live, and saw to my amazement blue sky and clouds so white and fluffy they seem to only be there fo
r decoration.
Honestly its kind of fun. I mean I'll be walking to class and get sprinkles in the face. I won't know if its from the sprinklers, or the rain. It adds a little mystery to life.