Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Work Work Work

Dear Family,
This week has been so fast that I'm more then a little shocked that I am sitting at the computer writing again.  Sorry for writing late today.  We just got back from the  temple.  We have been looking forward to going to the temple for about 2 weeks now and it wasn't a disappointment.  I'm really grateful for the temple and the sweet spirit that is there.  Sister Campbell and I were talking about it this week when we left a lesson with a less active.  She was way to concerned with how everything was created and whether or not we came from cavemen.  I have no answers to those questions but I just kept wanting to say "Just go to the temple.  You'll understand."  When I said that out loud I realized that in actuality I understand very little about the temple.  It hasn't dramatically increased my understanding of the universe all that much.  The difference is that when we were talking to her about her theories there were so many fuzzy lines and unanswerable questions-  almost this feeling of  mist.  In the temple I still have a lot of questions but I also have a quiet assurance that, "Yes this is right." 
Anyway a ton has happened this week. On Tuesday we picked up a new investigator, and I'm really excited about her because I really think that she will do so well in the gospel.  She needs what the Savior has to offer.  Well, I guess we all do.  Then, we had a lesson with our couple with a baptismal date.  The husband said he wasn't sure if he wanted to get baptized or not.  I could tell that this really hurt his family, and the house has been tense since then.  Anyway, Sister Campbell walked out of the lesson not to worried.  We really do know that he will be getting baptized.  I'm just sad because it seems like everyone else is worried more then they need to be.  As a result we feel like we have been running around the ward doing damage control, giving diplomatic answers about their progress and trying to politely ask people not to randomly call and give spiritual advice.  This is a very loving ward.  Anyway, we have  had a few lessons with the couple since then and they are still really interested in learning more.  They are progressing, and we are excited about them. 
Okay so embarrassing moment if the week!  We had a  lesson with a girl in the ward that we meet with every week.  I love this girl and she is like one of my best friends but I think we have reached a whole new level of familiarity that is now inappropriate.  So Thursday we had a lesson with her and then we left.  We walked down the street to talk to a family and about 10  minutes later we got to the car and I realized that we had left the keys in her house.  We stood at her open window for a little bit calling her name. Then we started knocking.  Then we called and texted her.  We had to go and so finally I thought, "Well she did say whenever we need something and she isn't there- just come on in."  The door was unlocked.  So, like the creepers that we are we walked into her house to  quickly grab our keys at the precise moment she came running out to yell at her dogs for barking in not much more then her birthday suit.  We didn't see anything but still I think we probably should have walked to our next appt.  I'm just really glad we weren't elders!
Sunday was very weird day.  Our Sundays are turning into these really intense marathons where we sprint around greeting and directing and who knows what else.  It's actually a pretty good thing because that means that there is work to be done in the area. Anyway we started out stopping by a few of our investigators to make sure that they were coming to church, only to find out that none of them were coming for various reasons ranging from- "My dad just died" to "I don't want to go today and I'm going to be stubborn about this."  So we got to church already exhausted and feeling kind of low because none of our investigators we at church.  Then as I sat down I was absolutely amazed to see a part member family sitting on one corner, a former investigator sitting in the back, a nonmember son of a dear sister in the ward and then a man who had just walked into church last week wanting to know more!  Holy Cow!  we were just so busy all day.  
We had zone conference yesterday that it was great because it was all about faith.  Usually we talk about techniques or skills but yesterday was, "What is faith and how do we help it grow."  I loved it.  Then we had a family home evening with some investigators.  Geesh.  It has been a while since I've done a family home evening and it was exhausting!  Our investigator said he wanted to do it right, even having a song in the beginning and so we sang a very bad rendition of battle hymn of the republic.  Then our lesson and game was utter chaos.  I really do think that he experienced a real family home evening. 
Well I love you all.  Thank you for the emails and the prayers.
Sister Allred

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